long candle

Chapter 18 Water Monster

Then we found a broken shovel from the body, dug a big hole in the ground, buried the dead bodies with the old man's strength, and then lit three cigarettes in front of the grave and worshiped.

After finishing this, we came to the underground dark river and began to worry.

The dark river is at least 30 meters wide, and the water flow is frighteningly. Although the water is not deep, it finds a lot of reefs protruding in the river with a torch. At this water flow speed, it is estimated that the Titanic will have to sink again. If it swims over and hits the stone, it will have to fish for tofu in the water.

So I asked Nobita, "Do you think you escaped from this river?"

Daxiong nodded and said, "Yes, look, if it hadn't been for Xiong's life, I would have been hit to death."

Nobita asked me again: "Yes, I haven't asked how you two got here."

I've talked about this for a long time, and I'll tell you slowly later.

As soon as I finished speaking, suddenly there was a cloudy wind behind us. The bonfire lit by Nobita at the beginning gradually went out, and the torches in our hands began to shake violently.

Xie Yuting only looked back, pulled out the long knife on his back, and said seriously, "Take out the guy!"

Because our flashlights have been lost, we can only rely on torch lighting, and I stand at the end, so I can't see the situation over there at all, but I know that Xie Yuting must have seen something extraordinary.

Nobita also seemed to hesitate for a moment. He opened his eyes for a long time and said, "Damn it, there seems to be a person over there. I'll go and have a look first."

Daxiong has always been bold. Every time he encounters a dangerous situation, it is too late for others to hide, but he has to figure it out.

But this time Nobita took two steps, stopped, and said in a serious tone that he had never seen before, "Damn it, why did the bodies just sold climb out by themselves..."

When I heard this, my heart was half cold, and my hand holding the box cannon was sweaty.

I don't know where the courage came from. I took two steps forward and saw that the grave next to Nobita had been dug up, and a woman standing not far in front of Nobita was standing with her back to us.

I recognized that this person was not one of the corpse. It was a woman in a white short-sleeved T-shirt and skinny jeans. She was holding a pistol in one hand and looking at somewhere at the top of the cave.

The dress and the posture of holding the gun were so familiar that I couldn't help but beat my heartbeat and shouted, "Liang Qian?"

Liang Qian seemed to have noticed our existence for a long time. She turned her face slightly, pointed to the top of the cave and said, "Something has climbed up."

Daxiong was very excited when he saw that this woman was actually Liang Qian and said, "Comrade Liang, I thought you were dead!" How did you get here?

Liang Qian frowned and said to Daxiong, "Now is not the time to talk about this. I'll tell you later."

I thought that Xie Yuting just said that Liang Qian was not with Lao Huang, and I felt relieved. Although I didn't know what her purpose was here, I think she can still believe it. It's just that I don't intend to expose her. If she keeps following us, she will definitely see his purpose.

Xie Yuting winped at me, and I guess that's what he meant.

At this time, there was a sudden sound over our heads. Liang Qian did not hesitate and fired two shots at the top of the head.

I only saw two sparks blooming on the rock overhead, but I didn't hit anything, but I saw something huge that seemed to climb over our heads.

The thing was as huge as a truck, as if with many hands, hanging upside down on the top of the cave, but it moved very quickly and suddenly rushed to the downstream of the river.

What kind of reminder is so huge that it can still walk like the wind? We were all shocked. When we chased it, it had disappeared in the depths of the river.

"The body is gone and taken away by that thing. You should be careful..." Liang Qian's voice was very weak. When we turned her head, she fainted weakly.

Daxiong walked over and held Liang Qian and said to me, "Jinggangshan is about to arrive. How can comrades fall on the road?"

I said, "Don't talk nonsense. It's important to save people."

We picked up another pile of dry firewood from the shore, rekindled a bonfire on the shore, put Liang Qian next to the fire, and then I took off my leather coat to cover her.

We checked the injury on Liang Qian's body. The bruises on her head were hit when she was fighting with Zongzi, and there were many scratches on her body, and her forearm alone were bruised. Maybe there were more bruises on her body, and I don't know how she got this injury.

I put my hand on her forehead, and then frowned and said to Xie Yuting, "You can boil eggs... There is no antipyretic here. If it lasts like this, she may not last long."

I couldn't think of any good way for the time being, so I had to deal with Liang Qian's injury a little. The three of us sat down with nothing and smiled bitterly at each other.

I suddenly remembered the island drift. I thought that the American drifted to the island to eat, drink and hunt. I couldn't even find a piece of bird shit in this place, and we would starve to death in two days.

Xie Yuting said to me, "I don't think those bodies have come to the cave. It is likely that they were rushed in from the outside. Maybe we can go against the current and go out."

Daxiong said, "Let's not talk about the rapid flow of water. Let's not talk about the boat. There is not even a piece of rotten wooden piles. It's impossible to go back upstream, and no one has been found, so we can't go back like this."

After a while of silence, Daxiong shouted, "Come and see, there are fish in this water. What a big fish!"

I and Yuting have been hungry for a long time. I was all excited to hear the news. I ran to the river to have a look. Sure enough, under the light of the torch, there were several dark shadows swimming in the turbid water, half a meter long and 20 or 30 centimeters small.

But this fish is so big that I can't help frowning and ask Xie Yuting, "Isn't this... grown up eating dead people?"

Daxiong next to him snorted and said, "No matter what it eats to grow up, fish it up first."

I saw that he had taken off his buttocks, and I couldn't stop him. I only heard that he had jumped into the water.

Fortunately, the water near the river bank is spinning and relatively gentle. Nobita pulled the water like a giant bear and shouted while swimming, "My God, it's so cold!"

I didn't expect him to swim so fast that he jumped on a big fish in an instant and plunged into the water with the fish.

The light of our torch is very dark, and Nobita has almost swam to the end of the light. I don't see it real, but then my heart is cold.

One second, ten seconds, one minute passed, and Nobita never emerged from the water.

My face became so ugly that I almost cried and said to Xie Yuting, "I'll go down and have a look!"

Xie Yuting grabbed me and said to me, "If there is anything strange about this fish, then you will die one more life if you go down."

I saw that his face was not much better than me, and I knew that he was actually worried, so I didn't refute him anymore.

About three minutes later, Xie Yuting's face was worse than me and said, "Why is this fat man so reckless? The bitter man didn't poison him, the bee didn't bite him to death, and the flood didn't drown him, but fell here..."

I knew that my face must be worse than pig liver at that time. I shouted at the river and was about to jump in.

At this time, several huge blisters suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and a huge black object suddenly rushed out of the water.

"What the fuck is this monster? Give it back to my brother!" My voice was crying, and I fired two shots at the huge shadow.