long candle

Chapter 3 Cave Boarding

Lao Huang frowned and looked at me because he knew that I was a paleontologist.

I shook my head at him and said, "I'm not sure just by the sound, but I don't think it should be a savage. The savage belongs to apes. That thing just now sounds like the cry of wild cats. If only I could collect some hair and blood."

Lao Huang nodded, turned his head to look at Dongzi, and said, "Let Dongzi tell me what's going on first..."

Dongzi was obviously not deeply injured. His companion bandaged him and stopped bleeding. Everyone calmed down and looked at Dongzi one by one.

Dongzi calmed down, and his face was still white and scary. He trembling and said intermittently, "I just went to pee in the forest... As soon as I entered the forest, I felt a cool breeze. When I looked carefully, there was a small hill not far from the forest, and there was a stone crack near the mountain wall, and there was a cool breeze in it. I didn't pay much attention to it when it blew out. I wanted to solve it quickly.

"I didn't expect that as soon as I was halfway through the problem, I heard someone laughing in the crack of the stone. My scalp was numb, so I looked back and almost scared my soul. Guess what I saw?

I saw a man squeezing out of the crack in the stone.

I shouted and hurriedly ran away with my trousers. As a result, I was still caught by the man. At that moment, there was a burning pain on my shoulder, and I didn't care about that much, so I ran out!"

I couldn't help but be surprised. I thought that if it was a wild boar or a bear, the shot just now might not kill it, but those shots were real, and if it was a human, it would definitely die on the spot.

I wiped a cold sweat and said to myself, is there really any ghost in this forest? Then Lao Huang took a few soldiers and followed me to the forest to check.

I saw several deep and shallow footprints on the ground, which were larger than the feet of normal primates, but I didn't find hair or blood stains.

Then we came to the gap in the hill that Dongzi said to have a look.

I saw that it was a stone crevice that only one person passed through, and the edge of the gap was full of moss and weeds. Obviously, the so-called "person" did not often go in and out of here, otherwise the gap would be very smooth.

Lao Huang shined in with a military flashlight. He saw that the gap was very deep, and he couldn't see his head in it, but there was a cold wind blowing out of it.

The gap is some messy stones, and there is no hair left on it.

Because I was worried that the thing would appear again, * did not take people in to have a look and urged me to leave quickly.

Returning to the crowd, he didn't say much, but said, "Everyone has almost rested, right? This place is not peaceful, so it's important for us to hurry! Don't fall behind on the road. It's better to go with three or five people who want to be convenient. It's better to have a care in case of danger. So everyone stood up and continued to go deep into the mountains. I still walked behind the team, and Lao Huang followed me with a gun to take care of us "vulnerable groups".

Feng Ze was so scared that he didn't dare to go back alone now, so he had to follow us.

Just as I left, I suddenly saw a figure standing in the dark place in the forest looking at us.

But when I turned my head and looked over, I didn't see anything.

I felt nervous and hurriedly accelerated my pace to get up, and there was an indescribable foreboding in my heart.

We carefully walked through the sea of pigeon flowers.

The scientific name of pigeon flower is Jingtong, which is a national first-class endangered plant. It usually blooms in late spring and early summer. The crown is huge and white in color, just like a pigeon flying with wings. It is very beautiful, hence the name.

The sea of pigeon trees in front of us is in the flowering period, and the large number of them stretches like thousands of pigeons flying together, which is very magnificent.

Because it is a very cherished species, I also collected some leaf and cortical specimens and went back for research.

While enjoying the strange mountain scenery around us, there was no danger on the way. After a while, we came to the river Feng Ze said and continued to walk down the beach.

Although the road is not easy to walk, and occasionally people fall into the mud of the river beach, gusts of breeze blow from the depths of the valley, driving pieces of green plants to gently swing, and all kinds of Artemisia plants and liragi plants emit a special aroma, which is also refreshing.

Towards dusk, we walked along the river for a long time and saw a very steep mountain in front of us, with a large cave on it.

This cave is located on a cliff, more than 20 meters away from the ground, and the terrain is very dangerous. Liang Qian was very agile. She took out the mountaineering pick and climbed into the hole three or twice, which gave me a new understanding of her and thought that this woman was really extraordinary.

After climbing up, she fixed the pre-prepared rope ladder and put it on the ground.

Standing at the foot of the mountain, with the help of the afterglow of the sunset, I saw that the cave was all red, which may be caused by the iron content of the rocks in this place.

At this time, Liang Qian climbed down from the rope ladder, smiled and said, "The cave is very shallow, only a few meters deep. There is nothing in it except a few bird nests. It is very safe. We can rest assured to stay here for one night and continue to travel tomorrow. Now let's settle the night meal at the foot of the mountain first. In addition to Dongzi's rest, the rest of the people put up the firewood, and Lao Huang followed me into the forest to play some game.

Lao Huang laughed and said, "I didn't expect our beauty Liang to have more leadership style than me. OK, I'll go with you."

The two of them took the guy into the forest and brought back a fat deer after more than an hour.

I feel much better when I see that I don't need to eat cans anymore.

The team obviously had a lot of experience in survival in the wild. They skillfully peeled the deer, then took out the internal organs, divided it into many small pieces, set up an iron shelf, and made a fire.

After baking, I only sprinkled a little salt. Although it was a little simple, the wonderful taste of the wild animals in the mountains made me devour it.

After that, we put out the fire and climbed up the cave from the rope ladder to rest.

Although it is undoubtedly very safe to live on a cliff of more than 20 meters, Lao Huang still makes people take turns vigil. I was exhausted during the day. Anyway, I didn't need to watch the night, and I didn't feel dirty on the ground. I fell asleep against the wall of the cave.

There is only a slight wind in the cave, but the primitive forest at the foot of the mountain is lively. Every night of the late spring season is a concert of insects, which is very happy.

I didn't feel hot when I slept in the hole, but the mosquito bites badly. Although I lit the mosquito incense, the mosquitoes in the mountains became sperm and stung people.

In a while, in addition to the sound of snoring in the hole, it was the sound of beating mosquitoes.

I don't know how long I slept. In my dream, I heard a huge mosquito buzzing in my ear, which was like a human murmur, so I was suddenly awakened.

I sat up and saw that there were no big mosquitoes, only one after another, and an unknown clucking sound mixed with the wind.

I scratched my head and saw that it was still dark outside the hole. Liang Qian was standing at the mouth of the cave and looking out. It seemed that she couldn't wait to stick her neck out of the hole and was trying to observe something.

Liang Qian seemed to hear my movement, hurriedly turned her face, made a silent gesture to me, and whispered, "Below...someone!"

I couldn't help being curious and carefully leaned over. With the help of the faint sky outside the cave, I saw Liang Qian's solemn face and even some fear.

She saw that I was staring at her and thought I was going to talk to her, so she covered my mouth and whispered, "Shh... listen."

At this time, I had to hold my breath and listen to the movement outside.

The sound of insects outside is much smaller than when they first entered the night. They chirp lazily, occasionally mixed with a few night owl calls, and the listeners feel cold.