can wu wei zun

Chapter 120 Tiger's Old Resentment

Although Gongyi only fought two moves with Hu Ben, he benefited a lot. After all, Hu Ben's exquisite control of the power of the wind is not easy to see, but Hu Ben said that the battle was a draw, and Gong Yi is not easy to say. If he does not agree to continue to compete, I am afraid that he will be misunderstood and look down on the other party. But in this way, he lost the right to execute Liu Feihong.

Although Hu Ben is unruly, it does not mean that he is a careless person. On the contrary, he is as careful as dust. When he proposed that the two were tied, he had already figured out how to deal with Liu Feihong. At this moment, he walked to Liu Feihong and said in a flat voice, "Brother, do you remember what the master said at the beginning?"

As soon as Hu Ben said this, Liu Feihong's face changed greatly, and the panic in his eyes was several times stronger than when his body was restrained, which made the bow game beside him secretly speculate about what their master said, which actually made Liu Feihong so afraid.

"Brother, I'm sorry." Hu Ben sighed softly, and his right hand brushed the back of Liu Feihong's head, and Liu Feihong fell to the ground in an instant. However, Gong Yi could see that Hu Ben did not take his life, but used a special method to make Liu Feihong lose his memory.

"Brother Bow, can you spare him for my life?" Hu Ben looked at Gong Yi and said.

"Brother Tiger, I can't thank you enough for doing this." Gongyi arched his hand. What he was afraid of was that Liu Feihong told the secret of swallowing spirit on his body. Now Hu Ben's practice has eliminated his concerns, and there is no need to kill people.

"You must be curious about what my master said at the beginning," Hu Ben said with a smile, but Gong Yi could see a trace of bitterness from his smile. Obviously, Hu Ben doesn't want to get to what it is today. Gong Yi did not say anything and nodded to admit it.

The tiger sat on the ground, as if to start telling the past. Gong Yi also sat down with him. Sure enough, Hu Ben began to recall, "This matter has something to do with Li Wunian." Speaking of this, Hu Ben's eyes are full of brilliance, and Gong Yi can see that there is a faint anger in his eyes. It seems that he and Li Wunian also have a deep resentment. No wonder when Li Wunian was mentioned just now, Hu Ben made a shocking roar.

Hu Ben continued: "Three years ago, my brother and I went to the territory of the Li family to do something. My brother's communication skills were far better than mine. In a few days, I made friends with some young people in the local area, but one day I found that they gathered to go to a brothel. The master often warned us to practice and not to love women. Sex, so I was extremely angry at that time. I went directly to the brothel and picked out my brother. As a result, it shocked the others. Their mouths were not clean. I was grumpy, so I started to fight with them and beat several people. It happened that Li Wunian passed by here. He knew those people and came to persuade them and scolded me. So I competed with him.

Speaking of this, Hu Ben paused and said, "Then Li Wunian's cultivation is high. I'm afraid Brother Hu is not his opponent."

"Well, as my brother said, Li Wunian is the most horrible person in the young generation I have ever seen. When I left the school, I was arrogant. After defeating several people in the brothel, I thought that the heroes in the world were nothing more than this, but I couldn't take ten moves in Li Wunian's hands."

"What?" Gong Yi was shocked. Although he had always thought that Li Wunian was not easy to deal with, he did not expect that it would be difficult to take ten moves in Li Wunian's hands with the ability of Hu Ben, which was completely beyond Gong Yi's expectation.

"Is there a big difference between Brother Hu and Li Wunian's cultivation at that time?" Bow asked tentatively.

Hu Ben shook his head and said ashamedly, "At the beginning, he was only a small level higher than me, but I had always been conceited with my natural magic power and could fight beyond the level, but I didn't expect to lose so badly and be laughed and humiliated by the people present. If it hadn't been for my brother's persuasion, Li Wunian would have taken my life. I was furious. I returned to my teacher's door and practiced hard, so that one day I could get rid of my shame, but I didn't expect that my brother would be willing to hang out with Li Wunian and others since then.

