can shi

Chapter 485 Seal Yuran

Let's say that Zhao Xin saw the red knife rushing around and hurriedly spread Zhenyuan all over his body. The long gun waved a gun curtain in front of him, trying to give this knife to the next.

However, Zhao Xin looked too little at Huangfu Yuran's current strength and state, and this could not be easily taken over. With a "bang" sound, the knifemang hit Zhao Xin's body, not the long gun in Zhao Xin's hand.

Zhao Xin couldn't believe looking at the long gun in his hand. His throat opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body gradually withered to the ground. In the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhao Xin's body gradually melted into the ground and disappeared.

Lin Susu also saw this scene in her eyes. Naturally, she knew that Huangfu Yuran made an unconscious move, and Zhao Xin was indeed seriously injured. She can understand Zhao Xin's integration into the ground. He has returned to the underworld. I'm afraid only Pluto can cure the injury.

Huangfu Yuran's killing continued, but when everyone saw Huangfu Yuran's state, they chose to retreat. Although it may not be able to avoid Huangfu Yuran's deadly attack, it is relatively safer to stay away.

Huangfu Yuran summoned the undead army, and with the benefit of the soul-killing knife, the speed of killing far exceeded the speed of the people around him retreated. If he continues like this, I'm afraid that few people present will survive.

Knowing that there would be a big trouble, no one could stop this red-eyed demon. Linger was also a little panicked. She had also seen Huangfu Yuran become enchanted, but it was not as serious as it is now. Linger frowned and said to Qingyu, "Uncle, save Yuran..."

Qingyu squinted at Huangfu Yuran killing there, and just shook his head gently and said, "Save him? Isn't he fine now? How can I save him? Moreover, Yuran has become like this and has nothing to do with these people. Let him kill him!"

Since the only person who has the strength to stop Huangfu Yuran has said so, it also means that the house exchange stocks will still be killed so crazily, and the generals in the underworld present have been taken away by Lin Susu. Linger and others also retreated to one side under the leadership of light rain. Didn't they want to kill Huangfu Yuran? Give them a chance to kill now.

The strange thing is that Huangfu Yuran's killing did not scream at all. He only saw living people break into many pieces in the blink of an eye. In an flash, the ground had been covered with blood, and the heavy bloodiness made Huangfu Yuran more excited, and the bloodthirsty light in his eyes was even more intense.

I don't know how long it has passed. Huangfu Yuran showed no sign of stopping and killed faster and faster. Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the sky: "Villain, when will you wait if you don't stop?" The sound was obviously clear, and everyone's hearts were shocked and they looked up at the sky.

Huangfu Yuran also stopped the movement of his hand, but he just frowned and turned to kill the crowd. A white light flashed in the sky, and a white light rushed down and tied it to Huangfu Yuran's wrist with a knife. And the other end of the light was indeed grasped by an old man floating in the sky. The old man's face was indifferent and he couldn't see any expression.

Linger and other free disciples felt a group of inexplicable familiarity with the old man, and then the two people who appeared behind the old man made the people present no longer calm down. If the most famous practitioners of this generation in the world fell in love with Qinglingzi and Ouyang who soared not long ago, they did fall from the air at the same time.

But the old man holding the light in his hand waved his hand and threw down the light in his hand, and the light fell and tied Huangfu Yuran's whole body into a dumpling.

Huangfu Yuran was tied with an explanation and struggled there angrily, but he obviously felt that the thing tied to him, and the more he struggled, the tighter he became. And the remnant soul-shalling knife also seemed to be a little afraid of these breaths. When Huangfu Yuran's hand was pulled, it had already penetrated into Huangfu Yuran's body.

Qing Lingzi and Ouyang slowly floated down with the old man. The three stood beside Huangfu Yuran and looked around the people around. Finally, Qing Lingzi stopped his eyes on Qingyu not far away, shook his head and sighed, "I didn't expect you to follow him to fool around!"

Qingyu originally respected this head brother like his father and brother. Hearing Qing Lingzi's disappointed tone, Qingyu lowered his head with a little guilt. But after thinking about it, he looked up at Qing Lingzi and said, "The light rain is just talking about things. How can this be regarded as nonsense?"

Qinglingzi wanted to say something, but was stopped by the white-haired old man. The white-haired old man looked at the light rain and nodded and said with admiration, "Yes, this is the descendant of my Xiaoyaozi, who is not moved by others. Not bad..."

"What? Are you the free...master? This..." Qingyu was stunned, and others were also stunned. The legendary founder of the Xiaoyao faction actually saw it here.

Xiaoyaozi waved his hand and said, "Huangfu Yuran disrupted the order of the cultivation world and aroused the anger of the fairy world. The three of us came to seal him."

