long candle

Chapter 128 Russian Professor

I hurriedly opened the door and welcomed my cousin in.

Seeing that her face was pale, biting her lower lip hard and her fists were tightly pinched, I forced a smile, touched her hair and said, "It's okay, I'll get Grandpa back."

My cousin nodded and asked me, "What is that that ran out of Grandpa's room?"

I hesitated for a moment and replied, "I don't know, but I guess it may be some kind of magic."

"Attism?" My cousin looked at me in surprise.

I nodded, walked to the computer desk, and showed my cousin the copper plate pulled out of the grass man's body.

My cousin took the thing, thought about it for a while, and said, "I haven't seen this thing, and my mother hasn't told me anything."

I took the copper plate in her hand and said, "There is a very ugly toad living in it. It's that thing. When your mother comes back, you may see what it is. By the way, when will your mother come back?

The cousin bit her lower lip and said, "Maybe it's just these two days. She called yesterday and said that her grandmother's illness was fine. She was about to come back."

I nodded and said, "That's good. Let's burn the thing downstairs first. It looks unlucky."

My cousin nodded and followed me downstairs.

I found a bucket of diesel from the garage and walked to the grass man.

It is not dead, and its hands and feet occasionally twitch.

My cousin hid behind me in fear when she saw this situation.

I asked him to stand still, then picked up the bucket of oil, walked to the grass man, and drenched all the oil.

Then I stood in the distance, took out the lighter and lit the oil line on the ground.

A bright yellow flame suddenly rose to the sky and wrapped the grass man on the ground.

The grassman could still make an inhuman and beast scream and trembled violently in the flames.

My cousin was so scared that she held my clothes tightly.

In fact, I was also uneasy and clenched my fist tightly.

After a long time, the thing did not move and finally turned into a ball of ashes.

Then, I gestured the endgame and poured the ashes into the flower bed, which made me feel at ease.

After finishing this, the second uncle just drove back.

My cousin and I told my second uncle what happened today, thinking that he would be very surprised.

Unexpectedly, the second uncle said, "Actually, I have long suspected that that that is not an old man. I know my father too well. He can't stay at home, and he is not so stubborn. Obviously, this kind of thing can't be said to be a bad thing. I would rather he still live outside well than let such a thing. If an old man stays at home, he will only be our burden.

I heard my second uncle's words, but I couldn't figure out what he wanted to express for a moment.

But the second uncle waved his hand and said, "Well, since it has happened, I will inform your uncle and your father. Don't worry."

I said to my second uncle, "Uncle, in fact, I think I'm very sorry for everyone. I don't care what I do outside. I actually brought this kind of thing home today. Fortunately, I didn't bring any danger to everyone, otherwise I'm really a sinner for thousands of years."

The second uncle smiled and said, "Chuan Wazi, it's okay. I haven't seen anything to your second uncle. I almost died when I broke into your second aunt's stockade. You can't be blamed for such a thing at our stall. It's all caused by the old man. I don't think everyone will blame you. To put it bluntly, our family is not an ordinary family in the first place, and you will understand in the future.

Although I don't know what he means when he says that our family is not ordinary, I feel a little relieved when he said so.

Because things like grass people who can talk are not acceptable to everyone.

After dinner, I went back to my room.

Although * asked me to practice the lack of time control, the conditions he said were too harsh.

First of all, it must be unintentional consciousness, and it must be sincere, so that it can happen, which is too difficult.

So I didn't intend to force this matter, but turned on the computer and flipped through the news aimlessly.

To my surprise, I found a piece of news that attracted me very much.

The content of the news is that a strange disease has been found in China since a month ago.

So far, at least a dozen 11-year-old teenagers have white hair and wrinkled skin overnight, looking like 70 or 80-year-olds.

And through the hospital examination, these people are even very old, and the whole person seems to have spent 70 or 80 years in an instant.

These children generally come from remote mountainous areas and have not attracted much attention, so this news is not very influential.

But it made me feel creepy.