Gong Yi didn't care much about the words behind Hu Ben. What really made him palpitate was the sentence "At the beginning, he was just a little higher than me". Gong Yi knew that he and Hu Ben are now at the peak of Zhongwu. If they do their best, the victory or defeat is only five or five. So it seems that Li Wunian's true The positive strength is horrible among the same generation.

At this time, Hu Ben continued to say, "Two months ago, I practiced out of the customs. Master said that there was something important to deal with, and the time was uncertain. In front of us, he directly scolded my brother's mental skill that had been infected by Li Wunian, and asked me to impose a heavy punishment if my brother was obsessed with it."

It was not until this moment that Gong Yi understood why Liu Feihong showed a strong panic in his eyes when he heard Hu Ben ask him if he remembered what his master had said.

"I let him lose his past memory, which is also a helpless move, and also to understand his own heart knot. In the future, I will no longer care about him. We have different personalities and it is difficult to get along with each other." Hu Ben said helplessly.

Gong Yi understands that Hu Ben's words are not wrong. Liu Feihong is smooth, cunning and changeable, while Hu Ben is open and arrogant. It is difficult for such two people to coexist at all.

At this time, Hu Ben suddenly asked, "Why did Brother Gong and Li Wunian have a knot?"

Hu Ben's question made Gong Yi's question speechless for a moment. Why did he have a bad relationship with Li Wunian? He really can't say a real reason for him. Naturally, he did not know that Dong Luan and Li Wunian still had a distant relative relationship, and in his own cognition, his anger against Li Wunian, in addition to Li Wunian first showed his enemy surprise, and Qin Linger's relationship.

Seeing that Gong Yi kept silent, Hu Ben was also stunned and then said, "If the Bow brothers have something difficult to say, you don't have to answer."

Gong Yi was a little embarrassed by Hu Ben's words, and his cheeks turned red and said, "There is nothing difficult to say. I don't know why he showed his murder to me when we first met at the Qin family. And I didn't leave him any room for manoeuvre in front of others.

Hu Ben snorted coldly, "These sons of families regard other people's lives as grass mustard, and they don't need a sufficient reason to take human lives at all."

Gong Yi nodded in agreement.

"Brother Bow has fought with him before. How is he doing now?" Hu Ben is eager to know Li Wunian's strength at this moment, because he always has the shadow of that fiasco in his heart and wants to regain face.

Gong Yi shook and said, "I didn't fight with him, but I heard that he had entered the realm of Gaowu."

"What?" Hu Ben can't believe that he has been practicing hard for more than two years and still hasn't caught up with Li Wunian. At this moment, although the two still seem to be only one level apart, they are very different from three years ago. At the beginning, the two were in the same realm, but now they are indeed a middle martial arts and a high martial arts. If you can reach the realm of martial arts, no matter how many Chinese martial arts masters you have, it is difficult to defeat the other party, which greatly damaged Hu Ben's confidence. He lowered his head and secretly said in his heart, "I have practiced so hard that I am still not his opponent. Is it hopeless in my life?"

Gong Yi saw that Hu Ben's expression was depressed in an instant. If Hu Ben was defeated, he still had the mentality of "gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late", then he has almost lost confidence at this moment. Gong Yi knows that if Hu Ben is not cheered up, he may not be able to make an inch in his life.

The mind turned around, and Gong Yi said loudly, "Brother Hu, please forgive me." Gong Yi used the power of sound waves when he said this, aiming to shock the tiger's mind.

Hu Ben raised his head and said slowly, "Brother Bow, please speak."

Gong Yi smiled and said, "The way to practice is not to build a car behind closed doors. The real way to stimulate your potential is to constantly experience yourself, so as to seek insights, and then practice breakthroughs. Especially for people like us who have a strong desire to fight, the effect is not very obvious. Brother Hu, do you know how old I started to practice?

"Isn't it five years old?" Although Hu Ben is a member of the tiger clan, he also knows that human practitioners basically began to practice at the age of five.

Gong Yi shook his head and said proudly, "Ten years old."