can wu wei zun

Chapter 68 Huang Jiaqiu Butterfly

The sudden change in Yu Feilong's tone made several people in the Star Hall feel frightened. The temperature in the room suddenly dropped, and several people could already see the white breath they exhaled.

Such a hand made several people feel the horror of the one-armed old man in front of them. Even the rosefinch can't keep calm. A few days ago, she saw that Pu Wei was helpless. Today, she saw the old man again. In front of him, she was like a boat on the sea. In the wind and rain, she might overturn at any time. Zhuque once again felt that his cultivation was insufficient, and his former pride was gone. He thought that after picking the Jiang family in Zhongzhou, his prestige had soared, and basically no one dared to offend them. However, the two peerless strong men she met these days made her frustrated and have a sense of frustration that she did not practice hard for 30 or 50 years and had no face to reappear in the world.

Yu Feilong showed such superior kung fu, the purpose of which was to deter each other. Seeing the faces of several people, he knew that the goal had been achieved, and continued, "I will spare your lives today, and I can't make any trouble with you little shrimps. But before the sun sets today, if you don't leave Zhongzhou, I will definitely tell you to die in a different place. Go back and tell you the Lord, and say that I sent him a sentence - sometimes there must be something in my life, and there is no time to force it. After saying these words, he ignored several people's reactions. Yu Feilong dodged, because he knew that these people would definitely leave obediently.

Seeing the one-armed old man disappear in front of him, several people's tense nerves finally loosened. For a short time, although there was no fight, they were all exhausted as if they had just experienced a big war. Sitting there deridly.

After a long time, the rosefinch slowly spit out two words: "Go back."


"Old Zen Buddhism is universal wisdom, please meet the head of your school, and bother the donor to inform you." Outside the mountain gate of Huangquan faction, Puzhi said politely to the guards of the mountain gate.

In a while, more than ten people came down from the mountain. Before they came in front of them, they heard the voice first: "The abbot of Zen came to visit in person and never greeted him far away. I hope he will forgive him." When he first opened his mouth, although he was far away, by the time he finished saying this, more than ten people had come to Puzhi and the other three. It can be seen that these people are all skilled people.

is led by a middle-aged man in a yellow robe. Of course, many practitioners are good at their appearance and cannot distinguish their age by their appearance alone.

"Huang Laoshi, the head of the Huangquan faction, led the crowd to welcome him, and the old man was very face-to-faced, haha." Puzhi laughed and said that the leading Huangpao was Huang Tianwen, the leader of the Huangquan faction.

"Father, I heard that there are guests coming. It must be a big man who needs you to greet him in person. I have to see it." After the naughty voice came, a beautiful woman in a goose yellow dress flew over and came to Huang Tianwen.

"Qiu Die, in front of the master, don't be rude." Huang Tian scolded, but he looked doting. Then he said to Puzhi, "Little girl Qiudie, don't know the rules, don't blame the master."

"Oh, is that you?" Huang Qiudie looked at Gong Yi in surprise and seemed to have recognized it for a long time.

As soon as he heard the woman's voice just now, Gong Yi judged that this woman was the black-faced Huangquan disciple who helped by himself outside the Yunwu Mountains that day.

"Gong Yi met Miss. It's been more than a month since we met again today. Hello, Miss." Gong Yi smiled and said

As soon as the two words "bow game" were out, the people present, except for Puzhi and Huiyi, turned their eyes to Gongyi, and they all thought to themselves: This is the teenager with the secret of shooting the sun bow. But Huang Tianwen didn't understand how he knew his youngest daughter.

"Father, it was he who helped me that day that I killed the rogue of the Jiang family." Just as Huang Tian asked with doubts, Huang Qiudie took the lead in explaining it. Although the bow game was fast that day, it did not hide it from her eyes.

"So that's it," Huang Tian asked secretly, and then made a gesture of invitation with his right hand, "How about asking the masters to go up the mountain for a cup of hot tea first?"

"Okay, Lord Huang, please." Puzhi nodded, and then seemed to look at Gong Yi inadvertently.

