long candle

Chapter 143 Andre's Apprentice

"Hahaha, it's worthy of Mr. Andre. You can see my purpose at a glance." The Russian laughed as soon as he entered the door.

"Are you?" Andre looked at the man at the door differently.

The Russians no longer disguised themselves and took off their baseball caps, revealing a well-defined face, deep brown eyes, and short golden hair, which made them look very energetic.

"Beckham?" Xiao Feiyang asked in amazement.

I was speechless and said what was going on with this guy. How could Beckham appear here?

But if you take a closer look, not to mention that this person is a little similar to Beckham.

"What Beckham, my name is Alham, and I'm a student of Mr. Andre..." The Russian said with a smile.

"You said you were my student, but why don't I remember?" Andre asked doubtfully.

Allham retreated alertly to the door and looked at it. There was indeed no one else, so he smiled again and said, "I knew that the teacher would not remember me, but you and your appearance 30 years ago have not changed at all."

Andre frowned and said, "Thirty years ago..."

After thinking about it, he suddenly realized and said, "Are you..."

Allham nodded and said, "Teacher, you remember that my Lolavitlan name is BEY. Thirty years ago, you set up your first school in Chukochi. At that time, there were only five students, and I was one of them. Although the Chukochi people do not agree with your scientific education, your scientific theory has affected my life.

Andre laughed, hugged BEY and said, "Thirty years have changed so much. I almost can't recognize you. You are the smartest one among the students back then."

At this time, Xiao Feiyang said in my ear, "Is that Beckham's life-long impact is to put him on the road of smugglers?"

I gave him a white look and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

At this time, BEY continued: "In those years, because the people opposed your school, I was taken back to my family to help catch fish and raise reindeer. Later, I heard that you left the village and went to Moscow to find my dream. Although I have always missed you, I didn't have a chance to see you again. Now that the people in the village have had more contact with the outside world, they know that your practice of running a school was right at the beginning, so you will definitely be greatly welcomed when you go back this time.

Andre laughed and said, "That's good. How's your father, old Rabilović?"

BEY nodded and said, "He is very good. Since you left, your parents have often mentioned you. When they heard that I was going out, they told me to find information about you and pick you back."

Andre nodded and expressed his relief, and then he asked a question that we all care about: "by the way, why did you appear in Ivan's team? That's not a good man."

BEY said, "Actually, it's not what you think. I'm not under Ivan's men. After I left my hometown, I went to the police academy in Moscow. Now I'm a special police officer of the Moscow Police Department, specializing in undercover investigation of Ivan's group. In order to understand their trading channels, I I have been in China for three years, and now I have enough evidence that I will be able to bring the villain to justice this time.

Andre widened his eyes, touched his beard proudly, and said, "It's really my student, haha. I think you have been in China for three years. Not only did you get Ivan's criminal evidence, but your Chinese is really good.

BEY touched the back of his head and said shyly, "Oh, I haven't changed my mouth for a while. I didn't expect that there would be such a day when I could communicate with the teacher in Chinese."

After saying that, BEY looked at us and asked, "Are these your friends? Teacher."

Andre nodded and said, "Not only friends, but also have a deeper relationship with us Chukochi people. I will tell you about this."

BEY nodded and said, "I don't have much time. If I don't go back, it will cause Ivan's suspicion. This time I came here to tell you something important to tell you that Ivan's conspiracy with the Chinese boss is to kill you. Ivan takes the boss's money and wants to leave you at sea. Feed the shark. Fortunately, I heard it. I will arrange for you to escape from the sea tomorrow. Please be prepared.

After saying that, he went back and looked outside the door and said, "I have put your equipment and weapons in the drawer. I'm leaving. Be careful."

After saying these words, BEY went out and disappeared into the corridor.

Andre saw him leave and then gently closed the door.

We opened the drawer of the cabinet as he said and saw the pistol, mobile phone and my silver fish sword in it. And the baton that Xiao Feiyang carried when he left.

We put away our own things. I turned on my mobile phone and looked at it, but there was no signal at all.

At this time, Xiao Feiyang said hatefully, "I knew that the six-finger Lu Jinfa is not a good person. This person is really vicious. He actually wants us to die in a foreign country, and even our family can't find our corpses."

I shook my head and said, "There is no need for him to do this. We are all tied up by him. It's too easy to kill us, but it may not be too expensive to bring us here and kill us again. I think Xie Yuting must have any other purpose for doing this."

Andre nodded and said, "Yes, it's not that simple. This Xie Yuting is not a fuel-efficient lamp in the first place."

Speaking of Xie Yuting, I became interested again and asked Andre, "Mr. Andrey, since you can even tell me my background, I heard that you seem to know Xie Yuting very well. Why don't you tell me who he is?"

Andre shook his head with a smile and asked me, "Do you know what the most terrible nature of human beings is?"

I shook my head and said, "I don't know."

Andre patted me on the shoulder and said, "It's greed. Young man, I have told you so much. There are some things that it is useless to ask others. You need to find the answer by yourself. Moreover, not every secret in the world has an answer, because there are some secrets, and those who know the answer will immediately catch fire. Xie Yuting is very deep. If I tell you his identity and let you go against him, it will only hurt you.

I frowned slightly and said, "Well, I won't ask you. I'll find the answer myself."

Andre nodded and said, "I like to deal with wise people."

While we were talking, Xiao Feiyang had picked up a loaf of bread on the cabinet and said vaguely, "Aren't you hungry? Come and eat."

Andre patted me on the shoulder and said, "Go to bed early after dinner. Tomorrow must not be a good day."

I nodded, and the three people gathered next to the cabinet, simply ate something, then turned off the light and fell asleep one after another.

Because I slept for three days and three nights before, I lay down** without sleep.

In addition, the storm tonight is so big that the ship swayed in the huge waves. Although there is no danger of sinking, it is also bumpy.

The deck was full of thunder and the noise of rainstorms, and I don't know how much rain it has rained.

I was thinking nonsense, half asleep and half awake, and actually stayed up until dawn.

I saw that it was six o'clock in the morning on my mobile phone, so I sat up from ** and prepared to find something to do.

But at this time, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a gourd-like bald Russian led four or five strong men in.

"Get up, get up, Chinese!" The fat Russian clapped his hands and shouted in Chinese with a very heavy accent.

Then a strong man behind him turned on the dim electric light in the room.