can wu wei zun

Chapter 100 Amei Fawei

Bow game chased Xu Youliang with the general trend. When Xu Youliang was exhausted, he used all his strength to split a sword. This sword contained endless murderous intent. Even Xu Youliang may not be able to avoid it at his peak, not to mention that at this time, he had no fighting spirit and no strength. Therefore, his head was cut off by Bowi without any suspense.

After worshipping Sun Fufan, Gong Yi secretly sneaked into Lufeng County, because the purpose of his trip had not been achieved, and he was waiting for an opportunity.

One night passed, and at this moment, Wu Guangning in the county guard's mansion was also shocked when he listened to the report of the people below. He didn't expect Gong Yi to be so powerful. Wei Guoan, who was beside him, also seemed to lose his usual indifference. Instead of shaking the folding fan in his hand, he closed it, clenched his right hand, and looked solemn, as if he was planning something. He didn't expect that his seemingly seamless plan would come back to nothing, which only shows that he miscalculated the strength of Gongyi. At this moment, he even felt that in Lufeng County, only his eldest brother Wu Guangning could deal with Gong Yi.

Wu Guangning said, "Don't act rashly these days, otherwise the Zhu family will be blamed and we will not be able to carry it. In addition, how are Lao San's eyes?

Chen Lechu shook his head and said sadly, "Sun's dark dust stimulation caused the third brother's eyes to be seriously injured and could not be cured at all."

After listening to this, Wu Guangning also sighed deeply and said, "I think that my four brothers have been righteous for decades, and no one has dared to provoke them here. I didn't expect that the third brother has suffered this bad luck. Although Lao Si has killed his enemy, I have never swallowed this tone. I must find an opportunity to get rid of that bow game."

"The eldest brother's words are reasonable," Chen Lechu nodded and said, "The purpose of Gongyi's trip is to investigate the Zhao family tragedy more than 20 years ago. I have got the exact information that Zhu Zhiwen, the county guard of Guangcang County, has been punished by the Zhu family, and it was this person who leaked some things back then, but I still don't understand that Gong Yi came. This must be suspected that we were involved in this matter, but how did he suspect us?

"Second brother, there has never been a drop in the world. Since he suspects or has confirmed that we have participated in the events of that year, we can only cover up the water." Wei Guoan took over and said, "Besides, my Flying Eagle Gang knows that there are only four of my brothers left now. I'd like to see what ability Gong Yi has to investigate this matter."

"Terde on, be on high alert these days and don't make any omissions." Wu Guangning ordered.


The Zhu family, the head of the family, Zhu Feifeng, has a happy face and does not have any trouble because of what has happened in his sphere of influence in the past few days.

"Sir, you don't seem to care about Gong Yi. What do you think of him?" The housekeeper bowed and asked.

Zhu Feifeng looked at the housekeeper with a smile and said, "Housekeeper Yu seems to be very interested in him?"

"Ha, I just don't think it's simple."

"It's not simple, hum." Zhu Feifeng obviously disapproved of the housekeeper's words and said, "Over the years, we have seen too many young talents, but in the end, how many can really stand on the land of Zhongzhou. There is an old saying that, don't look at the fun today, be careful to pull the list in the future. This bow game relies on his own ability and thinks that the world can go. It's a joke to do anything recklessly.

"Then let him go on like this?" Yu's housekeeper asked tentatively.

Zhu Feifeng said slowly: "It's not the time to fall out with the forces behind this boy. Since the Proud Sword Alliance has thrown an olive branch to us, and our Zhu family can't form an alliance with the other side, we have to agree to the Proud Sword Alliance for the time being, but now everyone is waiting for an opportunity, as long as the time is ripe. , Zhongzhou is about to be in chaos. Compared with such things, Gong Yi is just a jumping grasshopper. Don't say that he can't find anything, even if he really can find out, what can he do?

"I understand." Yu's housekeeper will smile.


