can wu wei zun

Chapter 59 Caught in the Tiger's Lair

Bow Yi's journey of seeking elixir is indeed as rough as expected. Although Qin Aiyang's filial piety to Bow Yi is very moved, this cannot be the reason for him to give poison-eating elixir to Gong Yi. So he put forward the conditions for the Bow Game to form an alliance between the Bodhibird clan and the Qin family.

At first glance, Gong Yi also hesitated and sighed that Jiang was still old and spicy, or it was not too much to describe Qin Aiyang as old and cunning. Qin Aiyang naturally understood that the Tang family and the Zhou family sent young masters in the family to plot against the Qin family at the same time. This is definitely a long-planned plan, although now it is ostensibly Qin The confrontation between the family and the Tang family, but who can guarantee that the Zhou family will completely look coldly on this matter? So he was eager to find an ally and tie it to his chariot.

Now that there are only 13 days left for Pu Wei to give Gong Yi, how can Gong Yi not be anxious? Qin Aiyang's conditions made it difficult for him. After all, Pu Yang was his brother. He didn't want his brother's clan to be involved in the whirlpool of Zhongzhou, but he had no choice. Although he knew that this matter was difficult, he gritted his teeth and said to Qin Aiyang sitting above, "The boy will do his best to promote your two families to form an alliance."

"Well, after it's done, in addition to giving you a poison elixir, I would like to thank you, but if you can't convince the people of the Bodhibird family, you don't have to come back." Pu Yang's words have forced Gong Yi into a "dead situation".

Only success is allowed, not failure. This is what Gong Yi said to himself when he left the gate of the Qin family.


The merchant, also one of the top ten cultivation families in Zhongzhou, looks very haggard at this moment. She has been under house arrest here for nearly 16 years.

"What, you mean that the family has sent young masters to catch the bow game." The woman asked in panic at a man in front of her. The man was her brother and the only trustworthy person in the family.

"That's right, but sister, are you so sure that this teenager named Gong Yi is your son?" The man was puzzled.

"I'm sure that when I was with Gonglin," the woman's face looked like a girl, and then she felt lost her composure, blushed, and continued to say, "He told me at that time that his family seemed to have something to do with a divine bow, but he didn't know what it was. Now the secret of this teenager related to the sun-shooting bow is also from the Daxia Kingdom in the eastern part of the mainland, and his surname is Bow. Who else would he be if it weren't my child? The woman was a little excited and sad. Yes, soon after the child was one month old, she was forcibly captured by the family and never saw her own son again. I don't know how tall he is and how tall he is.

Seeing his sister like this, the man also shook his head helplessly, but then said firmly, "Don't worry, sister, I will try my best to let your mother and son meet."

After listening to her brother's words, the woman couldn't stand it any longer, and two lines of tears slowly flowed down her cheeks.


Bow Yi was very anxious. After leaving the Qin family, he stepped on the shadow to chase the wind and rushed to the Yunwu Mountains. He also heard that there are another gathering of masters in the Yunwu Mountains, but he had to go back. At this speed, he had to walk for nearly six days. If he encountered any obstacles on the way, he did not know How long will it take?

Two days later, Gong Yi came to the outer area of the Cloud Mountains.

"Who is it?" Gong Yi, who was on his way, suddenly heard a shout, but he had no time to ignore it and continued to move forward.

"This is my merchant's guard, and others, please take a detour." The man ignored Gong Yi and explained, but there was obviously a high meaning of the rich family in his words. It turned out that after the masters of major forces came to the Yunwu Mountains, conflicts often broke out, and all parties were injured. Therefore, everyone agreed that each party should guard one place to avoid another bloodshed, but such a verbal agreement could obviously take effect before the bow game was discovered.

