long candle

Chapter 86 Green Thorn

I didn't hear any sound. The other side of the board was deadly silent, but my cheeks were covered by a sticky **.

I wiped it with my hand and found that it was an unknown mucus with a faint taste of wood, which was not unpleasant.

"What is this?" I'm a little puzzled.

But I don't want to study what these mucus are now, because if I can't push the board, the moths will soon attack again.

At this critical moment, I didn't care about any danger. I took out a fluorescent stick again and turned it on.

I used a fluorescent stick to illuminate the board above the head, and I found that the board was indeed tightly covered, but some transparent mucus oozed out of the cracks and dripped on the wooden stairwell.

I looked around again. On the lower right side of me is an abyss without guardrails, and on the left is a bare tree wall, and there is no mechanism or anything like that.

Looking at the curved tree hole dome above my head, I made a new discovery and was also happy.

Because not far from the plank road, there is also a hole in the dome, about the size of a water tank, and most importantly, several seemingly tough vines drooped from the hole.

So I walked down the stairs to the edge of the plank road.

I didn't jump directly, but stood on the edge of the cliff and estimated the distance. It was about three meters, which was relatively far away, but Fortunately, the vines grew longer. If there was a distance of more than ten meters, I could still jump over it.

But the width of the plank road behind me is up to three meters, so I'm not sure.

But at this time, there is only one fight.

So I bit the fluorescent plate in my mouth and took a few steps back until I retreated to the wall of the tree, and then slammed the wall of the tree and rushed forward.

Rushing to the edge of the plank road, I closed my eyes and jumped forward.

I have to say that this move is too crazy. In the past, I would definitely be scared to pee, but this time, I found that my skills were much better than before. I only heard the wind blowing in my ears, and then my whole body grabbed a vine when I was about to fall.

I was happy, but before I could be happy, I found that the vine was very slippery, because it was full of the mucus I just saw.

This time, I seemed to have been hit by five thunderbolts, and my heart suddenly stopped.

But surprisingly, when I was about to slide down and fall into the abyss, my body did not move at all, but hung steadily on the vines.

"What's going on?" My cold sweat was shocked by this strange phenomenon.

I was puzzled, but now that I was stable, I didn't have time to think about it. I hurriedly climbed up along the rope and entered the upper layer of the dome.

As soon as I entered the cave, I raised the silver light stick and looked around, and was shocked by the scene in front of me, because what I didn't expect was that there were trees inside the giant tree.

Because these vines I climbed up along were all hanging from this ancient tree.

This tree, which I have never seen before, grows next to the cave, about five meters high. Due to the heavy humidity, the tree is covered with all kinds of moss and mushrooms, making the whole tree look like a strange green thorn monster.

But at this time, I didn't have the strength to think too much. The thrilling scene just now made it a little difficult for me to breathe, so I sat down against the tree and gasped.

After a while, I took off my backpack and prepared to take out some compressed biscuits and mineral water for a simple meal.

But at this time, the backpack strap in my right hand couldn't be thrown off, as if it were sticking to my hand.

I felt very strange. I grabbed the backpack with my other hand, pulled it hard, and pulled my right hand off.

But when I looked at my hand, I almost rolled my eyes and fainted.

Because somehow, countless green spikes have grown on the palm of my right hand.

Cold sweat flowed down the temples. I looked at my hand and was at a loss for a moment.

"What the hell is going on? Could it be that I was poisoned and then slowly become that kind of monster? It is difficult for me to accept such a fact.

After calming down for a while, I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then slowly pushed the sleeve of my right hand up, and then took a cold breath.

Because of those green spikes, they have grown to the inside of the wrist joint.

There is a despair in my heart. I can't believe such a fact, because I remember that I have been stabbed by these s before, but he has not had any lesions!

Is it possible that the dragonfly that stabbed me is the king in them?

I thought about it, judging from the strength of the body, it is indeed such a possibility.

After sitting in place for a long time, I finally shook my head helplessly and said to myself, "Anyway, I won't die now. That's it first. It's impossible to cut off my hand. I'd rather die than be disabled."

Then I gritted my teeth and found a knife from my backpack to cut the green spikes.

But the result is exactly as I expected. As long as I touch those spikes, my whole arm will be hot and painful, which will make people collapse at all.

In the end, I could only give up the idea of treatment, put down the knife and wrap my whole right hand with a scarf.

Then I took out mineral water and compressed biscuits and ate some randomly.

After resting in place for a while, I packed my backpack and stood up again.

Looking around, I remembered the experience of being trapped in a dark cave when I was underground in the black bamboo ditch. Now I'm alone again, but I'm not as panicked as before.

I shook my head with a helpless wry smile. I found the flashlight, looked at it, and then habitually chose the direction on the left and explored the depths of darkness.

At first, I thought that the upper layer of the tree hole should be closer to the natural environment and would be an ancient wooded forest area.

But after a few steps forward, I rejected this idea.

Because I left the previous green thorn tree, I never found any other trees.

Although the floor is not laid with floor tiles, it is obviously very flat after fine manual polishing.

The light spots of my flashlight swept across the ground, and occasionally I could only find some white fungi growing alone.

As a long-term habit developed by biologists, I have picked a few mushrooms. Even if it is not used for research, this foie gras can still be used as food at critical moments.

I walked forward while picking mushrooms like Super Mary, and then found a rectangular object about four meters wide and two meters high not far ahead.

"What is this? Screen?" I was interested and walked quickly to the dark shadow.

When I got closer, I found that this was originally a bronze weapon rack with about 12 grids on it, full of weapons such as halberds, Ge and steel knives.

I saw that this was a weapon rack in the Qin Dynasty, because since the Song Dynasty, there have been common big knives and red guns on the general weapon racks, but they are not there.

In addition, it is made of bronze, which makes it more certain that this is the weapon rack of the Qin Dynasty.

I said to myself, "It seems that this has something to do with those Lingyu Temple officials in the Qin Dynasty."

When the flashlight shines on those weapons, most of the weapons have decayed into a puddle of mud, and only a shape can be seen.

It's no wonder, because the humidity here is so heavy that metal products naturally corrode quickly.

But in the bottom of the weapon rack, I saw a jar made of coarse pottery, about the size of a human head, covered with a layer of black paper. I don't know what's in it.

"Is it wine? Who will put the wine on the weapon rack? I smelled it with great interest and found that it was not wine, but a very thick oil, which smelled a little like kerosene.

I had more organs in my heart. I took out a knife and cut an opening. I sniffed it. A smell of choking kerosene came to my face, making me stag.

"Damn it, this is delicious." I rubbed my nose and didn't care so much. I kicked over and kicked the jar to the ground.

With a crack, the coarse pottery jar fell to pieces, and the black kerosene fell to the ground.