long candle

Chapter 146 Landing on the Ruins Island

Back to the clan, they received the warmest welcome. The people used the strongest steel to put the woman full of long scales in prison. But they didn't kill this woman, because the patriarch told everyone that this woman came from the Kingdom of the Sea, and they and we both came here hundreds of thousands of years ago, but their country was destroyed, so they wandered around.

"Listening to the patriarch's words, everyone sympathized with the woman's background, was surprised by her strength, and sent her food and water. Unexpectedly, the next morning, someone found that a hole in the prison had been broken, the woman was missing, and there were the bodies of two guards lying on the ground, and the internal organs in their stomachs were hollowed out. And more than half of the reindeer in the village died.

Soon, a serious plague occurred in the village, and many people died. From then on, the clan people were afraid to meet this kind of sea girl again and thought she was a stand-in for the plague god. But strangely, there has been no tearing of fishing nets since then.

After Andre told this story, Xiao Feiyang listened enthusiastically and seemed to be still not satisfied, so he asked, "What happened later?"

Andre smiled and said, "There is no later."

Xiao Feiyang sighed and said, "This sea girl is really a magical creature. Now we have nowhere to go. I think it's better to go to the ruins."

In fact, I also have such a plan. After all, it is much safer on land than at sea. If we drift on the sea like this, once we encounter any wind and waves, we will definitely die.

Andre thought for a moment and said, "There's really no way. Let's go there, but remember that you must not go deep into the ruins, otherwise there will be danger. In the past two months, large groups of cod will pass by in this area, and the clan will drive boats here to catch cod every other week. As long as we take two days, we may be saved.

Since the three of them had no objection to this proposal, we worked together to row a rubber boat in the direction of the ruins.

Andre also has a compass in his hand, so that we won't deviate from the direction.

The scenery on the sea is boring. If it weren't for the dark clouds, lightning and heavy rain, and the waves hitting the foam from the rubber boat, I would definitely be drowsy.

Shaking the pulp in our hands hard, the three of us were drenched in the rain and occasionally sneezed, but we had no desire to speak.

Since rowing to the southeast is a downwind, we arrived at the ruins faster than five hours later than expected. About four hours later, we saw an island stretching for thousands of kilometers appeared in front of us on the sea about 1,000 meters away.

But strangely, even if it rains, the island is still surrounded by a thick layer of fog.

The fog is uncertain and is very low by the heavy rain, so we can see some incomplete black buildings towering in the center of the island.

At this time, Andrea next to him wiped the rain on his face, then rubbed his red nose, and said in a narration-like tone, "Bender City, built around 322 A.D., was once very prosperous, but in 1013 A.D., Hai* Mountain entered an active period and destroyed the city in a tsunami sweeping the whole Sea. Therefore, the remaining few people crossed the ocean and came to live in the distant Chukochi Peninsula. At the same time, they also left most of the technology and returned to the primitive life.

I heard that Andrea's tone was sad. I thought that later, he might be the only one who could remember these sad memories, because the Yayaku people of Chukchi are now a very primitive and backward nation.

In order to awaken the memory of the Yayaku people about the past, Andre set up a school, but in the end it was not recognized by the clan. What a frustrating thing.

"We will board Durban and spend the night on the coast. No matter what we hear or see at night, don't go into the fog, okay?" Andre showed a rare serious expression and warned us.

Xiao Feiyang and I nodded.

Then we rowed our oars again and headed for the lost city of Durban.

As the saying goes, although we have only witnessed that Bander City is only more than 1,000 meters, it took a whole hour to actually row over.

When we climbed the black sand beach, it was almost lunch time and we were hungry.

We asked Andre to get on the boat to rest first, and then the river towed the rubber boat to the shore.

Then we collapsed on the shore, allowing the rain to slap us in the face and gasped for breath.

After a short rest, we turned over and got up before we had time to observe the island.