"So you are Gong Yi. I didn't want to arrest you that day. I just heard that many young masters have passed by. I just want to join in the fun and suffocate on the mountain every day."

"I didn't expect that so many people arrested you, and you could still be safe and sound all day long. It's really amazing. If I had a headache earlier." Huang Qiudie and Gong Yi walked at the end. The girl was lively and cute and chattered around Gong Yi. She is about the same age as Gong Yi, and Gong Yi has helped her, so the first meeting is not good.

"Miss Huang, in fact, we have something to ask for this time." Gong Yi said in a low voice.

"I know you're definitely not trying to come to see me. What's going on? Let's see how I can help. I'm very friends." Huang Qiudie curled her lips and said.

With Huang Qiudie's personality in his eyes, Gongyi looked at it like a little sister and said, "It's a great honor for me to be friends with Miss Huang..."

"What a glorious honor" was interrupted by Huang Qiudie before he finished his words: "If you think I'm a friend, don't call me Miss Huang, just call me Xiaodie. What do I call you?" Huang Qiudie fell into meditation.

Bow Yi secretly said: It's really a child's heart. But he forgot that he was also a child, but his childhood experience made him much more mature than his peers. Seeing Huang Qiudie like this, he casually said, "Just call me Bow."

"Bow? What a strange name, hey, well, what did you just say to me? Huang Qiudie asked.

Gong Yi thought that he could come back and said with a smile, "Well, we are here to form a private alliance with your faction to deal with the Proud Sword Alliance, and hope that Miss can say a few good words in front of your father."

"Aojian League, I also heard from my father that there were a group of rogues of the Jiang family in there." On that day, her men were teased by a person from the Jiang family. She actually brought the Jiang family into the ranks of "stinky hooligans", which was really funny. Huang Qiudie thought for a moment and said, "Although our Huangquan faction belongs to the same origin as the Tianshi faction there, it is also incompatible. I believe that my father will also approve of this matter. If my father disagrees for a while, I will say good words for you. Who calls us to be friends?"

"Thank you so much, Miss Huang." Gong Yi didn't expect it to be so smooth.

"Do you still call me Miss?" Huang Qiudie said angrily.

"Oh, little butterfly." Gong Yi hurriedly changed his words.

"It's almost the same." Huang Qiudie said with a smile that this change of face is faster than changing the sky.

From the foot of the mountain to the mountain, Gong Yi enjoyed the scenery along the way. Originally, he thought that the name of Huangquan School must be ghostly on the mountain, but the scenery in front of him was completely opposite to his imagination. On both sides of the mountain road, there were green flowers and grass flying. On the lush trees, you can see beautiful birds playing back and forth, and occasionally you can see some small animals on both sides of the mountain road. It has nothing to do with the word "Huangquan" at all. But why is this sect called such a name? Is it related to the skills it has practiced?

"What are you thinking about?" Just as Gong Yi was thinking about the origin of the name of the "Huangquan School", Huang Qiudie saw the look of doubts between his eyebrows and asked.

"Nothing." Gong Yi shrugged his shoulders and said that naturally he couldn't ask this and that of other sects as soon as they met.

"Forget it." Huang Qiudie pouted and expressed her dissatisfaction.

Gong Yi looked at it and laughed in his heart. He didn't come into contact with many women, but they all had distinctive characteristics. Zhao Yaner, who is strong and unwilling to show weakness, Xia Liner, who is noble and calculating, and Qin Linger, who is smart and kind-hearted. Nowadays, this yellow autumn butterfly is described in two words in the eyes of Gongyi: naive and lively.

A woman like Huang Qiudie is the easiest to give people a sense of closeness, which makes people feel pity and wants to take care of her as her sister. But at this time, Gong Yi remembered Qin Linger, who had dated him several times, and had a strange feeling in his heart again. Is this what people call love? He doesn't know." I don't know how she went to Li's house. I hope there won't be any problems." Gong Yi prayed secretly in his heart.