long candle

Chapter 138 All the way north

Moreover, the giant panda is a national treasure of China. If you smuggle this and are caught, you can be killed on the spot.

When I walked deeper into the carriage, I immediately understood that this car was not a car that smuggled animals from Sichuan, but smuggled animal fur from other places to Sichuan.

Because when I walked in, I accidentally stepped on a huge hairy head.

I was shocked and moved aside.

A foreigner scolded next to him: "Be careful, step on this brown bear's head. You can't afford it."

There are no brown bears in Sichuan, only a small number of black bears, and listening to the accents of these people, the possibility of coming from Russia is the greatest, so this bear is likely to be a Russian brown bear.

What I was most afraid of was to separate the three of us into three cars. Fortunately, the foreigner took me to the deepest part of the car and sat down, and also escorted Xiao Feiyang and Andre in.

After the three of us sat down in the cold container, the foreigners lifted something up again.

Although I don't know what they are carrying, I can feel that those things are relatively heavy.

Then, I heard a man coming towards us.

He threw my backpack in my face and said, "I will return your things to you, but we have confiscated the weapons. Don't shout or make unnecessary noises in the car, or I will kill you immediately, especially every time you stop, don't talk. Boss Wu didn't let us kill you, so don't kill yourself. We will naturally let you go when we get there.

After saying that, the man untied us and removed the black cloth and tape for us.

I opened my eyes and saw that this was a tall foreigner in a T-shirt, wearing a white baseball cap, covering half of his face.

He held a gun in his hand, pointed at us and said, "Do you hear me?"

Xiao Feiyang and I gritted our teeth and nodded silently. We didn't want to provoke this person. Because this foreigner is kind enough, otherwise he will be blindfolded and sticking to his mouth, and we will be suffocated to death if we are not suffocated.

The foreigner pressed his hat down, nodded, turned around, walked out, and said scoldingly, "Evan, a brainless person is not an animal. It's strange not to kill these Chinese people by pasting these useless things."

The foreigner jumped out of the car, and then the two doors of the container were swung shut, and then we fell into darkness around us.

We frowned deeply when we heard the sound of chains being locked outside.

If there is still a trace of luck in the misfortune, it is that when we got used to the darkness of the container, we found three fist-sized holes on both sides of the carriage, which may be used for ventilation.

It's just that this hole is more than three meters high, close to the top of the carriage. If you want to see the outside, you don't take a ladder.

"I said, Xiaochuan, what should we do now?" At this time, Xiao Feiyang pulled my sleeve and asked.

I shook my head and whispered, "What else can I do?" This carriage is made of iron, and the exit is locked. If we speak a little louder, we will die. We can only listen to fate.

"Then where do you think they will take us?" Xiao Feiyang continued to ask me.

I shook my head again and said, "I don't know, but I think these people are all from Russia. Maybe we will be taken to Russia."

Bang bang!

As soon as I finished speaking, the container was knocked a few loud noises by people outside, and a rude voice cursed outside, "Damn it! Be quiet! Otherwise, I will collapse you now! Uncle Ivan is in a bad mood!"

I felt a pain in my eardrum and closed my mouth with Xiao Feiyang.

After a while, we felt that the people outside were continuing to load the goods and may not pay attention to us.

Xiao Feiyang asked me in a low voice again, "How can we hear it outside in such a low voice?"

Although I don't have night eyes like *, my ability to argue in the dark is still much better than ordinary people.

So I pointed to the corner of the container above my head and said, "There is a camera."

Xiao Feiyang looked up and seemed to see the dark camera, so he stopped talking.

With thousands of thoughts, I sat cross-legged on the ground like a Taoist monk and entered the mode of meditation.

At that time, I thought a lot about where my real grandfather is now. Is my cousin still waiting for me to go back to teach her homework? What is Liang Qian doing when she returns to Beijing? Does Daxiong knows that I have been kidnapped?

It was not until half an hour later that our car finally started.

I don't know why, my heart tightened and I felt like I was about to leave China and go to a very faraway place.

After the car started, I could feel that the motorcade made a right turn and went to the main road in the western suburbs.

However, their direction is not Chengdu, but in the direction of leaving the city.

It's just that this time is different from the time I went to Xinjiang. Going to Xinjiang is in the northwest direction, and this time it is in the northeast direction.

Obviously, this group of people are not going to Xinjiang or Tibet, but in the direction of Mongolia.

This time, I am more sure that these people are likely to be Russians.

The car drove northeast for about half an hour, and it was completely dawn. From the small east on both sides, there was white sunlight coming in and the whirling wind.

However, the weather in late summer and August will not cool down because of this wind.

The carriage began to heat up slowly, like a huge microwave oven that was heating.

The three of us were so hot that we took off our coats one after another.

As the temperature rises, the smell of the preservative inside the car gradually becomes stronger.

"Hey...Ogawa." At this time, Xiao Feiyang pulled me and said, "Do you think that camera is still spying on us?"

I didn't answer him, but looked up at the camera overhead.

The camera has neither display light nor rotation, so it is fixed there.

Xiao Feiyang was so impatient that he waved to the camera above his head.

I hurriedly pulled him down and sat down, listening carefully to the noise outside.

As a result, after two minutes, there was no response.

So I took a breath and said, "Those people may not be monitoring us now."

As soon as Xiao Feiyang heard this, he stood up, rubbed his shoulders, beat his legs, stretched out by the way, and said, "But I'm suffotheed. My feet are numb."

Then he pointed to the front and said, "Xiaochuan, what do you think they are pulling?"

I looked at it warily again and said, "Maybe it's leather goods. These people smuggled fur from abroad to Sichuan for sale."

Xiao Feiyang shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

Then he walked over to the pile of boxes blocking the direction of our exit and pointed to one of them and said, "Look, this should be blue and white porcelain."

I said that this guy was too bold. As soon as he said he didn't monitor us, he dared to see the goods pulled by these Russians. If there was a machine gun in it, he would definitely be killed.

But sometimes, it's a good thing not to have any heart, otherwise we may not dare to move in the last few days.

I immediately understood when I saw Xiao Feiyang taking out a celadon jar with yellow mud left on it in a box closest to us.

These Russians replaced all the leather goods brought with antiques.

What I hate most in my life is the people who sell Chinese antiques abroad. Because of this immoral trade, many Chinese antiques have flowed abroad and finally become the collection of some corrupt capitalists, which has not played a cultural value at all.

I didn't expect Xie Yuting to do this kind of business, which made me hate it.

"Hey, Xiaochuan, there is also a big jar in it. Do you want to move it out and have a look?" Xiao Feiyang shouted over there.

I hurriedly stopped him and said, "No, do you want to die?" If you break one, we will die. Come back and sit down!"

"Don't worry, these antiques are fake. How many Jingdezhen porcelain jars do you think can be exchanged for a few Siberian brown bear skins?" At this time, an old voice came from behind us.

This Mandarin is not fluent, with a little foreign taste, but we can all understand it.

I was shocked and said, is there anyone else in this car?