long candle

Chapter 49 Old Story

Children's shoes with black tickets are optimistic about it. Today's second update


Leaving Sandaoyan County, a convoy gradually disappeared into the darkness, with a vast earth on both sides, and the moonlight was cold, reflecting a continuous forest at the junction of heaven and earth in the distance.

It is reasonable that I won't feel sleepy after nine o'clock, but because there was no one talking in the car, I actually felt a little sleepy, so I adjusted the seat to lie down and prepared to go to bed.

Before going to bed, I took a look at several people in the car. Boss Wu didn't know what game he was playing with his mobile phone. Daxiong had already snored like thunder, and the assistant surnamed Wang was actually looking at the palm of his hand and didn't know what he was thinking.

I don't care so much. After chatting with the driver, I covered my coat and closed my eyes.

I thought to myself that I didn't tell my second uncle about this trip. They must be very worried. But on second thought, it's not the first time I've disappeared for several days, and my second aunt planted a trick on me. If something really happens to me, she should be able to detect it, so even if I can't call back, they won't worry too much, right?

Thinking about it, I fell asleep. Maybe the fight during the day took too much energy.

I don't know how long I slept and had some messy dreams. Suddenly, I felt that my head was hit on a hard thing, and I suddenly woke up from my dream.

I sat up from my seat, rubbed my forehead, and found myself kowtowed on the door of the car. Unconsciously, the car has reached the mountain road and is turning a very urgent corner.

At this time, Daxiong next to him smiled and said, "You can really sleep, Comrade Xiaochuan. It's been half an hour since we entered the mountain. The mountain road was soar that we almost threw out your grandfather's stomach. You have just woken up now, which reminds me of some kind of animal."

I was not in the mood to quarrel with him. I looked at my mobile phone and asked him where we were now after four o'clock in the middle of the night.

The driver answered first in Xinjiang Mandarin: "Oh, we have just passed Mao County, and now we are on our way to Songpan."

I said, people who don't know Sichuan may not know Songpan, but they may know Jiuzhaigou.

Songpan County is next to Jiuzhaigou County. Jiuzhaigou and Songpan's Huanglong Scenic Area are collectively known as Jiuhuang Scenic Area, which is a world natural heritage.

In fact, it is the closest to go to Xinjiang and Guangyuan City, but the scenery on Jiuzhai side is obviously much better. As an archaeological team with tourism as the main purpose, it is reasonable to go here, but the mountains here are steeper and the mountain roads are extremely difficult.

Looking at the car winding up and down in the mountains, I soon realized the feeling of Nobita's stomach being thrown out, but I'm better than him. I don't get carsick, I just feel a little dizzy.

Next to him, Nobita held a plastic bag and put it under his chin. His eyes were straight, and he made a vomiting sound every time he bent, which made me very much.

Master laughed when he saw him like this: "Young man, can't you stand this? Then you will faint directly when you arrive in Xinjiang. The road in Xinjiang is comparable to the Huangquan Road in hell. In the no man's land of the Taklamakan desert, the road is not taken by people at all. If you encounter a sandstorm or something, you can even blow the whole car to the sky.

At this time, Boss Wu, who was playing with his mobile phone, suddenly said, "Master, you have walked so many roads in Xinjiang. Do you know anything about Lop Nur?"

The master picked up the teacup next to him and took a sip and said, "I'm going to tell you about this, Lop Nur. That's not a fairy lake at all. That's the Devil's Lake!"

It's good to take you there this time, otherwise no one will take you there in July.

Without waiting for us to speak, the master continued, "I said that you scientists are really strange. June and July are the most dangerous times in Lop Nur. There are often sandstorms, but there are the most explorers at this time. Do you know that Peng Jiamu and Yu Chunshun were killed at this time?"

Boss Wu said indifferently: "I have heard about these two people. Peng Jiamu was killed because he didn't bring enough food and water.

And Yu Chunshun died because he was lost because he did not carry a modern navigation machine.

We have enough food and water this time, and the instruments are also the most advanced. It's impossible.

The master shook his head and said, "Well, since I took your money, I shouldn't say anything more, but I still want to remind the bosses first that in addition to the climate and wind and sand, the most terrible thing about Lop Nur is some unknown factors. I guess you have heard of the legends of Lop Nur. ."

At this time, I interrupted: "Oh, are you talking about zombies?

And the Roble Ear Cave has a cave leading to 10,000 meters underground, which used to be a Russian geocentric research base.

The master shook his head and said, "My family has lived in Ruoqiang County for generations. I have heard from my elders about the big events that happened in Lop Nur. Those are all fake. There are no zombies and no caves. However, there is one thing that my uncle told me in person, which is absolutely true. I don't know if the bosses want to hear it.

Nobita loves to listen to stories, and he roared first: "Come and listen, Master, I'm about to be idle!"

The master cleared his throat and looked at the light of the front convoy sweeping the knife-and-axed cliff. He seemed to fall into memory. After a while, he said, "My uncle, like me, is also a guide to Lop Pau, but he has quit now. His active era was more than nine years, when nuclear explosion tests had stopped and more and more people explored Lop Nur.

"Once, my uncle took a group of young backpackers and wanted to drive through the dry lake of Lop Nur. At that time, it was late autumn in October. The weather was cooler and the journey was smooth. But the car arrived near the Loulan Protection Station,

The chassis of my uncle's car was topped by a big stone protruding from the ground, causing the oil to leak and I had to get out of the car to repair it.

"At that time, there were three backpackers in my uncle's car. In order not to delay their trip, my uncle suggested that the three people squeeze into the two cars in front of him, and he repaired the car and caught up immediately.

After the three people got out of the car, my uncle took out the toolbox and climbed to the bottom of the car to repair it.

"Here I want to say that after leaving the Loulan Protection Station, the convoy has entered the dry lake of Lop Nur, that is, a large area of dark brown Gobi. Except for a few mounds protruding on the desert, there are no vegetation, there are no birds, not even a few bugs, and no one will smoke."

"It was past 4 p.m., and the sun should have been very hot, but after my uncle lay under the car for more than ten minutes, he suddenly found that it was dark and there was wind and sand blowing around.

The dust storm in the desert is so sudden. The sun was shining just now, and the next moment you may be buried in the sand sea.

However, the uncle looked at the sandstorm and it was not very big. It was estimated that it would pass in an hour or two, which would not affect the driving, so he didn't care too much.

"About half an hour later, my uncle felt a little thirsty, so he was ready to get out of the car.

Just as he turned his head to the front side of the car, he suddenly saw a team of people coming from the front of the car! Uncle was shocked and thought, how could there be a team walking from the depths of Lop Nur in the Gobi desert? And the pace of these people is very neat, as if they were trained.

"Uncle held his breath and waited for the team to approach. When the group of people came over, the uncle found that these people were walking barefoot. From his perspective, he could only see that their toenails were very long, the cracks in their toes were full of yellow sand, and the skin on their feet was dry and they had walked a long way at a glance.

And the trousers worn by these people are dark blue, and the legs of the trousers have been rotten one by one.

"But the most incredible thing is that each of these people is carrying a gun with a wooden buttstock hanging from behind their legs, which may be an old-fashioned rifle. The team had no words and made a very slight sound when walking. When they came to their uncle's car, the team suddenly stopped, and then a person in the line came out and walked straight to the car.

"At this time, my uncle's heart had jumped to his throat and he didn't dare to breathe. He watched the big feet come step by step, and then stopped in front of the door of the cab, as if looking into the car.