long candle

Chapter 16 The Death of Dongzi

Looking at his strange appearance, my limbs felt an unprecedented chill, and my whole body began to tremble.

I suddenly wanted to climb up, but my hands and feet trembled so much that I had no strength at all.

And the man finally found that I didn't follow and said coldly, "Can't you crawl?"

I saw that the position of his mouth did not move at all. Obviously, the sound did not come from his mouth. Is this person... a ghost?

I suddenly seemed to be crazy. I said in my heart that since I couldn't climb, I would never stop fighting with you.

The man looked at my entangled look and didn't know what he was thinking, so he asked, "What's wrong? You can't go down!"

I suddenly sneered and my face became very ferocious and said, "Go down? If I fall, I will kill you first!"

After saying that, I felt fierce in my heart, let go of the rope with my hands, and fell down like a free fall.

The man was obviously very frightened and scolded, "Fuck, what the hell are you doing? Crazy..."

A "?" Before the words came out, I had kicked him on the forehead and kicked him down!

I was suddenly relieved. If I said I was dead, I would die. Anyway, I breathed a bad breath.

Now Daxiong and Liang Qian don't know whether they are alive or die, and I've had enough of it.

I thought I was going to die, and I would definitely fall down all the time, and then my brain burst.

But to my surprise, the two of us soon fell to the ground...

It turned out that there were still three or four meters away from where we fell, and we had reached the bottom of the vertical hole.

I almost rode on the man and fell to the ground. In an instant, I felt that it was soft and had a sense of existence, and it didn't seem to be pressed on the ghost.

Because in my impression, ghosts are illusory.

The man shouted "Hey..." and was firmly pressed by me.

Then he rushed up like a mad cow, pressed me under him, took out a dagger from my waist, put it on my neck, and scolded, "Do you want to die!"

I was shocked, not because he wanted to kill me, but because I saw this person's face clearly with the help of the light of the flashlight.

At this time, my cold sweat came down.

This person is indeed not a ghost, but I am more surprised than seeing a ghost. This person is actually A Zhuo, the owner of the inn!

And I also know why I have been seeing him looking up at me, because he has already lifted the mask and buckled it on the top of his head, so I regard the top of his head as a face.

I seemed to have knocked over the five-flavor bottle for a moment. I don't know if I was afraid, surprised or ashamed. I was stunned and asked for a long time before I asked, "Innkeeper A Zhuo?"

The man frowned slightly, slowly moved away the dagger and said, "My real name is not Zhuo..."

"Then who are you?" I thought about it and asked, "Also, aren't you the owner of the hotel? Why did you come here?"

The man looked at me again, put on his mask again, and said, "Go a little further and you will get to the place..."

"Who the hell are you? Where are you taking me?" I asked harshly.

The man stopped, smiled coldly and said, "If you don't follow me, you will die immediately."

I was suffocated by his attitude. Seeing that he had gone far away, I had to follow him temporarily.

I saw him holding a flashlight and groping forward in front with the help of a faint light. I asked him all kinds of questions in the back.

A Zhuo ignored me, but his body stopped. He put the flashlight under his armpit, took out a fluorescent stick from his pocket, twisted it hard, and threw it somewhere dark in front of him.

I saw a rough underground dark river. The water flow of the river was extremely fast, and it flowed silently to the depths of the ground. The river was filled with a thin layer of fog, emitting a cold and piercing cold air.

When I saw things by the river, I couldn't help taking a cold breath.

I saw at least a dozen dead bodies lying on the beach, wearing different clothes, some of which had begun to rot.

And the most amazing thing is that there is a man in a military coat squatting in the pile of corpses!

The man is very tall, squatting on the ground like a bear. The style of his military coat is very old, and the rags are like a man crawling out of the cemetery.

The man squatted on the ground and lay a corpse in front of him. He bent down like this, with a weak movement in his head.

There was a bitter chill in my heart, and I said that this guy was eating dead people, right?

A Zhuo also seemed to be scared and asked loudly, "Who! Who is there!"

The man seemed to be shocked and quickly stood up and turned his head.

When I saw it, I felt relieved, because the person in front of me was Nobita!

Nobita was very happy to see me and said, "Comrade Ogawa! I knew that the Red Army's troops could always meet in Jinggang Mountain!"

I laughed and asked, "How did you get here? I thought you were killed by that bitterness!"

Nobita sighed and said, "Oh, it's a long story..."

It turned out that a large group of bitters rushed out of the cave. Nobita was worried about my safety and did not escape by himself, but rushed into the bitters group to find me, but he looked for a while and found that I had been buried by thousands of bitters. Although he was sad, he had to run for his life, so he ran to the mouth of the cave.

As he ran, he looked back at the bitter azaleas and found that these scalp-tingling toads jumped to the wall, as if they were avoiding something.

Then something terrible happened. Nobita saw those bitter people lying motionless on the wall and thought they were afraid of something, but when he looked up, he saw a milky wave coming out of the cracks in the cave.

At first, Nobita thought it was water seeping from the rock wall, but when he took a closer look, it was actually a dense white worm, each of which was the size of a little finger, which made people's scalp numb.

I heard that those bugs are called cave sting bees, which are highly poisonous.

As soon as the insects appeared, the bitters lying on the wall shouted loudly. They were like desperate soldiers, widening their eyes and pounced on the worms.

Nobita saw that those bitter tongues were like arrows from the string. As soon as he swept through the pile of insects, he was swept into more than a dozen. However, as soon as it was swallowed, the other bees drowned it under it, then bit the whole body of the bitter mantis with a huge chet, and stabbed it into the bitter man's body with a needle on his buttocks.

The stitches and the skin of the bitter brim are highly poisonous. After those cave sting bees bite the bitter brim, their whole body turns black and falls to the ground and dies, and many brims are also bitten or poisoned by sting bees.

In this way, a war between insects and toads began.

These two extremely ferocious species fought together. Although the scene was tragic, these things forgot to attack people, and many people were rescued and escaped from the poisons.

Nobita had no time to look any further. He carefully stepped on the body of the poisonous insect and ran out of the cave, but something unexpected happened.

As the cave bees crawled out of the cracks in the wall, the top of the cave began to become loose, many rock blocks fell from the top of the cave, and the top of the broken cave began to leak huge columns of water.

The whole cave soon turned into a big river, and the water swept up the poisonous insects and the people in the cave and rushed out of the cave.

Just as Nobita thought he was going to be spit out by the cave, the water suddenly washed open a secret door on the stone wall, and a huge whirlpool fell to the ground with insects and crowds.

After falling from the cave, he thought he would be stuck in the belly of the mountain, but he didn't expect that the huge cave went straight to a dark river at the bottom of the mountain, and he fell into the river.

After that, he struggled in the rapid river and almost hit his head on the reef several times. Fortunately, he was taken by the current to a backwater bay, allowing him to climb on the shore.

I looked at the position where we stood. It was indeed a depression in the mountain. The water in this place would whirling and the water flow was relatively gentle.

After going ashore, he found that there were many dead people by the river, most of whom he did not know. Only a few people who were washed down together were either bitten by poisonous insects or hit on the reef. Seeing that he could not survive, only the young warrior Dongzi still had a breath.

And Nobita found that the underground river was extremely cold, so he had to take off the coat on the dead body, and found the dead branches that hit the river bank and made a fire to take care of Dongzi's injury.

When I heard that Dongzi was injured, I didn't know why. I was anxious and quickly went up to check his injury.

I only took two steps and saw Dongzi lying there stiffly.

Nobita sighed, and his eyes were a little red... He choked and said, "I just died for less than an hour..."