long candle

Chapter 60 The Third Person

I looked around with a flashlight and whispered to Nobita, "I feel that it's not just us here."

Daxiong suddenly saw sweat on his forehead and asked in a low voice, "What do you say?"

I thought about it and said to him, "Intuition."

Nobita was relieved and said, "Don't guess. Maybe I'm wrong. It's been locked here for so many years. How can there be someone else?"

I didn't say anything. I took photos around to make sure that there was nothing strange around, and then asked Nobita, "What on earth is recorded in the recorder?"

Nobita said, "Oh, that's right, this is the Russian's self-statement. He was a researcher and was sent to study the plant species under the Salt Lake. Their research team made a deep hole in the ground and took a large number of plant samples from the hole. They found that these plant samples were very unusual. First, they had never seen these plants before, and secondly because these plants actually moved. Some of the characteristics of objects have very complex behaviors.

After long-term contact with these plants, people begin to become a little abnormal. At first, they are irritable and often insomnia, but later they become trance and do things that they can't control, such as hurting each other.

Finally, one day, there was a bloody massacre in the laboratory. The dead ghost and another Chinese scientist Wang Yang were relatively clear. They took advantage of the chaos and fled, but met an unprecedented sandstorm before escaping. Wang Yang disappeared in the sandstorm after going out. The Russian returned here with difficulty. He Knowing that he would die, he no longer escaped. After locking the door, he waited here to die and recorded this message, hoping that the government could find the buried location by sound when it found them.

After listening to this, I nodded and said, "The Wang Yang mentioned here should be the owner of the bronze medal you found. He and Wei Wang are in the same organization. As a scientist, he came here to investigate. His purpose may not be simple."

Nobita also nodded and said, "So how did this person die? How did he get locked here after his death?

I felt a little confused. After thinking for a while, I suddenly realized something was wrong and said to Nobita, "This man held the tape recorder before he died just to let the government know what was going on here. That's right, but he was killed in the end. Since the person who killed him didn't want to be alive, Why did you hear the recorder ringing without destroying it with the recorder?

Nobita looked at me in surprise and obviously felt incredible.

Due to our inner doubts, we didn't speak, and the surroundings became very quiet.

At this time, Nobita and I clearly heard a slight bang at the same time, as if something had hit the iron gate.

I was stunned and whispered, "Something is coming!"

Nobita also widened his eyes and whispered "h" without saying a word. He turned off the light on his mobile phone, and then let me turn it off, so that the surroundings fell into darkness.

While turning off the mobile phone, Nobita took off the skeleton's coat and put it on me. Then Nobita lifted the skeleton up and let me sit on it and let me hold the tape recorder.

After that, Nobita hugged the skeleton, and the cat came to a corner and whispered, "Don't move."

When he went far away, I realized that this fucking wanted me to be the bait!

But no matter how much I regret it, the surroundings have completely darkened.

This house built decades ago has been sleeping under the desert for so long, and there is a dead person staying here. I really don't know what happened in this house when there was no one. Thinking that there was a possibility of killing each other here decades ago, my heart was even more creepy, silently chanting Amitabha.

After about ten minutes, the surroundings have fallen into an absolutely quiet state, with only the faint breathing sound that I forcibly suppressed.

The Soviet robe I wear doesn't smell good. Although the climate here is dry and the clothes will not grow moldy, the smell of rotten cotton still doesn't smell good.

Because this dress was worn by a dead man, which may be psychological, I always felt that the place where my arm was against this robe began to be itchy.

Just as I was about to roll up the sleeves of my clothes, suddenly a strange voice sounded beside me. As soon as I heard this sound, I was dumbfounded. My neck was so stiff that I didn't dare to move, and the palm of my hand suddenly sweated coldly.

Because what I heard was the murmur of the man in the original tape recorder, and the tape recorder in my hand was not plugged in, and the plug was being stepped on by me!

I've finished speaking, this time it's a live-action version...

I couldn't help thinking about it. I felt something coming in from the door, and there were rustling footsteps in my ears.

This thing moved quickly and quickly came not far in front of me.

Cold sweat came out of my forehead and flowed down my neck. I felt that my collar was soaked, and I scolded in my heart, "Oh, there is really something. If I had known it, I would have let Daxiong pretend to be dead. I should have slapped myself."

Thinking about it, the tape recorder in my hand suddenly moved and was pulled, as if it wanted to take it out.

At the same time, I felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at me not far from the tip of my nose, which was a wonderful feeling. Even if it was dark around me, I could still feel that if I moved, I could kiss this person immediately.

The man pulled the tape recorder, but I refused to let go, so he pulled it again, harder than before.

In fact, I was very entangled. I said that if it was taken away by this man, he might run away immediately, but now I don't have the courage to let me catch him!

Just when he was struggling, Nobita suddenly shouted in the corner, "Ogawa, how's it going?"

Although his voice was very low, obviously the person in front of me also heard it and hurriedly let go and was about to run.

I was anxious and didn't care so much. I grabbed his hand and shouted in a broken gong-like voice, "Catch him, hurry up!"

The man was obviously shocked by me and whined. He seemed to be a woman.

In the dark, I heard Nobita's heavy footsteps rushing out of the corner, and then the light of his mobile phone also lit up.

In a trance, I seemed to see a familiar face, but before I could see it clearly, Daxiong had rushed up and pressed the man to the ground.

The woman snorted and shouted, "Let go of me, fat man!"

Daxiong slammed and said, "Damn, I'm still a woman!"

After saying that, he used his mobile phone to take a picture of the man's face. I was shocked. This person turned out to be Liang Qian!

Five minutes later, the three of us found a chair and sat in a row. Liang Qian lit a mine lamp, rubbed the shoulder that was compressed by Daxiong, and looked at me.

And Daxiong has always been hostile to Liang Qian in Heizhugou, and now he is gritting his teeth.

To be honest, it was quite unexpected for me to meet Liang Qian again in such a way. Escape from the underground of the Black Bamboo Valley, I actually thought about the whereabouts of this beautiful woman. Although I thought that her ability should be fine, I was not sure.

In the Heizhugou incident, she has always played a mysterious role. Although I don't know her true identity and purpose, I am still very grateful to her because she saved my life many times. Now when I see her alive in front of me, I don't know why, I feel at ease.

But then I frowned again, because this woman came out so mysteriously that the matter might become extremely complicated.

Looking at our expressions, Liang Qian suddenly smiled, brushed the hair in her ear and said, "Well, you can ask me three questions. I will definitely tell you the truth, but only three."

I was a little surprised. I didn't expect that I would have such an opportunity, but then I became entangled, because I had too many questions to ask her.

After thinking about it, I felt that I couldn't be too greedy. I remembered that she had also said before that my grandfather was not a human, but a monster that ran out of the ghost's eyes, so I asked her, "Can you tell me about my grandfather, and what the two yellow papers you got are? Why do you say that my grandfather is also Looking for this thing?"