long candle

Chapter 53 Smurfs

Please collect, lie down and roll, all kinds of things.


Although we heard him say so, we didn't have time to pay attention to him at all, because we heard the low roar of the wild camels and began to retreat.

And on the sand in front of them, there was a ball of sand slowly bulging like a balloon.

Before we could see what was going on, a clear "poop" sound came from the sand, and then the camels disappeared!

In almost less than half a second, several huge camels disappeared out of thin air in front of us, which was incredible.

Nobita and I looked at each other, and Lao Ni was so scared that he knelt down, his eyes were closed, and his mouth kept praying.

I stared at the sand and saw a few wisps of yellow sand floating in the air, and there was nothing wrong with it. It seemed that the wild camels had never been here.

After a while, Daxiong and I still couldn't speak, and Lao Ni was angry and shouted at us, "Do you two really want to be taken away by the devil? If you don't go any further, don't blame me for being rude!"

We were almost dragged down the rock by him and returned to the camp to sit down, but we were still in shock.

After a long time, Nobita asked me, "Is it Liusha?"

I shook my head and said, "No, the quicksand is not that fast. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's really the devil?"

After saying that, the three of us fell silent again. Boss Wu, not far away, saw that we looked different and came over and asked me what was going on.

I opened my mouth to tell him, but Lao Ni said first, "It's okay. It's just that the two bosses almost fell down, so they don't look good."

Boss Wu looked at me and said, "The bottom of the pot is ready. You can take a break and come over for dinner."

Boss Wu turned around and walked away, and Lao Ni whispered to us, "The devil is still wandering around us. Don't make trouble and make trouble for it. We will all be unlucky!"

After seeing the strange scene just now, we have nothing to say, thinking that maybe superstition is not a bad thing at all. After all, there are too many strange things in the world that can explain anything clearly.

At dinner, everyone was silent.

Boss Wu looked at the photos for a long time and obviously didn't find anything. He seemed to be worried, while his assistant still had a bitter face and ate by himself.

After dinner, everyone will go back to the tent, get ready to rest for the night, and leave early tomorrow.

I have something on my mind. I tossing and always can't sleep, so I play games with my mobile phone.

Unconsciously, it was late at night. Just as I was about to put down my mobile phone to sleep, I saw a huge shadow shaking outside the tent.

I thought to myself what this is in the middle of the night! For a moment, he was so scared that he sweated coldly on his head and took out a dagger from under the pillow.

A ray of moonlight outside the tent reflected the shadow very clearly, which seemed to be a personal figure. He was twisting his body and drilling into my tent in a clumsy posture.

I knelt on my knees and climbed to the door of the tent, and a round head came out of the door. I clamped his neck with one arm and shook the dagger to stab.

Suddenly, I heard the man, who whispered, "Alas! It's me. Don't fight, don't fight."

As soon as I heard Nobita's voice, I let go of my hand and asked him, "In the middle of the night, I will drill into my tent without saying hello. What do you want to do?"

Daxiong touched his neck and sighed, "Oh, my God, I didn't expect your boy to be so strong that he was about to strangle me."

I looked at him and didn't say anything.

After a while, he recovered and asked me, "Can you sleep too? The camel disappeared too strangely. If we sleep, maybe we will end up like that camel. I think we should go there to have a look, at least be more secure.

I frowned and said, "You fat man, you are just bold. I want to see you. Don't pull me into the water. If there is really anything dangerous, it's not a joke."

Nobita snorted and said, "When did you become so timid? Do you really believe that there are any devils in the world? We should look at the problem from a scientific perspective, take the road of sustainable development, and promote the socialist market economy.

I didn't know where he was, so I told him to stop.

Nobita smiled and took out something from his waist to show me.

I saw that it was a May 4 imitation*, and I was shocked and asked him where he came from.

He said that it was the "equipment" sent to him by Boss Wu after dinner, and there was a long one in the tent.

Then he said, "With this guy, what are you afraid of? Let's go and have a look. Even if Gargamel jumps out, he is afraid of eating a gun."

I really couldn't do anything about him. In addition, with a guy in my hand, I had more confidence in my heart, so I followed him out of the tent and walked to the desert where the camel disappeared.

The night in the desert was very cold, and I still felt a chill from my neck in a leather jacket.

The camp was dark, and there was only high and low snoring from the tent. Obviously, everyone was asleep.

We walked out of the camp, walked around the Devil's City, and soon entered the vast sand sea.

Nobita walked in front and hummed, "There is a group of Smurfs on the other side of Haiti on the other side of the mountain."

I continued to sing in the back: "Oh, lovely Gargamel, oh cute Gargamel."

Daxiong turned around and scolded, "Wrong singing! You will be pissed off if your father hears the lyrics.

I said, "The Smurf father will not be pissed off, but if Lao Ni knew that we had sneaked out to find the 'devil', he would definitely be pissed off."

Nobita laughed and said, "That guy, with a big beard, is so timid. Thinking of his prayer 'Oh, great Allah', I want to laugh."

As soon as he finished saying this, he suddenly tripped and fell to the ground.

Seeing that he made a fool of himself, I also laughed and said, "Allah appears, right?"

Nobita struggled to make it from the sand, and then went to dig out what was under his feet. He scolded, "Daily, what's the matter? Is there still stones in this desert?"

He shaved for a while and grabbed something from the sand, like an intestine.

I was shocked and hurried over to have a look.

I saw that the thing was black and a little elastic when I poked it with my finger. There were many dry cracks on the surface, all of which were stuffed with sand.

"What is this? A dead snake?" Nobita asked me.

I shook my head and felt that this thing seemed to be very familiar. After thinking about it, I suddenly remembered and scolded, "Damn it, this is a cable. How can there be such a thing here!"

Nobita looked carefully and said, "It's really a wire."

He dug the sand along one end of the wire and dug three or four meters out, and then the wire began to extend underground.

Nobita dug deeper and deeper, about a meter, but we couldn't see the other end. Then we pulled it hard, and the wire did not move, indicating that the length deep into the ground must still be very deep.

Nobita scratched his head and asked me, "Huh? What's going on? Is there a video game hall under this desert?

I'm not in the mood to joke. I touched my chin and said, "We have to go back and ask someone to dig. Maybe it has something to do with the tomb we are looking for."

Nobita shouted, "Are you kidding? Is there electricity in the ancient tomb 2,000 years ago? Does Zongzi also watch TV and surf the Internet? Then I will also make Zongzi in the future.

I stared at him and said to him, "What's so strange? Scientists have detected traces of nuclear radiation in the ruins of Atlantis, that is to say, there was a nuclear war 15,000 years ago. What is the electric wire?"

Nobita wanted to say something else, but he heard a "puff" behind us, which scared me to shrink my neck.

Unlike before, the sound this time is clearer and more real, as if it is not far behind us, a little like the sound made when the basketball exploded, very suddenly.

We looked around nervously to see if anything had happened, but after a minute, nothing seemed to be fine.

After staying in place for a while, we climbed up the nearest sand dune and looked in the direction of the sound. We saw that not far away, it was the place where the camels disappeared. The two sand dunes here were in special in shape and should be the tallest in the vicinity, so I kept them in mind.

Looking down at the yellow sand there, I saw that there was nothing unusual on the sand surface. There was neither blood nor debris, not even a trace of coordination. The group of camels seemed to have been eaten by the desert.