long candle

Chapter 166 Little Lake

I didn't understand the following. I only understood the word "same race". I think she meant, "They and I are originally of the same race, and we should take care of each other."

I smiled and asked, "Is there really nothing to help?"

Madam thought for a moment and said, "This kind of thing has happened in the past few days. The villagers have decided not to go fishing for the time being, so there is a shortage of food. If you really want to help, go and help your family get some fish back and supplement the ingredients."

I thought my wife wanted me to go to sea, so I said shyly, "But I can't sail."

Madam shook her head and said, "I'm not asking you to drive the boat. You can see a big lake about two hours from the entrance of the village to the depths of the grassland. In such cold weather, the big lake should have frozen. You can dig a hole in the ice, then attract the fish to approach with lights, and then catch some fish with fishing nets. Come back."

When I heard her ask me to go fishing, I became interested. I have seen the ice fishing scene on TV before, and I have always been looking forward to it.

So I nodded and said that I would definitely help this.

At this time, Daxiong and Liang Qian also came in to help serve the dishes.

After lunch, Daxiong and Liang Qian were interested when they heard that we were going to fish in the lake.

We asked Mrs. Rabilovich for a fishing net and a small iron bucket and went out.

I also took the spoken book with me and read it when I was bored.

When I went out, the snowstorm was not so heavy, and the sky was much better than in the morning. Although the snow was still falling, it had become a medium snow.

The wooden houses and attics on both sides of the dirt road are covered with a layer of white snowflakes, and the trees are also covered with a layer of plain. The whole village has become a silver world.

When we passed the square in the center of the village, the wolves had disappeared, and the three large cages containing the bodies of sea women were also missing. The ground of the square had been covered with snow as thick as 30 or 40 centimeters, as if nothing had happened here last night.

I saw Nobita walking straight in the direction of the village pile, and then came to the bottom of the village pile, shoveling snow with a small shovel with him, and asked strangely, "What are you going to do?"

Nobita smiled mysteriously at me and said, "You will know later."

I held a fishing net in my hand, and Liang Qian held a bucket and looked at him with an inexplicable look.

When he dug out an empty bowl from the snow, I understood, so I also came up.

Nobita has shoveled a big pit out of the snow near the pile. I saw the gray soil under the snow, but I didn't find what we were looking for.

Nobita said, "I knew that the black mastiff must have eaten the meat in the end. It seems that it still remembers the little girl."

Liang Qian frowned and said, "What if other wolves eat the meat?"

Daxiong shook his head and said, "Have you ever seen a minister dare to rob the emperor's meal?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a short figure came out of a room not far from us. She wrapped a bandage in her right hand and a small shovel in her left hand, carefully pulled the door, and then breathed a white breath and her face turned red with cold.

I recognized that the figure was a little girl with a spade in her hand, which must be the same as our purpose.

She took a few steps forward and suddenly saw us standing here. She was shocked, and the two braids were almost upturned.

However, when she saw me clearly, her expression relaxed and ran over to my side, saying a Russian word in her mouth.

I didn't understand her before, but now I can understand. She shouted delicately: Uncle.

I smiled and said in Russian, "Children, you are injured and should stay at home."

When the little girl heard that I could suddenly speak Russian, she opened her mouth wide and her two big black eyes dripped.

Liang Qian also had the same expression, looking at me with an incredible look.

I smiled proudly, touched the little girl's head and smiled.

After being surprised, the little girl suddenly saw the empty bowl in Daxiong's hand and said softly, "That's mine!"

When Nobita saw that the little girl was cute, his strange nature was revealed. He smiled and said in Russian, "No, this is mine. What I picked up is mine."

The little girl was stunned, her nose wrinkled, and tears began to swirle in her dark eyes.

When Liang Qian saw her like this, she squatted down and picked up the little girl and said, "Good boy, don't cry. Uncle is joking with you."

Then Liang Qian stared at Daxiong and said in a commanding tone, "Give the bowl back to others."

I knew that Nobita couldn't stand this, so he smiled secretly.

Sure enough, when Nobita saw that the little girl was about to cry, he hurriedly put away his bad smile, came over and touched the little girl's head and said, "Oh, don't cry. Here you are, just give it to you!"

