long candle

Chapter 25 Temple

We walked more than 100 meters. As soon as we crossed the top of the head of the giant beast under our feet, the ground suddenly vibrated violently, and I seemed to see something under the ice moving.


An empty roar like a bird came from under the ice and echoed in the cave. We were all surprised. Our faces turned pale one by one and looked down one after another. The head of the giant beast seemed to move, and it seemed to be alive!

We couldn't take our eyes off the giant beast at the bottom of the lake. After a while, there was no extra movement, and Daxiong scolded: "This! Is this thing fucking alive? How can it be!"

Xie Yuting also looked at his feet in consternation and exclaimed, "What is this? I have an ominous hunch. What if it swims up from below?"

At this time, Daxiong forced a calm smile and said, "You think too much, the four of us, it doesn't even look down on the teeth!"

I shook my head and said, "Don't look at it. I don't think it's safe here. Let's leave here early."

As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded and looked down twice before walking to the temple in fear.

This stone gate is not as heavy as the one we met before, and the door is closed. It seems that someone has already entered.

When we came to the steps in front of the door, Nobita walked to the front three steps, took out the three teeth he had just fallen from his pocket, and looked at the roof.

Xie Yuting said curiously, "Black fat man, what are you looking at?" Nobita snorted and said, "What do you know? Dropped teeth have to be thrown on the roof to grow new teeth."

Xie Yuting watched Daxiong throw his teeth on the top of the temple, and then looked at me again, as if telling me, you see, there is a fool!

I smiled and said, "Don't be surprised. Next time I take him out and take some medicine first, you'll get used to it."

Nobita ignored us, threw his teeth and smiled with satisfaction, then picked up Liang Qian and walked up the steps by herself, pushed the door and entered the temple.

I knew I couldn't call him, but I was afraid that he would disappear strangely like last time, so I hurriedly caught up with him.

Before opening the stone door, I paid attention to the decoration on the door and found that there were two conch-like symbols on the left and right. I don't know what it means.

I pushed the door in. The light in the hall was very dark, but with the help of the moonlight, I could see two identical conch signs behind the door.

After careful observation, I also found that there were some small cracks on the door, which may be caused by the age and look like messy branches.

At this time, Daxiong said, "Are you sure Professor Nie and they came in?" How can there be a black light in here!"

Xie Yuting came in closely, turned on the flashlight, scanned it for a week, and found that the hall was empty. Within a distance of more than ten meters in front of us, there were neither the imagined ghost sculptures, nor the Gongtai incense burner, and even the ground was spotless. Only black stones one meter square were paved. On the road ahead, the left and right walls are also made of the same stone. There is no lampstand on the wall, which suddenly extends into the endless darkness.

Since this temple is built in the belly of the mountain, there is a long corridor that is not too much, so we walk silently.

At first, we talked and laughed and paid attention to the surrounding changes, but half an hour later, when the situation of the corridor was still unchanged, we all fell silent and our vision began to fatigue.

At this time, Nobita in front of him stopped. I thought he saw the end of the corridor and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter? Your father will also be tired."

Daxiong scolded angrily, "Master, I don't want to leave. This is too fucking tricky. How can it be enough to pass through a cave in half an hour? How big is this mountain?"

Xie Yuting joked, "It's normal for comrades to have emotions, but maybe it's a paradise when they pass through this cave. Fairy peaches full of trees, watermelons all over the ground, and fairies in tulle are swinging..."

Daxiong clicked and said, "Comrade Xiaochuan, I'm not talking about you. Look, you are still studying literature. This word has not been so considerate. I know what your grandfather likes."

I said angrily, "Okay, Bajie, hurry forward. Sister Chang'e will wait for you in front of you in a tulle."

We talked for a while, continued to move forward, and walked for another hour, but the surrounding scenery remained unchanged.

Daxiong stopped again and said, " Xie Yuting, do you think those beautiful women on the swing will be covered with black hair..."

I and Yuting were sweating, and my legs began to weaken. I was no longer in the mood to joke with it. There was an inexplicable anger in my heart. Just as I wanted to scold my mother, I heard Xie Yuting next to me say, "Don't talk, listen..."

Seeing Xie Yuting's nervous expression, I knew that something unusual must have happened, so I held my breath and listened to the movements around me.

At first, I didn't hear anything. I only heard each other's breathing and heartbeat echoing in the empty corridor, but when I listened carefully, I found that it was our breathing sound mixed with a kind of extraneous sound.

"Hold your breath and don't breathe." Xie Yuting whispered.

Then the three of us held our breath, and Daxiong pinched Liang Qian's nose.

As our breathing disappeared, the sound outside the string became more obvious, and a rapid and violent gasp came from the darkness in front of us, which did not sound like a person, unless the person had difficulty breathing.

In this deep darkness, the gasp seemed so strange that our nerves were tight.

Nobita is the boldest of us. He was silent for a moment and shouted, "Who is there!"

As soon as he finished asking, I saw a thick fog floating from the darkness in front of me, and then the green eyes the size of two bowls lit up.

Nobita scolded, "Damn it, it's that long-necked monster, retreat!"

I and He Yuting were also shocked. My heart said that there seemed to be more than one monster. The one in the secret room behind the stone gate couldn't be killed. I knew that it was useless to fight hard, so I had to run away.

I was in the last position of the team, so I ran to the front when I ran away, but I only ran more than ten meters. Suddenly, I was put on a hard object, which made me full of blood.

. My head was blinded for a moment. Xie Yuting had helped me up and said to me, "What the fuck is going on? There is a stone door in front of me."

When we came here just now, there was absolutely no door, and we didn't seem to have encountered any mechanism. There must be movement when such a big door is closed, and we didn't hear it.

The flashlight in Xie Yuting's hand shook the door, and I was immediately stunned, because there were two conch signs on the stone door, and those natural cracks like branches, which were obviously the door when we came.

I said to Xie Yuting, "This is fucking strange. I know this is the door when we came in. After walking for so long, have we only walked out for more than ten meters?"

Xie Yuting was also shocked and asked, "Are you right?"

I shook my head and said, "Absolutely not, it's that door!"

Xie Yuting took a cold breath and said, "No matter how much, let's go out first..."

Then the three of us jointly clasped the crack in the door, cut out the bleeding of our nails, and then opened a crack in the door. All three of us squeezed in, and then closed the door together and breathed.

I don't know if the horrible monster can open the door like us. If it can only ramble savagely, it will take some time for this inner door to open from the inside.

I was thinking nonsense when suddenly the Nobita in front of me shouted and said, "Damn it! What's going on!"

I hurriedly looked back and thought that I could see the familiar mirror square and the stars in the sky. I didn't expect to be stunned when I saw it.

The space in front of us is not the same as when we entered the door, but a secret room of only more than 100 square meters.

There is a gray sarcophagus in the center of the secret room, and the ground is full of metal plates, which seem to be hundreds.

"Why are the gods of the Chinese lying all over the ground here! This god is too worthless! Is this a scallion pancake? Two yuan a piece, a lot of baking!" Nobita said in surprise.

Before we could take a closer look at the secret room, there was a loud noise from the stone door, which felt like being hit by a big truck. The ground trembled slightly, and the plaster fell off the wall.

I knew that the long-necked monster hit the door, but I didn't expect it to have such strength that it could knock the door open in three or five times.

The three of us are in danger, but we can only stand at the door, because Liang Qian once said that touching the metal disc would also kill people, so no one dared to step on them.

The three people did not say anything and put their shoulders against the stone gate to prepare for the next impact.