long candle

Chapter 29 Military and Civil Family

The following paragraph is morexuan, and I can't believe the authenticity of this content. He said that he used animal language to communicate with the anthus and persuaded it to work for the Tang Dynasty. During the war with the Western Regions, the anthus made great contribution and was given the name Wujin Shenjiao.

Liang Yeba has made many remarkable contributions to the Tang Dynasty, and his status is getting higher and higher. His two precious candle gods and giant dragons have played a huge role. Wei people lived a long life and were still like a teenager at the age of 60, which caused a lot of criticism from the court. Coupled with the exclusion and slander of other officials, Liang Yebar was finally given clothes to return home.

But because Liang Yeba's two treasures were too powerful, Li Shimin was afraid that he would rebel and detained the candle god, making him "return to Shu along the river". The river refers to the Yellow River.

Liang Yeba has been an official for many years and has learned a lot of ways of governing the country in the Tang Dynasty. After returning to the clan, he tried hard to govern, doubled the population, and used the power of the giant to fight against the barbarians. The surrounding tribes submitted to tribute, and even the neighboring powerful country Tuyuhun had to give three points of courtesy.

Thirteen years later, in the 233 years of Zhenguan, Li Shimin died and a fire fell next to the tribe of Wei. The mountain fire burned countless livestock, leaving a 100-meter huge pit that burned for three days and three nights.

Later, Liang Yeba spent three years building an ice palace under the Heizhugou, and the whole family moved underground. During the day, the men climbed from the ropes of the huge patio to the ground to hunt and cultivate, and the women dug ice in the underground lake for fishing.

However, the life of Wei people is not peaceful. There is a natural ancient cave on the mountain wall behind the ice palace. There are often ghosts crying at night, and unknown ghosts often wander at the mouth of the cave. People and animals close to the mouth of the cave will be inexplicably swallowed up. Liang Yeba has sent strong soldiers from the clan many times to check in the cave, but none of them have returned.

A year later, the candle god was given back by Tang Gaozong. Liang Ye was overjoyed and personally went deep into the ghost cave with the help of the power of the candle god. What he met in the cave was not described in detail here. At the bottom of the cave is a natural stone well with extremely low temperature. According to the original words of the silk book, "the temples are white, and the fire is not warm. It is wrapped in three layers of Qiu and frozen bones, which is extremely cold."

Later, Liang Ye pulled around the wellhead several times and finally decided to explore the well with the Candle God.

Written here, I don't know why the following words were erased by Liang Ye. I don't know what happened in the middle, and then there is the last paragraph, which is a more magnificent description.

I guess that they may have opened a thing called "ghost's Eye" in the ancient well, because Liang Yeba said: The ghost's eyes will open, the fire will come out, and the attack will burn, and the bones and flesh will be burned. The country will be difficult to escape. I kill heavily. It is difficult to build an ice palace and God's will. The candle will disperse all its power and trap the fire. I will kill all the people with blood. , and used Chunfeng's "demon map" to suppress the ghost's eyes, and then swallowed the fire and died here. He left this book to tell future generations.

I think his last handwriting has been very scribbled, obviously written in a hurry, perhaps when his life was in danger. Otherwise, he doesn't have to erase the middle paragraph instead of rewriting it, because he doesn't have that time at all.

I put down the silk book in my hand and turned off the flashlight. The surroundings returned to darkness. I took a deep breath, and there was still a burning smell in the air that had just been burned.

The content of this silk book is extremely brief, and a large part of it has been deleted. The plot is also very strange, and there are still many doubts. I guess the Candle God is the huge copper disk, because I have seen it appear on the ice painting outside.

Is the fire the bugs in those small copper plates? And what are those hairs? And why did the giant cobra sleep under the ice lake with the candle god in his arms?

When the Chinese found the cave, it was a natural cave, but now there is a corridor and a secret room, which has obviously been excavous, and the person who chiseled it also set up a very mysterious maze here.

Liang Yeba said that he killed all the people, and who made the coffin for him? I think the person who repaired the maze and made the coffin should be the same person, and it should have happened after Liang Yeba's death, because since Liang Yeba left the book in later generations, there is no reason to kill people, but the silk book does not mention how to pass through this maze.

I don't know how long I will be trapped in this maze, and my mood is depressed. The snoring of Nobita and Yuting sounded in my ear. Finally, I couldn't stand it. I put away the silk book and lay down against the cold wall and went to sleep.

I have been extremely tired. I have never felt so tired with my eyes open, so after lying down, my consciousness immediately became blurred. I estimate that I will sleep for three days and nights.

I slept soundly. The ground in the secret room was cold and the air was humid. I only felt sore all over my body, and I didn't feel much sleepy.

I don't know how long it took, as if I saw the dark shadow at the door, and several people suddenly came in.

I was alert and tried to struggle hard, but I found that my whole body was weak and I couldn't move at all. I knew it was a ghost pressure bed.

When human sleep, the muscles of the whole body are relaxed, and the consciousness is in a semi-ambiguous state, which will produce hallucinations and feel that there is someone around them, but the brain still implies the state of sleep, so that the muscles cannot wake up, so people can't move.

The feeling of "someone around" generated by ghost pressure is usually an illusion, so I secretly told myself not to be afraid.

After lying down for a while, I felt something was wrong, because my consciousness was not vague. I could clearly feel that the group of people slowly walked to the direction of my head, and then stood there motionless, staring down at me like a row of puppets.

I don't know if anyone has experienced such a thing, but when you are sleeping, you suddenly feel that someone around you is staring at you motionless. At that time, even if you can move, you will be scared to sweat coldly and dare not move. You are afraid to turn your head and see a big white face.

At this time, I felt the same. Although I knew it might be an illusion, the white sweat all over my body quickly wet my shirt.

I used my spare light to glap at Daxiong and He Yuting next to me and found that they didn't know when they disappeared.

At this time, those people shrugged, as if they were whispering what the discussants. I hadn't heard clearly. As a wisp of fire lit up, an extremely horrible face appeared in front of me.

It was Lao Huang who was tortured to death by a bitter mantis in front of the stone gate. There were several visible bone blood marks on half of his face and neck. He scratched it by himself when he was poisoned. Now he is staring at me with wide eyes and resentful. The black blood oozing from his eyes dripped down his cheeks and fell on my cheeks, a cold, sticky and fishy The smell of stinginess made my scalp explode.

I was so scared that I almost passed my breath. In an instant, I felt a breathing blockage, a grunt in my mouth, and I fainted as soon as I rolled my eyes.

I don't know how long it took. When I woke up, the first thing I saw was a firelight.

A burning bonfire burned in front of me, and several people in rag military uniforms surrounded the fire.

The fire shadow shines on these people's faces and prints out expressionless faces. Each face has big or small scratches, so dirty that I can hardly see what it was, but I can see that they all seem to be a little uneasy.

I recognize that these people are Lao Huang's subordinates who entered the cave with us. It seems that this international thief still has survivors.

I moved my body a little, but found that my hands and feet were tied, and my wrists hurt hotly as soon as I moved.

I frowned and said to those people, "Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, what's going on? Why did the military and civilian families tie up their relatives?"