long candle

Chapter 64 Refuge

I don't know how hard it took. After falling countless times and feeling almost blown away by the storm, I finally saw the shadow of Yadan Group, and the wind suddenly became much smaller.

A few more steps forward, I saw someone standing under a huge stone, waving something like a silk scarf in his hand, and a flashlight dancing in front of him.

I took out my mobile phone and responded, and saw several shadows running towards me.

Three people came over and saw that I was about to collapse. They quickly picked me up, and the other two helped me and ran to Yadan Group.

came to a bow-shaped boulder formed by wind erosion. I saw * coming over and took off my scarf and asked me, "Are you all right?" The sandstorm came so suddenly that we wanted to pick you up, but the wind was so strong that we lost two people!"

There was a loud roar in my ear. I barely heard what he said. I wanted to curse, but when I heard him say that he had damaged two people, I also suppressed my anger, took a sip of the sand in my mouth, and asked him loudly, "What should I do now?" What about the others?

* pointed to the depths of the Devil City and said, "Boss Wu took Daxiong and the others in. There has been no news in it since yesterday. Now we are going to find them."

I nodded, put on my scarf again, and pointed to the front.

Because I've been there, and now Daxiong and Liang Qian are not here, so I have to take the scalp road.

After entering the Devil's City, the strange sound in my ears became louder, but the wind and sand and flying stones were obviously much less, but the sky was still terribly dark. From time to time, stones that hit Yadan above his head fell down, like rain.

* I handed me a helmet against the messy stone. I looked and saw that there were spotlights for mining on it, so I turned it on my head. As I walked, there was a crackling sound from the top of my head.

As I walked, I heard a familiar voice behind me: "Bosses, why don't you listen to me? This sandstorm is going to blow for three days and nights. Now we have to go back, or we will be trapped in the Devil City!"

I looked back. It turned out to be Lao Ni, the guide. At this moment, there was no blood on his face. The halal hat was blown away by the wind. The messy hair on his head was shiny and was rippling like seaweed by the wind.

He pulled his sleeve while making a prayer gesture.

And * completely ignored him. A black scarf covered his mouth and nose, and I couldn't see his expression.

I know that it's too late to go back now. Even if we want to return to Ruoqiang, we have to wait here until the sandstorm is smaller.

But soon I got rid of the idea of evasion, because * pulled the corners of my clothes and pointed to the front.

I was stunned to see that the road in front of us was getting higher and higher. The originally tall Yadan group had been buried two or three meters by the sand. The further you go, the higher the sand will be piled up. If the sand blows down again, it won't be long before this Yadan group will be completely buried in the ground.

Seeing this scene in front of us, everyone knows that if you don't want to die here today, you can only hide in the cave, because it is already underground. After so many years of wind and sand invasion, the house structure there is still solid and is a perfect refuge.

So everyone stopped talking, Lao Ni also shut up, and the group walked forward with difficulty against the wind.

Walking on the soft sand layer, every time you step on it, you will sink into your thighs and then fill your shoes with sand, so it is very difficult to walk.

About half an hour later, the wind in front of me became louder and louder, and all kinds of strange sounds had reached a deafening level.

At this time, I saw the front * walking in front of us waved the flashlight, as if to stop us.

I slowly walked to *, and the people behind me also slowly leaned over. At this time, we found that two or three meters ahead was the huge cave. The ancient machines around had been half buried by the yellow sand. The strong storm poured the rolling yellow sand into the hole, making a rumbling sound, just like a road to The passage of hell.

* Adjusted the military wolf smoke flashlight in his hand to the highest brightness, and then illuminated it into the hole, but the pale beam was like mud flowing into the sea, and soon disappeared at the end of darkness and nothing could be seen clearly.

* frowned, took out a nylon rope from the backpack, handed me one end, and then pointed to the nearest heavy excavator.

I understood what he meant. I walked over and hooked the rope to the hub of the excavator, pulled it hard to ensure that it was stable enough, and gave * a thumbs up.

* looked at the people around him, lowered his right palm and made a downward gesture, which meant that we stayed here and he went down to have a look first.

Then he threw the rope in his hand into the abyss-like hole, put on leather gloves, grabbed the rope, pedaled the wall of the cave, and slowly climbed down.

The people we left at the mouth of the cave dare not move forward too far, because the sand layer that has just accumulated is not strong, and a slight mistake may slip into the abyss.

* After all, he is a professional grave robber who signals the ground with lights every minute, indicating that he is safe.

After signaling four times in a row, I suddenly saw that the rope was loosened. My heart was cold and I thought there was something wrong, but soon his flashlight lit up again and drew a circle straight towards the sky.

This signal means that it is safe below, so we are all relieved. It seems that * has found a place to stand, so we let go of the rope.

So we climbed down the rope one after another.

I was the last one to climb down. From afar, I saw all the people standing on a platform extending from the wall of the cave. The platform had a certain slope, but because the cave was too dark, I couldn't see the length and width at all.

When falling to the ground, from the touch of the feet, this is a platform made of rock, which is at least 20 meters away from the ground and should be done artificially.

* walked straight forward with a flashlight and quickly reached the edge of the stone platform. We also came over and saw him shining down with a flashlight, and the light was like mud flowing into the sea, completely swallowed up by the deep darkness.

*After pondering for a moment, he looked at me and said blankly, "It's very deep..."

I nodded, took down the scarf that covered my face, pouted twice, and said, "Try it with a flare."

*Um, took out the lighting gun from his backpack, went to the hall, and then fired a shot straight into the depths of the abyss.

The hot white light immediately bloomed from the dark space, illuminating everything around.

The dazzling ball of light fell rapidly, allowing me to see that the place where we are standing is not a platform, but a rocky road hanging on the wall of the cave. The whole road spirals down and stretches. I don't know how long it is.

And there are also some broken rock road remnants above our heads. Maybe this road used to go straight to the ground, but years of weathering and burial have led to the destruction of the upper part.

* stared at the smaller and smaller light spot and said to me, "Yes, look at the wheel marks left on the road, you can imagine that this should be the passageway for the Russian devils to transport the rock and soil dug out by large locomotives."

I agree. Obviously, this is good news. At least we don't have to climb down an unknown hole.

However, looking at the falling light ball, I was still more and more surprised, because although this kind of magnesium flare can only last less than a minute, how can a minute fall hundreds of kilometers? Until the light of the flare disappears from the field of vision, it has not yet There is a stop.

Seeing this scene, the people around them looked different, some were stunned and some were scared, but some young tomb robbers actually showed a very excited look.

There is also a very complicated emotion in my heart. You know, even with the help of modern machinery, the amount of work to dig a hole dozens of meters wide and kilometers deep is no smaller than the construction of Egyptian pyramids. This is undoubtedly the existence of a human miracle, but this extremely spectacular miracle is strange. The mystery.