long candle

Chapter 73 Tent

I held a tree stick in my hand, carefully opened the curtain, *posed a professional gun posture and aimed at the door, and the flashlight in my mouth also shone in.

He explored for a moment, put down his gun and said, "It's okay. Go in."

Then the two of us entered the tent and saw two long tables, with messy documents on the table, and a microscope. Next to the microscope, there was a wooden test tube shelf, and several test tubes were scattered on the shelf. The plant specimens in the hall had already dried up.

In the other corner of the tent, there is a wooden bed with a blanket made of grizzly bear skin, which does not look rotten.

The key is that there is a medicine box on the small cabinet by the bedside.

* walked over, picked up the blanket and checked it, and made sure that there was no rottenness or worms, so I asked me to carry Xiao Wang and put it on **.

He took out a tarpaulin from his backpack as a quilt for Xiao Wang, and then we began to check the medicine box.

Because the temperature under the ground is relatively low, the bandages and alcohol in the medicine box have not deteriorated. We took out the alcohol to poison Xiao Wang's wound, and then re-wraped him.

I asked * if I wanted to give him an injection of penicillin, * shook my head and told me that the shelf life of penicillin was only three years at most.

After walking around the room, I found a smoke-free stove in the middle of the room, and the charcoal next to it was still very dry, so I took out a lighter to help Xiao Wang make a fire.

*Sitting by the bed, he probed his body temperature with the back of his hand and said, "It's much better than before. This boy may save his life."

After feeling the fragility of life, I was really happy for Xiao Wang, because death is very common in this underground cave.

Settling down Xiao Wang, we have learned a big thing. The strange dense forest around us is still unknown. To explore, we must first recover our strength.

I took out two cans of soy products from my backpack, put them on the smoke-free oven, and then gave them a box. I found a comfortable corner and began to eat compressed biscuits.

* I ate faster than I, drank the can down, drank two sips of water, and took out my saber and cut the wooden stick there.

Our mountaineering pick has been lost for a long time, and we even forgot when it was lost, so we sharpened the wooden stick to make it easy to carry, and it can also be used for self-defense when in danger.

I ate the food in my hand and looked*.

He didn't say anything, just buried his things.

The heater next to it brings a warm airflow, relaxing the whole body.

I wanted to ask * how long we would stay here, but when I wanted to say it, I found that I didn't even have the strength to open my mouth.

Then, in my eyes, the movement of cutting wood became slower and slower, and my eyelids began to fight, and my consciousness gradually blurred.

We were so tired that we slept muddledly. I don't know how long it took. When I woke up from my dream, I found that I was still holding the spoon tightly in my hand, and the soybeans in the can poured a pair of trousers.

And I slept on the ground with my head against the wooden bed, with a pair of Xiao Wang's shoes on my back, and my whole body hurts a lot.

But I still struggled to get up and moved my hands and feet.

In this underground world, there is no difference between day and night, and it is still dark outside. Only the dim yellow electric light that has been shining for many years is still projecting a little light.

* is worse than me. The whole person is completely lying on the ground, with the stick thrown aside and still snoring.

I felt that this was the first time I woke up earlier than others, and I couldn't help but feel a little proud. I decided to wash myself first, and then wake up later.

If you don't have a toothpaste and toothbrush, rub it with your fingers, take a sip of mineral water to rinse, and then chew a piece of gum.

The remaining mineral water was used to rub my face, and the water rubbed down was full of black mud. I didn't dare to see how dirty my face was.

After doing this, I turned my head to shout *, but I saw that * had sat up and stared straight at the light coming in.

When he saw me looking at him, he was very nervous and made a silent gesture to me.

His action made my previously relaxed nerves tense again, and I scolded in my heart: "This is the intention not to make people safe. What's the matter?"

I turned my head and looked at the position where I was looking. I saw the dim yellow light shining from a distance and cast a tree shadow on the wall of the canvas tent. There was no wind outside the tent, so the shadow did not move, and everything seemed particularly quiet, as if this was a forgotten static space.

I thought I would see a figure or something, but when I saw the scene in front of me, I didn't feel strange at all, so I looked at * again.

* waved to me and let me go over.

So I carefully walked to him, squatted down and asked him, "What's wrong? It's okay outside!"

* Close to my ear, he said in a trembling voice, "Do you remember the tree outside? Where is the electric light hanging?"

I thought about it, and immediately a cold sweat came out of my forehead.

Yes, when we came in, I clearly remember that the electric light on the tree was hung near the tent, that is to say, according to the laws of physics, the shadow of the tree would be projected to the outside and could never be mapped to our tent.

There are no other plants between the tree, the light and the tent.

There are only two possibilities for this phenomenon in front of us. One is that a tree grows in the yard when we sleep, and the other is that someone moves the position of the electric light.

Whatever is possible, it is enough to suffocate me.

But after looking at it for a while, I said to *, "It's really strange, but it's just a tree. Let's go out and have a look!"

* pressed my shoulder and whispered, "Don't move, don't move, this tree... is alive."

I was surprised again, is the tree alive? What does this mean?

* continued, "The sound of your washing woke me up just now. As soon as I sat up, I saw the shadow of the tree. At that time, it was moving, and one of its branches was swinging left and right, like a human hand."

