long candle

Chapter 79 Grassman

I thought that the reason why Grandpa did so many incomprehensible things was that he had a deep connection with Lingyu Temple, but now it seems that Grandpa is on the opposite side of Lingyu Temple.

However, what does the spire building in front of us have to do with the Lingyu Temple?

I can't help but think of the story of King Wei's subjugation of giant dragonfly in Lopur recorded in King Wei's silk book. Is that it related to the ruins deep in this cave?

Just as I was thinking nonsense, Grandpa seemed to be angry and said to Nobita next to him, "Bry up this door! Blow it into pieces together with the contents!"

Daxiong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed and said carefully to his grandfather, "Sir, this is not good. I'm afraid it will destroy the contents. Why don't you let me go in and have a look."

Grandpa was obviously very excited. He took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack, drank half of it, and then said, "No, the things in it are not ordinary dumplings. You can't deal with it."

But at this time, Nobita had carried a double-barre shotgun on his back, then went to the side of the mound, took a big steel hammer on his shoulder, came to the edge of the pit, and then turned to Grandpa and said, "With these two guys, don't worry!"

Looking at the sledgehammer in Nobita's hand, I remembered a very familiar picture. Yes, this is the standard configuration of this guy. Such a Nobita is relatively invincible. When he was in the black bamboo ditch, he was not afraid before entering the cave.

Nobita's personality is indeed impulsive and straightforward, but why did such a personality lie to me? I really can't figure this out.

Grandpa couldn't stop Daxiong, so he didn't say anything more, but lost his winchi at the two tall men next to him and asked them to follow.

I saw Nobita get into the hole in the distance. I didn't know why, but I still sweated for him.

However, this time it was different from the last time in the ruins of King Wei in Heizhugou. I heard Daxiong firing two shots in the stone gate, and then suddenly the stone gate clicked, and then slowly opened it inward. Obviously, the mechanism was opened by Daxiong.

When the door opened to allow one person to pass through, it suddenly made a click of the chain, and then the stone door did not move.

Nobita's face was covered with gray color, squeezed out of the cracks in the stone door, like a fat version of white impermanence.

After a closer look, he found that he had just fallen all over the dust. Maybe the door had not been opened for a long time. When he moved, a lot of dust fell down. Nobita didn't pay attention and was dropped all over.

After he came out, he poofed twice, then rubbed his head, patted his clothes and trouser legs, and then said rudely, "Fuk, before I could see what it was, I just fired two shots and ran away!"

Several other people saw that Nobita looked embarrassed and hurriedly brought him two bottles of water for him to wash, but he was rejected by Nobita. He said nervously, "Hey, don't come here. Do you know what this is? This is the old dust. I deliberately wiped it just now. Do you know what's the use? With this ashes, the thousand-year-old zongzi can't ask my humane.

I almost laughed. It seems that this boy is the same virtue everywhere. Obviously, he accidentally got a body of dust and his mouth is still hard. How can he get so many crooked reasons?

* Seeing that I was going to laugh, I nervously pulled my sleeve and pointed to the top of my head.

I glanced at it and immediately said nothing.

Since the hole they dug under the door was not in the middle, they could go in directly after they opened, so three or five people set up the flashlight and torch, and all took out the long guys, went to the hall and filed in.

I think these people are also not afraid of death, and half of the bodies of their companions are still crawling on the edge of the pit. These people actually entered the tiger's den without complaint.

Although most people entered the giant stone gate, Grandpa obviously left behind, and the remaining five people remained outside the door.

The five people first took out a bucket of gasoline from the tent, burned half of the body in the pit, and then buried it on the spot.

Then they turned off the large spotlights and most of the tent lights, leaving only one weak light of the tent, and five of them stayed around the tent and were on guard.

I think they must have stayed and Grandpa asked them to take over outside.

As Grandpa and the others entered the stone gate, our worries shifted to the overhead.

Now the lights around have disappeared, and the cave has fallen into the deep darkness, which further shows the strange atmosphere around us. What the thing on our heads is doing? We can't see it at all, so our minds are full of all kinds of thoughts.

For example, this guy jumped up when he went up the tree. If we had to climb down slowly when he came down, we would suffer.

So I moved my body out of the branch. In that way, if the thing climbed down the trunk of the tree, I would stay away from him.

Before I could move my body, I heard a noise on the top of the tree, and then a bang, something flew out of the canopy, straight over two walls and landed in front of the tent in the square, but strangely, such a long jump did not make any sound.

The dark shadow fell into the dark place where the light could not be seen. After about ten seconds, the body moved.

Then a strange bell sounded in the silent cave.

The sound of the flute sounded a little familiar. After listening to it for a while, I immediately realized that we were surrounded by the monster possessed by hot algae on the cliff of the cave, and then *detonated*. *After the explosion, the bell that appeared, that's it.

I don't know if those disappearance has anything to do with this ringtone.

When * and I heard the bell, we felt more familiar and surprised, but we didn't expect that the people around the tent collapsed silently and fell to the ground as soon as they heard the sound of the flute.

Watching these people fall to the ground, the shadow did not hesitate, swaggered to the stone gate, and finally disappeared into the stone gate.

* and I felt incredible when we saw everything in front of us.

However, if I don't chase in at this time, I may miss some important clues, so I turned around and walked to the tree trunk and wanted to climb down.

* grabbed me from behind and whispered, "Wait, there are those guys below!"

At this time, I remembered that the strange thing just now came with more than a dozen men, and now those guys are still hiding in the rocks under the tree.

I asked anxiously, "What should we do? We can't stay in the tree for a lifetime, can we?"

* patted me and said, "Don't worry, let me go down and have a look first."

I nodded and knew that he was extraordinary, so I said to him, "Then be careful."

* ignored me, took out a rope from my backpack, tied one end to the branch, tied one end to my waist, and then jumped down and jumped down.

The length of the rope was calculated very accurately. * The jump silently fell to a place half a meter from the ground and stopped, only the slight rustling sound of the branches being pulled.

* Carefully changed his posture so that his feet could step on the ground, then gently untied the rope around his waist, and slowly walked forward a few steps with his waist.

The light of the tent in the distance is so dark that I can only see the luminous logo at the flashlight switch at my waist moving slowly.

He kept moving near a pile of rocks, and then jumped silently behind a boulder.

I think he should have killed one of the enemy unconsciously, but at this time, a surprise came from the other side, "Eh?" A sound.

When he could speak, I stopped being silent and asked him carefully, "What's the matter?"

* scolded in place, "I found that nothing went wrong in this ghost hole this time. Come on, what is this?"

I was curious and hurriedly climbed down the trunk of the tree, picked up the flashlight, and came to the vicinity.

At this time, * also looked at the flashlight and shone at something lying on the ground.

I took a closer look and couldn't help gasping.

Because of what fell on the ground, it turned out to be a grass man tied by branches!