In Fengshen Sect, the patriarch Feng Han said to his subordinates, "I heard that the little girl of the Huangquan School has entered our territory."

"Huang Qiudie, the daughter of the patriarch of the Huangquan Sect, has just entered the sphere of influence of my Fengshen Sect today. There is also a woman she calls Aunt Mei, who seems to have a good cultivation."

"En" Fenghan nodded and then said to the elders around him, "I heard that this Huang Qiudie has a little friendship with the boy Gong Yi. Is she going to help Gong Yi?"

The elder next to him said, "It should be like this. What does the suzerain want to do?"

A cold light shot out of the cold eyes: "We have been fighting with the Huangquan faction for so many years, but to be honest, it's just some small fights, so we have not hurt our muscles and bones, nor have we completely torn our face. If we fight against Huang Tianwen's daughter in our territory, it is bound to cause a big storm. This is not suitable for this. But I don't want them to find Gong Yi safely.

"What does the suzerain mean?"

"Give them some programs." Feng Han ordered a subordinate: "You led the people to ambush in the territory of the Sima family and surprise them, but remember not to kill people."

"I understand." After saying that, he turned around and retreated under the man standing in the temple.

Although Fengshenzong is not at odds with the Huangquan faction, it is not the time for a decisive battle between life and death, so the wind chill does not dare to go too far. Otherwise, the Huangquan faction will definitely find some clues after careful investigation, which is not the result of the wind cold.

Within the sphere of influence of Fengshenzong, two red horses galloped by, immediately a 17- or 18-year-old girl and a woman, who were naturally Huang Qiudie and Amei. Long before entering here, Amei warned Huang Qiudie not to talk much here. After all, the residents here respect Fengshenzong like gods, and she doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. Therefore, she came here without stopping at night and went straight to the territory of the Sima family, and Huang Qiudie also knew Fengshenzong and Huang The Quan faction has been fighting for many years, which is of great importance and has no opinion on Amei's arrangement.

After the two came to the boundary of the Sima family, they reached a slightly larger county town in less than a hundred miles. However, at this time, a tripping horse suddenly appeared. Mei and Huang Qiudie flew up, but the two horses fell to the ground on the spot.

"Who are you? Do you dare to attack Miss Ben?" Huang Qiudie said angrily.

"Ha ha, this lady is so majestic, but this is not your arrogant place." A middle-aged man came out from one side of the road, followed by more than ten people, and more than ten people came out one after another on the other side.

"Who are you? Please leave a name." Amei spoke slowly, but his voice was biased with a pain in his ears.

The middle-aged man frowned and said secretly: I didn't expect this man to be so strong. But there was an order, but he couldn't retreat on the spot, so he had to bravely say, "The nameless pawn is not worth mentioning. It's just that the brothers have been short of food and clothing recently, and I hope you two can help one or two.

"Rogue?" This is Huang Qiudie's first reaction, but Mei showed doubts. If it was a robber, his sound wave skills just now should have made it difficult for these people to retreat, but now the other party has not shown this intention. Thinking of this, Mei smiled and said, "In that case, then..." Speaking of this, Mei suddenly rushed forward and leaned forward with her right hand and went straight to the throat of the middle-aged man.

"Ah" middle-aged people were shocked, but it was too late to dodge.

With a click, the middle-aged man's neck was broken by Amei, and the rest of the people were stunned in an instant. Unexpectedly, the old woman killed their leader in one move. At this time, even Huang Qiudie was a little pale, because she never thought that Aunt Mei, who was usually gentle to her, would be so vicious.

Amei's face was neither happy nor sad, and she looked at the trembling people in front of her and said coldly, "I don't want to know which side you belong to, but you go back to send a message and say that it's better to hit my Huangquan faction. It's better to be aboveboard and not to do such a hidden thing." After saying this, Amera turned away with Huang Qiudie, who still didn't know what she meant.