long candle

Chapter 82 Monster in the Hole

Even if we really want to understand what is here, on the one Hand, we don't need to take risks. Second, since Grandpa and the others didn't come here, it's business to chase Grandpa quickly now.

So I patted* and said, "Let's go. I've also collected this specimen. I'll go back and do my time to do research. I don't think it's appropriate to stay here for long."

* agreed, stood up, inserted the general knife into the boots again, then pointed to the front and said, "We can only pass through the mushroom bush, otherwise we will go far away."

So the two of us continued to walk forward, bypassed the place full of corpses, and then re-entered the mushroom bush.

Unexpectedly, the mushroom bush opposite the corpse pile was taller and denser than the direction it came, but we soon found an unusual place.

That is, many thick mushrooms have been broken from the middle, and the traces of the break are still very fresh.

And I also found that on the stems of the broken mushroom stems and the edges of the umbrella cover, there are many brown-gray powders, which should be rubbed up by other things.

The powder has a special smell and smells very pungent, which makes people feel a little dizzy.

* covered his nose and scolded, "Damn, what is this?"

I also covered my nose and wiped a little powder with my fingers to observe it, but I didn't see what it was, but it must have been left by some kind of animal.

Looking at the scene in front of me, I guess there must have been a chase here just now. It is likely that Grandpa's team was attacked by this animal perchred here.

At this moment, there was a "bang!" not far away. Pa!" Two shots.

"Quick, take a look at the front!" * After hearing the gunshot, he reacted faster than me and rushed out first.

I hurriedly followed and ran to the deeper part of the mushroom bush.

The wind passed by, and * and I soon ran out a hundred meters.

I saw that the mushrooms in front of me were very sparse, and obviously they were about to run to an end.

At this time, the * in front suddenly stopped. Fortunately, I knew that he had such a thing. He hurriedly stopped and did not hit it directly.

"Quick! Turn off the flashlight..." * whispered to me, and I hurriedly turned off the flashlight in my hand.

After I also turned off the flashlight, * pressed my shoulder and asked me to squat down.

So the two of us hid behind the thick mushroom stems of a water tank and looked out.

I saw the light of several flashlights shaking diagonally above us. In a trance, I saw more than a dozen figures crawling on the wall of the tree, and the flashlight in my hand was sweeping the top of the tree hole above my head.

Some people were scolding, some were filling guns with bullets, and some were covered with blood and moaning. The scene was very chaotic.

"Master, hold on to the ladder! Be careful on top, that thing is up!" A strong voice was particularly clear in the crowd.

I recognized that it was Nobita's voice, so I looked at him.

Nobita climbed to the highest position of the crowd, with his giant bear-like body back to the tree wall, holding a long guy in his hand, aiming at somewhere in the dark above him.

Puff! Pounce!

At this time, * and I heard clearly that somewhere at the top of the dark hole, something was flapping its wings and making a loud noise.

The size of that thing should be not small. The wind brought by its wings made the huge mushrooms on the ground shake gently, and some weeds and debris fluttered up.

Nobita was at the highest place, waved his hand and shouted, "Be careful, everyone, here it comes!"

As soon as it finished speaking, the strong wind suddenly rose overhead, and a huge dark shadow rushed out of the darkness at a high speed.

Daxiong scolded, "Fuck, it's not over for me!"

Then pulled the trigger and shot a tongue of fire at the five or six meters long *.

As soon as Nobita fired, everyone below pulled the trigger one after another, and seven or eight tongues of fire lit up the night sky and hit it one after another.

But that * did not make any roar, but a strange reaction, which stunned everyone on the spot.

A red light suddenly lit up in some part of the thing, and then the whole body lit up, and countless red spots formed a pattern like a human face.

I quickly saw clearly that it was an extremely twisted face, about four meters wide and five meters long, with empty and huge eyes, and one mouth was also trying its best to open, as if to swallow more than a dozen people under me.

"Damn it! What is this?" Daxiong shouted, and his whole body trembled.

That* looks very angry, and the whole body basically bumped into Nobita. If it hits this time, it will definitely become a filling cake.

But when the strange wind roared and was unstoppable, Nobita did not panic. He cursed the dog, loosened his hands, and his body slid down from the sky.

As soon as his body slipped two or three meters, the strange huge face hit the wall of the tree with a bang. The click of the tree when it broke opened with the flying debris all over the sky, and the whole ground trembled slightly.

Such a huge momentum drowned out the voices of everyone around me, and I sweated for Nobita.

After about three seconds, Nobita scolded under that *: "Damn it, I'm fine, old man, hold on to the vines and don't fall down. Leave this thing to me to clean up!"

At this time, I saw clearly that Grandpa and his group climbed up from the vines hanging from the wall of the tree. Just now, Nobita slid two or three meters along the vines to avoid the impact of the ancestral temple.

While he spoke, the light of the * body that hit the tree darkened and disappeared into the darkness again.

Nobita's flashlight hurriedly shone on his head, but nothing was caught. Obviously, after finding that it was empty, it had flown up again and integrated into the darkness.

"Quick! Climb up quickly and get to the plank road soon!" Nobita shouted in a commanding tone.

After saying that, everyone climbed up the vines like life.

Through their flashlight, I saw the plank road that Nobita said, which was a wooden plank road built on the wall of the tree, extending upward.

However, the plank road looks dilapidated. Only the top of their heads is well preserved, and the bottom is estimated to have collapsed long ago, so Nobita and others need to climb the vines first.

In the dark, we can't see where the end of the plank road is connected, but there must be something hidden from Grandpa, so they came here all the way to risk their lives.

The top of the tree hole above our head is about 50 meters high from the ground. Nobita has now climbed to about 20 meters, and it is still five or six meters away from the plank road above our head.

A group of people climbed up desperately for fear that the * in the dark would attack again.

However, they didn't climb a few meters, and the strange wing flapping sounded again not far away, and this time the frequency was higher, obviously very fast.

The people on the wall of the tree also seemed to realize the difference in the attack and hurriedly stopped to be on alert, but it was too late.

Suddenly, a red light flashed in the darkness, and a needle-shaped object thick in the mouth of a bowl flew in, instantly penetrating the chest of a person climbing on the rock wall.

That speed is faster than bullets, which is simply unprepared.

The man who was pierced through his chest has been killed without even making a scream.

Then the needle-shaped object quickly shrank back and was ready to attack again.

And the person who was attacked seemed to have been sucked dry, his whole body was as thin as wood, and fell weakly from the vine.

As the man fell, I saw some powdery things falling from the air with him, like rain.

Reminiscent of some of this guy's habits before, I instantly hit a thrill and said to *, "I think I know what it is!"

* is rarely interested in anything, but now he also turns his head to look at me and asks, "What is it?"

I thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure yet. You will know later."

Hearing this, * suddenly showed an expression that he wanted to strangle me.

At this time, Nobita and the others had successfully climbed the plank road and ran up the ring tree wall.