can wu wei zun

Chapter 213 Rooftop Reaction

The black widow, the head of the Yin spider, could not close her eyes. She did not expect that the gap between herself and the Lord of the Star Temple would be so great that she had already died here without waiting for the reinforcements of the royal family of Dongsang. Her body fell from the air without any suspense and fell into the chaotic battlefield.

"Master!" The followers of the Vaginus Church screamed sadly when they saw the blurred face of the black widow at this time. The scattered team that had been hit by the owners of the four branches of the Star Hall was even more panicked at this moment, and the green poison in their hands was getting dim, which seemed to indicate that their defeat was only a matter of time.

The Lord of the Star Temple looked up to the sky and smiled wildly. Suddenly, he frowned slightly, because he had already felt that a large number of people were coming in his direction, including many masters, but he did not pay attention to it, because in his perception, there was no strong man above the level of real martial arts, which was really not to worry for him. With a flash, he had already come out. Now it's in front of the coming team.

In the Wuyuan mainland, the power of the royal family is not strong. Without the support of the sect, it is almost impossible to hold the throne. After receiving the letter of help from the black widow, the royal family of Dongsang did not dare to neglect it and sent two strong men to lead the team, with a total of more than 1,000 people to reinforce, but this more than 1,000 people is almost different from the overall strength of the Star Hall.

Looking at the sudden appearance of a figure in the air in front of him, the leader hurriedly waved his right hand and motioned everyone to stop. Wearing his armor, he held his fists and said, "I don't know who you are, why did you stop me from waiting." In his feeling, this person is by no means simple, so he is also very polite to speak. If he were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have fought a lot.

It was the Lord of the Star Temple who stopped these people from going. He asked, "Are you going to reinforce the yin spider religion?"

The royal leader looked awe-nosed and asked, "How did you know about this? What's the purpose of stopping here?"

"Add more resentment, and I guess there will be a greater chance of success." The owner of the Star Hall muttered, and then slowly raised his right hand.

The words of the Lord of the Star Temple made the other party feel quite puzzled, but at this moment, there was a feeling of fear in everyone's hearts, and the leader shouted, "Warriors, kill."

The owner of the Star Temple stands in the void, which is like a god for these ordinary warriors. Looking at the soldiers with long guns and knives rushing towards him below, and some well-cultivated generals, his heart did not fluctuate at all, and his raised right hand finally patted down.

In an moment, the flying stone went away, and the ghost cried and howled. At this moment, the royal reinforcements of Dongsang, including two strong men, felt an irreparable pressure to crush them. The two strong men hurriedly condensed the spiritual power in their bodies to relieve this huge pressure. But those ordinary soldiers can't withstand this intensity of attack at all. In a moment, some people have been crushed and blurred, and they are no longer human. Even immortals can't save them.

After all, the two strong men of Gaowu still couldn't resist and fell to the rear. At this moment, the two people had a nosebleed and their eyes were wide open. It can be seen that they felt a great horror before they died.

At this time, the Yin Spider Religion had been completely defeated, but the Star Hall did not let them go because of their escape, but a cluster of killing in the east and west. The resentment in the sky is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the souls of these unjust dead spirits have not dissipated. The wind gusts, and the owner of the Star Temple stood in it. Looking at the war below has stopped, he said loudly, "Brothers, let's go back and open the channel and prepare for the arrival of the Shura army."

Cheers came one after another at this moment, and the original murderous faces of the disciples of the Star Hall showed excited and expectant smiles. After thousands of years, the efforts of several generations will finally bear fruit.

The noise here in Dongsang is so great that naturally can't hide the eyes of Daxia. Almost at the same time, the royal family of Daxia and Tiantai Sect have received the news that the two major sects of Dongsang are fighting. However, the reactions of the two sides are not the same. The emperor of Daxia was overjoyed to hear this. In his opinion, no matter whether the Yin spider religion wins or loses, it is bound to be greatly damaged. The royal family of the East Sang Kingdom is supported by the Yin spider religion. If the Yin spider religion is weak, the strength of the East Sang Kingdom will decline, which is beneficial and harmless to the Daxia Kingdom as a neighbor. However, after receiving the news, Xia Yiming, the patriarch of Tiantai, felt that things were strange and hurriedly reported to the old patriarch Xiao Tian. Xiao Tian was shocked and found the "tower owner" to discuss it.

"Master, what do you think of this matter?" Xiao Tian asked respectfully.

The "tower owner" sighed and said helplessly, "The great disaster is coming. Inform the disciples of the Tiantai sect that they have not yet reached the realm of integration of Zhongwu. They all leave the sect and are not allowed to go up to the rooftop without orders.

"What?" Xiao Tian and Xia Yiming looked at each other in contempt. Xiao Tian hurriedly asked, "Master, what do you mean?"

"This matter is a long story. Do as I said, and then all the strong people above will gather in the hall. On the other hand, you quickly send someone to inform the royal family of Daxia and let them leave their hometown immediately, otherwise their lives will be in risk. I don't have time to explain to you now that I need to go to the back mountain." After saying that, the tower owner flashed and disappeared.

Xiao Tian and Xia Yiming looked at each other. Although they were quite puzzled, they also knew that this matter was important and did not dare to neglect it. I have to do it as soon as I say.

On the back mountain of Tiantaizong, the "tower owner" bowed to somewhere in the void and said loudly, "Senior, can you show up and see me?"

"What's the matter?" An old voice sounded suddenly.

"The Star Hall has begun to act. As expected, they are about to succeed."

After a period of silence, an old man appeared in front of the "tower owner". The old man was formed by a blue-eyed golden-haired beast that had been very helpful to Gongyi at the beginning. He said leisurely, "At this moment, the enemy is powerful. I'm afraid that our Tiantai Sect alone is difficult to defeat it. We must go to Zhongzhou to unite other forces and fight against it together."

"What the senior said is that the younger generation came here and just wanted to ask the senior to move." The tower owner said respectfully.

"En" the blue-eyed golden-haired beast nodded and then said, "Can you send someone to inform Yinzong?"

The "tower owner" was stunned, and his expression had exposed that he did not do it. The blue-eyed golden-haired beast did not mean to blame, but slowly said, "In front of big and wrong, let him go with the wind."

After listening to this, the "tower owner" looked ashamed and bowed down and said, "What the senior said is that the disciple has ordered someone to do it."

"We need to hurry up on this matter. We must leave for Zhongzhou tomorrow."