"Merchant!" Gong Yi's heart was shocked. In the space passage that came to Zhongzhou, Zhao Weiyang had already said that his mother was a Zhongzhou merchant and had a special identity. He warned Gong Yi not to try not to have a grudge with the merchants in the future to avoid more trouble in the future. At this moment, he heard that the merchant was here and planned to take a detour. He arched his hand and said, "In that case, change the road." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, this little brother, the passages into the Yunwu Mountains have long been controlled by major forces. How do you get in?" A handsome man who looked about 20 years old came out of the temporary account of the merchant.

Gong Yi secretly said trouble. If it is really like what the beautiful man in front of him said, I'm afraid there will be no choice but to make a hard journey. After all, Master's life can't be delayed.

Just as Gong Yi was hesitant and in a dilemma, the man said, "Well, as soon as I see my little brother, it's better to make the decision and give you a convenience, and let the little brother enter from my business. Did the little brother also come for that bow game?

"Thank you so much, big brother, but I'm not here for the bow game, but to look for precious medicinal herbs in the mountains." Gong Yi had already thought about the answer when he met other people's interrogation on the way here. At the same time, he also had a great impression of the beautiful man in front of him and thought to himself: It seems that the people in the merchant are still easy to get along with.

"So that's it. The little brother is willing to have a few drinks with me. Anyway, it's getting late today. Why don't you get up early tomorrow and go to the mountain?" The man invited enthusiastically, and it was not easy for Gong Yi to refuse, so he had to agree. The man stretched out his hand and made a gesture to let the bow enter first.

As soon as he entered the tent, Gong Yi saw more than a dozen people in the tent. When these people saw him come in, they all stared at him coldly, contrary to the enthusiasm of the man just now. Suddenly, Gong Yi felt a murderous atmosphere permeated in the tent, which was his innate alertness to danger.

The "bad" bow game suddenly sensed that this was a trap. He hurried to the door.

"Stay!" Just now, the man was like a different person. The smile on his face that was like a spring breeze has been completely replaced by a kind of indifference. He slapped Gong Yi's head and wanted to stop Gong Yi at the entrance of the tent.

Gong Yi's eyes are like electricity, and his heart is like a mirror. He knows that if he is slightly blocked and slows down, he will be surrounded by the people in the account and the man in front of him and can't get out. The spiritual power surged all over his body, and the black robe agitated. At this moment, Gong Yi directly raised the potential in his body to the highest mental state. Because he wanted to hide his identity, Gong Yi's sword was still placed in the storage ring by him. He put a six-shaped shape in his right hand, stepped on his right foot, and at the same time, the two fingers stretched out to the waist and ribs of the man blocking the tent.

The man didn't expect that Gong Yi was so fierce that he only had a slight side of his body to avoid the key point of his head, but this palm was enough to easily destroy the left shoulder of Gong Yi, but the man did not dare to do so, because he saw that Gong Yi's two fingers were against each other. With his waist, the waist of the human body is extremely fragile, and an ordinary person can't stand it. What's more, even if a strong man like Gongyi is many times stronger than ordinary people, he dares not let others attack places where his body is relatively fragile. In desperation, his body flashed to the left and dodged the killer of Gong Yi, but his palm could not hit Gong Yi's shoulder, which meant that his plan to block Gong Yi at the door was bankrupt. The bow game shot like an arrow through this gap body.

The man was extremely depressed. Judging from the momentum that Gong Yi could release just now, his cultivation was obviously not as good as his own, but the teenager used almost desperate play, forcing him to avoid his front. The rest of the account were also annoyed and did not think that the man did not act at all. When they chased out of the account, they could no longer see Gong Yi's figure.

As soon as Gong Yifu left the tiger's den, he swept away in the other direction as fast as possible. He finally realized what a low-level mistake he had made. Nowadays, all the entrances of the Yunwu Mountains are controlled by major forces. In this form, who dares to go to the mountains to collect medicine? Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Gong Yi sighed that he was still inexperienced in the world and was almost captured.

"Lord Bow, it turns out that you are here." With the sound of words, a monk with a crescent shovel came in the air.