"When will the fairyland be able to intervene in the affairs of the real world? If you want to seal the young master, ask us first!" * He shouted angrily and spit out a head-sized fireball and hit the first Xiaoyaozi.

Xiaoyaozi did not move, but a water curtain appeared in front of him, blocking the fireball of *. At the same time, a woman's cold voice came: "Fire phoenix, don't be rude! Why don't you retreat?"

With this sound, five people appeared behind Xiaoyaozi, exuding the majesty of the mythical beast. Seeing the appearance of these five people, all the holy beasts and spirit beasts bowed their heads and dared not make any more movements.

Xiaoyaozi turned around and looked at Huangfu Yuran, who was tied up by himself, but was too quiet at this time. He asked softly, "Kid, now you will be eternally sealed by us, but what else do you have to say?"

But Huangfu Yuran's current state... Huangfu Yuran's eyes were red, but at this time, he stared at Ouyangqing on one side and roared coldly, "One day, I will definitely kill you!"

Xiaoyaozi was obviously stunned for a moment. Although he understood why Huangfu Yuran was so angry, he couldn't say more. He waved his hand and whispered, "Three array seals, Bai Ze, please add another layer of five-line array seal to it to ensure that there is no mistake."

Bai Ze's eyes trembled, nodded and flew into the sky with the other four people. In a roar, the five mythical beasts all showed their real bodies. Xiaoyaozi and the three also stood in three directions, each stretching out one hand and directly implicated Zhenyuan to Huangfu Yuran in the middle.

followed by the five mythical beasts such as Bai Ze, whose five different colors of light were also connected to Huangfu Yuran. This is the so-called seal. Huangfu Yuran also stopped struggling and slowly closed his eyes. Since he had shocked the fairyland, his resistance seemed to be futile.

Leng Lingxue trembled her shoulders with some excitement. If Linger hadn't pulled her, she would have rushed to find Xiaoyaozi and others desperately.

Looking at Huangfu Yuran, who changed his eyes and closed his eyes, Qing Lingzi actually felt compassionate and secretly made some tampers in Zhenyuan. Xiaoyaozi on the other side just opened his eyes and looked at Qinglingzi gently and shook his head without saying anything more.

And Bai Ze, who was in the middle of the five elements array, thought that the matter he entrusted to Huangfu Yuran had not been completed, so how could he seal him like this? Bai Ze also saw the same Qinglingzi's small movements in his eyes and quietly withdrew some of Zhenyuan.

In the entangled expression of Linger and others, in the expectant's eyes, Huangfu Yuran was compressed into a fist-sized photosphere by the bondage of nearly ten true yuan. Under Xiaoyaozi's control, the photosphere was slowly put under the ground and disappeared. Qing Lingzi pasted two runes on the place where the light ball disappeared, and didn't know what it was for.

After doing this, Xiaoyaozi turned around and looked around the crowd and said, "You can go and take care of yourself. From now on, these 100,000 mountains will be a forbidden place in the world of cultivation, and practitioners are not allowed to take half a step! Go ahead!" These practitioners have long wanted to leave this place. After listening to Xiaoyaozi's words, they all disappeared like an amnesty.

For a while, all that remained in the whole site was those who followed Huangfu Yuran, as well as a group of holy beasts and spirit beasts. Xiaoyaozi nodded to Qinglingzi, and Qinglingzi walked to Qingyu and said, "Sister, this... will be handed over to you. Take good care of this seal and don't allow anyone to approach it."

"Well, Qingyu understands, but how long will it take to seal him?" Qingyu answered and agreed, but wondered how long Yuran would be sealed.

"This is the eternal seal. He will never come out of the seal unless... Don't think about it, just guard the seal here!" With that, he turned around and walked back to Xiaoyaozi, but the hand behind him still stretched out three fingers and shook it to Qingyu and others.

"Three...30 years? Um..." Qingyu frowned gently and looked at Qing Lingzi's hand behind him doubtfully, puzzled...

Bai Ze and other five mythical beasts also turned into human beings again. Bai Ze turned to Phoenix and said, "Phoenix, you are guarding this place, but anyone who enters 100,000 mountains in the world of cultivation will not be forgiven!" When Bai Ze said this, there was already a trace of murderousness on his body.

Phoenix lowered his head and answered, "Phoenix will obey!" Without Bai Ze's order, Phoenix will also protect this place properly.

Xiaoyaozi waved his hand and set a ban on the spiritual charm attached to the ground, and then waved a strong wind, sending all the Linger and the spirit beasts out of this bloody place.

Then under the leadership of Qing Lingzi, the three people and five mythical beasts stepped on Xiangyun Ranran floated up. With the departure of several people, the ban set by Xiaoyaozi was slowly getting bigger. Finally, the bloody land was wrapped up, and there seemed to be a faint streamer flowing on it.