can wu wei zun

Chapter 237 Eliminating the Cheater

Li Jueyi, although the name is strange to Gongyi, he can roughly guess the identity of this person.

"He is the father of Li Yi, the former head of my Li family." The man replied.

"It's really him." Gong Yi snorted coldly, and then looked at the man and said, "I'll spare your life today. Get out immediately." Gong Yi believes that this man is very timid. During this period, he absolutely dared to enter this space channel again, so he did not kill him.

Gong Yi no longer stayed in the channel and immediately returned to Jiang's house. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he shouted, "Li Jueyi, get out of here." He just wants to let everyone know, because he is not stupid enough to ask a strong man alone. In that case, I'm afraid he will die. And his broken shout was aimed at attracting everyone. In this way, even if Li Jueyi wanted to run away, I'm afraid it would not be so easy.

As expected by Gong Yi, after hearing his shouting, the leading figures of various forces came out of the room, especially those Shengwu strongmen. They knew that Li Jueyi was also a master of the same realm, so they all wanted to know what had happened.

Li Jueyi became a refined man, and instantly guessed that there must be something wrong with his subordinates when they reported the news. He said in a low voice in the room, "Gong Yi, if I don't kill you, I won't be a human."

Li Yi knew that the matter had been exposed and was a little panicked. After all, there are too many masters here now, which is by no means what the Li family can deal with. He asked, "Father, what should we do now?"

"You can't admit that you have something to do with this matter for a while. Everything is pushed on me, do you understand?"

"But..." Li Yi is embarrassed. Isn't this pushing his father into the fire pit?

"But what?" Li Jueyi said coldly, "I have my own way to get out, but you can't. That's the decision." After saying that, Li Jueyi no longer gave Li Yi a chance to argue and pushed the door out. Tears flashed in Li Yi's eyes, but after all, he gritted his teeth, held back his tears, and strode out.

"It's an unbred thing, call me by my name." After Li Jueyi came to the courtyard, he said dishedily.

But Gong Yi is not a person who suffers from dumb losses and scolds, "Li Jueyi, you are just an old dog. Why do you put on the air of a senior?"

"What did you say, looking for death?" Li Yi said angrily, and while he spoke, Li Jueyi had already moved and grabbed Gong Yi with his right hand like lightning. He knew that he could never get rid of the matter today, so he wanted to take Gong Yi hostage and get out of it.

With a bang, someone slapped Li Yi. Li Jueyi stepped back a few steps, and the qi and blood surged in his body, which was extremely uncomfortable. At a close look, the person who stopped him was the unrivaled master, Hong Jinsong.

"Brother Li is too angry. It's disgrace to take action against a junior." Hong Jinsong said with a smile. Although he said so, the subtext revealed in his eyes was: If you dare to do it again, just compare with me.

In the face of Hong Jinsong, Li Jueyi can't be crazy, which he knows well. He held his fists and said, "Since the senior is blindly protecting this boy, there is nothing to say. As the saying goes, if you don't agree, you will stay, and if you don't agree, you will go. I'll say goodbye." After saying that, he got up and wanted to leave.

Hong Jinsong understood the meaning of Gong Yi from the shout of Gong Yi, that is, to let everyone deal with Li Jueyi. He believes that Gong Yi will never provoke infighting for no reason at this time, otherwise it will arouse public anger and no one can save Gong Yi. Therefore, seeing that Li Jueyi was eager to leave, Hong Jinsong felt that things were not simple.

I don't see how Hong Jinsong moves, but it is appropriate to block Li Jueyi's way. Li Jueyi's body flashed, but no matter which direction he moved, he could never get rid of Hong Jinsong. He was furious, but in any case, he did not have the courage to do it directly with Hong Jin. He had to say angrily, "Is the senior bullied too much?" However, Hong Jinsong still showed a harmless smile and did not speak.

And while the two were playing "like a shadow", Gong Yi had handed the letter to the Zen monk and explained what had happened just happened.

After reading the letter, the old monk of Amitabha put his hands together, shouted a Buddha's name, and then said to Li Jueyi in the air, "Lord Li, is this letter from the enemy your own handwriting?"

"That's right. I work alone and have nothing to do with others." Li Jueyi knew that the possibility of escape was extremely small, so he simply fell from the air to the ground, behind his hands and said humbly.

When others heard their words, they were shocked. Unexpectedly, Li Jueyi, as a master of holy martial arts, did such shameful things. However, in addition to everyone's contempt, they were also afraid for a while. If he did not find this person to fight with the enemy, if he suddenly attacked on the battlefield, I'm afraid it would not be a problem to kill a holy martial arts master.

"Master Li, how many benefits have the Shura world given you, so that you are willing to be a master of martial arts and willing to be their lackeys." The old Zen monk said angrily.

Benefits? Haha" Li Jueyi laughed and said, "I took the initiative to come to the door. Do you want to know why?" Without waiting for everyone to speak, he pointed directly to Gong Yi and said, "It is because of this little boy that he killed my grandson, the three elders of my Li family and dozens of clan, and killed the elders with tricks. I am not as generous as my son. For the sake of justice, I can temporarily abandon these hatreds, so I cooperate with people in the Shura world without telling him, in order to save this boy's life.

When everyone heard this, they immediately understood that this man still couldn't let go of his hatred, but in his words, he said that his son Li Yi was a noble person who thought of the overall situation and abandoned his personal grudges, which made Yu Feilong and others have a layer of goose bumps.

The old Zen monk shook his head and then said to Hong Jinsong, "Senior, please make a decision on this matter."

"If you sell friends and connect with enemies, you can't escape the death penalty." Speaking of the last word, Hong Jinsong slapped Li Jueyi on the head. Li Jueyi seemed to know that he was not Hong Jinsong's opponent, and it was absolutely impossible for so many masters here to escape. Unexpectedly, he stood there without resistance, allowing the palm of the other party to fall on his spiritual cover.

"Bang" Li Jueyi fell to the ground. Li Yi cried and rushed to his father's body.

"Amitabha, Lord Li, please be sorry for the change. Since this matter is only done by your father, we will not implicate the Li family." The old Zen monk seemed to want to let Li Yi go, but he easily believed Li Jueyi's words.

However, he wanted to let Li Yi go, but Hong Jinsong did not have that Bodhisattva heart. Li Yi shouted loudly. Li Yi raised his head and looked at Hong Jinsong. At this time, everyone understood that the senior was going to use soul search again.