I suppressed my fear and whispered, "Are the trees under the ground become refined?"

I don't know if we have noticed it or something. Although we have been staring at the shadow of the tree, it has not moved at all.

After waiting for a while, I was a little impatient and said, "No matter how powerful it is, it's just a tree, and it's not the grandma in the Ghost Story. Let's go out and see what kind of goblin this is."

Tree spirit has been around since ancient times, and the most common is the legend about mountain guests, which is said to have been seen before liberation.

Mountain guests generally like to hide in the dense forest. If there are single people who walk at night, they are easy to meet. They are good at laughing and laughing strangely, but usually they will not show up.

If you put a basket of eggs next to the big trees inhabited by mountain tourists, it will take away the eggs the next day and put a large bundle of firewood for you. The ancients often exchanged firewood in this way. Some people say that they are a walking tree, while others say that they are like people. Generally speaking, they are good monsters.

Although I don't believe that there are really any monsters in the world, I have no other way to explain the scene in front of me.

* did the job of digging graves. Of course, I didn't know what timidity was. Then I nodded, pulled the bolt, and slowly moved to the door of the tent with me.

When I slowly moved to the door of the tent, I looked back and made sure that the shadow was still motionless, so we opened the tent door and rushed out.

* picked up the gun as soon as he went out, pointed in the direction of the strange tree, and shouted, "Don't move!"

At this time, my eyes also turned over, but I was immediately shocked by the scene in front of me.

The tree spirit that * and I have always thought is actually the same person!

The man was wearing a dirty coat, with many branches on his clothes, with his hands open, looking at the sky, as if waiting for something.

He is motionless and looks like a tree.

* Seeing that he didn't move, he shouted again, "Who are you?"

The man didn't look back, turned his back to us, just shrugged his shoulders, and then said in a low voice, "Come back to the tent... It's almost dawn..."

Now we can't figure it out. It's almost dawn. Isn't this underground? Is there a day under the earth? Who is this person? There is no boundless behavior and language.

But at this moment, we saw a red light slowly lit up at the end of the vast forest sea, like the rising sun on the ground.

With the rise of the red light, the dark space suddenly became enlightened. We saw the red light on countless leaves reflecting the morning light. At the same time, the red light also illuminated the huge and boundless hole above our heads. The chattering rock was like the back of the dragon, from our heads. It extends straight to the distance.

Suns up under the ground! We can't understand the scene in front of us, which can't be explained by scientific knowledge.

As the red light became brighter and brighter, a breeze blew in the dead underground forest. All the trees swayed with the wind as if they were reborn. We heard the familiar rustling sound, which was the breath of life.

At the same time, there is also a certain uneasiness in the forest.

The red light in the distance became brighter and brighter, attracting most of our eyes, but when we turned around, we saw that the strange man disappeared.

I looked around and found no trace of him.

Just as I was about to look for it, * dragged me and said, "Don't go!" Now we can't control it. I think this scene is too unusual. I'm afraid something has changed!"

I nodded and wanted to hide. Anyway, I won't delay anything.

After returning to the tent, the red light became brighter. If it hadn't been for what I had seen and heard later, I really thought it was the sun.

The brightness of the red light has already exceeded that of the dim yellow electric light hanging on the tree, and the light casts the shadow of the trees in the distance.

Then we saw a mass of red luminous objects gradually rising from the distance on the account cloth, rising higher and higher, faster than the sun rising.

Then an amazing scene happened. As the mass of what we thought was the sun gradually rose to the top of the cave, its light suddenly dimmed, and then it split into three parts from the middle. The light of each part was much darker than the original, close to the pale white.

So the space in the cave gradually darkened, and the three shadows with pale light were clearly reflected on the tent cloth.

* and I looked at each other in surprise, with a puzzled look in our eyes.

At this moment, I seemed to find that the three light clusters were getting bigger and bigger, as if they were approaching the ground. At the same time, the wind in the vast sea of trees was getting louder and louder, countless leaves were blown, and the curtain of our tent was blown like waves.

At this time, I found that when we came in, we were too flustered to pull the curtain. At this time, the curtain was also blown up, and I hurried forward to press the curtain.

But when I saw what happened outside the curtain, I couldn't help but be there.

I saw three huge round ball of light in the distant sky slowly falling to the ground, and in the sea of trees not far below the photosphere, each big tree is full of dense figures, spreading their teeth and claws towards the light ball, as if dancing.

On a big tree not far from us, there are also more than a dozen figures riding at the top of the canopy, dancing towards the light ball players in the distance, making a strange sound in their mouths.

Look carefully, it is the vicious green thorn monster. I didn't expect that there were so many green thorn monsters in this forest.

*Obviously saw this scene, he hurriedly pulled me back and whispered, "Don't go there, be careful of being found!"

We retreated to the corner of the tent and stood. At this time, the two pale lights outside the tent were very dark. About a few minutes later, the underground world returned to complete darkness.

After a few minutes, * patted me and said, "Let's go out and have a look."

I followed him to open the tent cloth and went outside.

With a flashlight, I first took a photo on the tree and found that it was no different. Then I searched the depths of the forest for a while and found nothing, and then turned to look at me.