Like we imagined, we can't see any trees or vegetation on this island, only thick fog, countless huge buildings dark shadows, silently lurking in the depths of the thick fog.

In the center of the island, there is a lighthouse about 50 or 60 meters high, but the attic on the top of the lighthouse, which was originally used to place large spotlights, has collapsed and looks like a crippled and lonely old man standing in the distance.

"Guys, we are still lucky. Look here." Andre seemed to have found something while we were looking at the lighthouse and called us in front of us.

The fog on the island is very thick. I feel that he is only two or three meters away from me, but I can only see a vague shadow.

Xiao Feiyang and I walked over and saw Andre with his back to us.

In front of him is a dilapidated flat-top building.

When Andrea saw us coming, he turned his head and said with a smile, "Look, this is the warehouse that our ancestors used to store salted fish. There used to be many such warehouses on the coast, but now they have collapsed. I didn't see any of them from the other side of the island before, but now, we have found them. One."

I looked up and took a closer look at the so-called warehouse, which was piled up of black stones, with a flat top and a cylindrical shape.

At the bottom end of the cylindrical shape, there is an arched door, which may have been closed by a wooden door before, but now the wood has long been rotten.

Andre led us to the door and said as he walked, "Go in. This building is used to dry salted fish, so in order not to be blown away by the sea breeze, the top is made of stone bricks. The clay and paste used in the past are often used in ancient tombs in China and can withstand thousands of years of wind and frost without falling down. ."

We walked into the warehouse. Sure enough, the roof was sealed and we would not get caught in the rain at all.

But this warehouse is a little similar to the air-dried raisin warehouse I have seen in Xinjiang. The wall is full of fist-sized holes, so as to ensure that the food inside is dried quickly.

So when we walked in, we didn't feel warm at all, but the wind got stronger.

In fact, at this latitude, it is not cold these days, and it is also 15 or 6 degrees during the day. However, due to the rain and wind and the long-term soaking of seawater, all three of us felt cold and trembling with our shoulders.

"Quick, boys, take off your clothes!" Andre clapped his hands and said.

As soon as Xiao Feiyang heard this, he widened his eyes and hugged his shoulders as if he wanted to be rude to him. He said tremblingly, "No, no!"

And I knew what Andrea meant, so I took off my clothes and hung them on the wall of the wind, blocking the eyes on the wall.

Andre said, "Do you see? This can not only block the wind, but also quickly smoke the clothes. If you wear this wet clothes, you will have a high fever tomorrow."

After saying this, Andrea walked outside the house and said, "I just saw some dry branches rushing to the shore on the beach. I'm going to pick up some."

After Andre went out, Xiao Feiyang smiled at me shyly, and then quickly took off his clothes and stood there naked.

I also took off only one pair of underwear, and then we began to trembling in place.

However, when the water on the body has almost evaporated, and the eye is blocked, it feels warmer than when the clothes on the ship.

No wonder, the current temperature is at least 10 degrees, and it usually doesn't feel cold indoors.

When we warmed up a little, Andre came back with a pile of wet firewood in his hand.

He looked up at our clothes and trousers hanging on the wall, as well as a pair of underwear, and nodded with satisfaction.

Xiao Feiyang frowned and said, "What should I do?"

Andre threw the firewood on the ground, then took out a metal wine pot from the backpack on the ground, unscrewed the lid, and said, "This is our high-concentration vodka, a Russian specialty, which is more powerful than your knife in the northeast. It can be used as gasoline."

After saying that, he slowly poured the wine on the firewood.

A strong aroma of wine permeates the air. Even if there is occasional breeze blowing, it still can't disperse the aroma of wine.

At this time, I swallowed my saliva and was afraid that I would regret this good bottle of wine, so I said, "Retain a little!"

Andre shook his head and said with a smile, "Don't worry, there is another bottle here."

As he spoke, he poured the rest of the wine, then took out a lighter from his pocket and hit it several times before igniting the firewood.

As the flames rose, we suddenly felt a sense of warmth.