First of all, the time when these diseases were discovered happened to be in the cave. At that time, many people in the giant trees were resurrected. Is it possible that the resurrection of these people was achieved by stealing the time of living people?

So, there is not only one form of stolen time, but two forms.

One is to slowly steal everyone's time, and the second is to steal a lot of someone's time.

I have to say that this is terrible.

But as * said, we can't control anything now, so I can only feel sorry for these children at present.

I smiled helplessly and continued to turn over the news aimlessly.

The second news that attracted me was about Putin's visit to China.

According to the news, on June 5, 2012, Russian President Putin was invited to China to participate in the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which was his first visit to China since taking office.

In this visit, Putin not only attended the meeting, but also brought a large number of Russian scientists.

It is reported that most of these scientists are famous paleontologists and chemists in Russia.

They were invited to study a biological problem with Chinese scientists and planned to complete the research at the end of August. As a result, in early September, these scientists not only did not return with academic results, but yesterday, Russia sent more than 20 more elite scientists to China to support the study.

I pay attention to this news because of my study of paleontology**, perhaps because I also study paleontology.

And what concerns me more about this news is that this should be the second time that Russian scientists have come to China for scientific research activities except when New China was just established.

What is the biological problem that can bring so many scientists to China, and Putin, who has never bought China, also came in person.

This can't help but arouse my reverie.

I have had a lot of interactions with the Russians recently. God's predestined fate made me enter the base they built in Lop Nur.

I looked at **'s backpack, which contained a lot of Russian research materials.

Although I don't understand these materials, they may be the most precious in the hands of these Russian scientists.

In those years, Lop Nur's base was destroyed by a catastrophic killing, and the Russians had no time to take away the information inside.

Later, China and Russia had a bad relationship, and they didn't have the opportunity to go to China's military restricted zone to get these things.

Now, if I can hand over the information to a Russian scientist, I will definitely ask anything I want to ask.

But how can I find these scientists?

Unless I go to * Square and order myself, it may attract the attention above?

I was thinking nonsense, but I never had a clue, so I had to take a quick shower and fall asleep with my head covered.

People say that there is no coincidence that a book can be made, and I didn't write a book, but such a coincidence can happen.

I was worried about how to get close to those Russian experts. Early the next morning, Guo Jing, one of my female undergraduates, called me and said that a Russian paleontologist who followed Putin's visit to China was coming to Southwest Jiaotong University to give a speech.

I saw this short message and immediately bounced up from **.

After simply washing my face and brushing my teeth, I hurriedly took a taxi to Southwest Jiaotong University.

The speech in the text message started from 10 o'clock to 11 o'clock, and because I got up relatively late, it was already 11:10 when I arrived.

I hurried to the lecture hall.

I happened to meet the Russian scientist, accompanied by several Jiaotong University teachers, standing at the door to answer some students' questions.

So I breathed a sigh of relief and said that I was lucky not to be late, otherwise I would regret it for the rest of my life.

At this time, someone in the crowd saw me and greeted me: "Hey! Nie Chuan! Here!"

I looked over there and it turned out to be Guo Jing who texted me.

I smiled and walked to her and said, "I haven't seen you for two years. You are still so beautiful."

She smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for two years. You can speak better than before."

I waved my hand and smiled, "Let's stop complimenting each other. I remember you graduated two years ago, and why did you come from Beijing to Chengdu?"

Guo Jing said, "I came here to be an intern teacher after graduation, but I didn't inform you that I'm not used to staying in the laboratory, you know. Recently, this Russian scientist came to Jiaotong University to give a speech about the impact of special algae on human nerves. When we were in college, we were in the same experimental class. Do you remember? We have done the same experiment before, but there has been no result, and you have always been interested in this matter, so I just want to invite you to listen to it.

I nodded and said, "So it is. Thank you very much. I still remember my classmate. By the way, are you familiar with this Russian professor? I may have something personal to say to him.

Guo Jing smiled confidently and said, "What do you think of your sister's beauty and communication skills?"

Then she came to the Russian professor and whispered a few words to him...