The little girl took the bowl in Nobita's hand, smiled, and asked softly, "Where's the meat..."

Daxiong pointed to the hole he dug and said, "No, it may have been eaten by the black mastiff."

The little girl's two braids almost up again and said excitedly, "Really! It ate it!"

The three of us laughed when we saw her so happy.

Then, Liang Qian pointed to the door opposite the square and said, "Is this your home? What's your name?"

I translated what Liang Qian said to the little girl, and the little girl replied, "My name is Terni. My mother is at home. She doesn't know that I will come out, otherwise she will get spanked."

Nobita heard the little girl's name, laughed and said, "That's a good name. In Northeast dialect, it's Nell."

Then Nobita asked in mixed Chinese and Russian, "Nier, what is your mother doing at home? Have you eaten yet? After eating, uncle will take you to catch fish, okay?

The little girl listened to what he said, turned her eyes several times, and finally only answered one: OK.

I guess she must have eaten. Although she was injured, the child was playful, and her mother probably wouldn't care about her, so she took her to the grassland at the end of the village.

Through the central square, there is still a long way to go. There are also wooden houses and attices on both sides. Some villagers are sweeping snow in front of the house or dropping the snow cover on the tree to avoid crushing the trees.

Seeing us, most of these villagers will nod and smile, looking particularly kind.

Through this street, we saw a simple archway at the end of the dirt road.

Two thin wooden piles hold up a wooden sign above the head. The words "Durban Village" are written on the front and back of the wooden plaque. There is ice and snow above the sign, and there is a simple Western feeling.

It seems that this is the village entrance in the story Andrea told last night.

Outside the entrance of the village is the reckless grassland. The thick ice and snow have collapsed the waist-deep weeds, but under the snow layer are all the gaps between the weeds, and they will sink down as soon as they step on their legs.

Fortunately, the small lake is the water source of the whole village, so there is a path that has been trampled out by people who have been fellers for years.

We walked along the path. It didn't take long for us to see the grass in front of us disappear and a flat area appeared.

On the edge of this area, there are several pine trees standing alone. The trees are full of silver snow, which looks like several giants standing in the wilderness from afar.

We crossed under several trees and found that the lake was really not small. The area in front of us was full of ice frozen by the blizzard.

Tini in Liang Qian's arms saw that the lake was frozen and looked a little excited. She struggled to come down and play on the ice.

Liang Qian was like a responsible elder sister. She didn't let her go, but looked at me and said, "Go and try whether the ice is strong or not."

The black line at my end, do you say in your heart that you are not afraid of me falling?

But she didn't see my expression at all, but communicated with Tenny in Chinese. Tenny spoke Russian, but the two actually chatted happily.

I was speechless and looked at Daxiong.

Nobita looked at me with bad eyes, hurriedly stepped back two steps, and said in horror, "What's wrong? I'm not going. I'm too fat to fall down."

I gave him a white look and said, "I mean, if I fall later, pick me up quickly."

Nobita breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry! Pack it on me!"

I nodded, walked to the lake, and looked down first.

The ice layer looks relatively strong and transparent. The snowflakes in the sky will gradually melt on the surface and merge with the ice.

I even saw the shadow of several big fish swimming slowly under the ice.

Look at the appearance of these fish, they should belong to salmon, because only salmon can move in such cold water. Other fish are almost motionless in such cold weather.

I also understand why Mrs. Rabilovich asked me to attract fish with light, because salmon is very ** for light.

I stepped on the ice and found that it was still very strong, so I took a breath of heat in my hand and stepped on the ice.

Sure enough, the ice is very strong, but I also know that the ice by the lake condenses faster than the center of the lake, so if we want to go to the middle later, we have to be more careful.

I stepped on the ice and even jumped on it, and found that there was no problem.

Then Ternie became more excited, twisted her body and jumped off Liang Qian's body and jumped on the ice.

I thought she was going to slip, but she stood firmly. Obviously, it was not the first time she came to the frozen lake to play.

Teni laughed and said to Liang Qian, "Sister, come and chase me."

Liang Qian also smiled, carefully stepped on the ice, and chased with Ternie.

I shook my head and took out the tools with Nobita, ready to make a hole by the lake and start fishing.

But at this time, I seemed to see some dark shadows of animals flashing behind several big trees by the lake!