long candle

Chapter 183 Phantom City

However, the scene of thousands of lights is not as bright and lively as the bustling city, but full of strangeness and silence.

I quietly looked at the lights gradually turning on, but my heart was getting colder and colder, because Andrea once told me that these were the sea girls living on the island.

Moreover, the lights are on, which represents the arrival of night.

This ruins island is full of so many strange things during the day, and more strange things may happen at night.

Looking at the wall for a while, the lights have gradually spread from the top of the mountain.

I saw the lights slowly on the streets outside the Colosseum, and the scene was very strange.

Because many lights are lit in mid-air, it's a bit like a ghost fire.

Look carefully, those bright spots generally appear above the collapsed brazier or street lamp, that is to say, the place where these lights appear is where the brazier or street lamp lit.

I immediately understood that this was also a thousand years ago picture recorded by the abnormal magnetic field.

As the lights lit up, the streets also lit up, and the sky gradually darkened.

I didn't see any sea girls walking on the street, but when the lights were on, some faint black shadows appeared on the street.

I know that these shadows are all scenes of people's activities in the past. Maybe one day thousands of years ago, or maybe they appeared together for several days.

Because I can't see clearly on the wall, I decided to go down and see it clearly, which is of great significance for investigating the ancient city.

But just as I was about to jump down from the wall, I found three or four dark shadows under the wall shaking gently in the shadow of the wall.

I thought this was the illusion of the people who used to live here, so I didn't care and jumped directly off the wall.

But when I fell to the ground, the three or four shadows disappeared in an instant.

I looked around strangely, but I didn't find anything, but there were several more mud footprints on the ground.

I touched my chin and said to myself, "It seems that there is more than one thing that can be left with footprints."

Because I was afraid that those dark shadows would suddenly appear again, I adjusted the light of the flashlight to the brightest, and slowly walked forward with the silverfish dagger in my hand.

Although the fog is still the same, based on previous judgment, I know that there are four entrances and exits in this Colosseum.

As long as I walk less than 100 meters along the trail on the left, I can reach the nearest exit, which must be connected to the outside avenue.

So I groped over there, but after a few steps, I saw three dark shadows coming towards me neatly in front of me.

They walk very fast and seem to have weapons in their hands.

I stood still for a few seconds, and the three dark shadows gradually appeared from the fog.

Those were three guards in heavy helmets. Their silver armor was shining, decorated with fish scale-like patterns, and they walked towards me with sharp spears in their hands.

When I saw the helmet on their heads, I remembered the stone statues I saw on the coast. The styles of the two were almost exactly the same.

It's just that these three guards don't have fish-like tails, but behind their armored foreheads, there is a silver fish scale pattern cloak, and an oval totem embroidered with black thread in the middle of the cloak.

I recognized this totem as the totem of the "Candle God" at a glance, because in this regular oval pattern, there is a black dot on the left and right.

I didn't expect that the ancient kingdom of Durban took the candle god as the totem. In this way, the origin of the candle god is much longer than we thought.

The three guards didn't stop. They couldn't see me. Of course, they couldn't see me.

Because they are just illusions, just like the warriors and beasts I saw before.

My flashlight penetrated directly through their chests, so that these phantoms became a little illusory.

Although I knew that they were all phantoms, when I saw them coming towards me, I still habitually avoided hitting anything.

The three soldiers walked past me without looking back, and their armor made a tinkling metal collision sound.

Looking at the backs of the three of them, I thought that if it were someone else, I might really think that I had met the real ghost.

In fact, I am also a little uneasy, because I saw such a real illusion for the first time today.

And I don't know whether it should be said to be unlucky or lucky, I met such a large-scale illusion for the first time.

I think the reason for this phenomenon may be that the building materials here contain a lot of magnetic substances, such as silicon dioxide.

I can't help thinking too much at this moment, because Nobita has no trace of them.

So I took another step to the exit of the Colosseum.

Soon, I found the half- collapsed exit that appeared in front of me. I looked at it and it was still over.

So I looked back at the strange pot lid-shaped object in the middle of the square below, sighed regretfully and walked out of the exit.

Crossing through the collapsed rubble, I saw several dark shadows moving in the shadow of the mouth of the cave. These aimless shadows were probably the wanderers who could not afford tickets to the Colosseum thousands of years ago. Unexpectedly, they just wandered here aimlessly, but they were recorded.

It looks so weird now.

Out of this hole, as expected, I came to the street and saw bright lights on the street, and there were many dark shadows walking back and going.

However, I found that the clarity of shadows is high and low, and some have sound when they are active, and some are not.

This may be due to the difference caused by the different energy they release when recording.

It is this difference that makes these phantoms look like real people, but some look like transparent ghosts.

This is the same principle as the videotape. When the videotape is kept for a long time or flooded, some pictures will be blurred.

I walked along the street, and the pedestrians on both sides were very lively, and there were carriages passing by from time to time.

In a well-preserved house on the street, you can see the lights and people are moving inside.

pubs, martial arts halls, acrobatic houses, art stores, and even brothels.

Only carefully observed the faces of these people. They have many Asian characteristics, but the bridge of the nose is higher, the eye socket is deeper, and there are many handsome people.

In terms of clothing, some wear linen clothes and silk. Leather clothes and fur clothes are also more common.

"These are my ancestors..." I said silently.

Looking at such a lively scene in front of me, I can't greet any of them. This state of mind is really uncomfortable.

Durban City is really very developed. I saw porcelain, tea from the East, medicinal herbs from Persia, and even knives and bamboo products from Japan.

Each well-preserved house sells different goods, while those collapsed houses are dark.

This may be because with the collapse of the house, the magnets that formed the image also failed.

After walking forward for more than ten minutes, I have deeply felt the prosperity of Durban City.

Thinking that these grand scenes have now gone into nothing, I have an inexplicable sense of loss in my heart.

The rumbled, a flash of lightning flashed in the sky, and then the rain fell on the street.

People began to flee in a panic and find a place to shelter from the rain, while I spread out my hands and stood in the middle of the street in a daze.

Because this rain is just a phantom, even if I can see the raindrops dripping in front of me, I will not be wet at all.

This feeling is really wonderful. I never thought that I would encounter such a strange thing in my life.

After being drenched in the so-called rain for a while, I continued to walk forward.

My direction is still towards the lighthouse in the center of the city, where there is now a faint blue light.

If I go to the center of Wangcheng under the lighthouse now, I will definitely see the life scenes of national dignitaries in those years. Maybe I can meet someone reading in the library, so that I can see the content of those corroded books.

I walked quickly, turned an alley and came to an intersection.

This intersection is actually the intersection of two sheep intestine streets, but only one of the four shops at the intersection is lit.

I looked inside. This is a small silverware shop. The door is very open. Behind a long counter in the door is an old lady with dark brown hair, looking out in a daze.

Obviously, this is a place where business was not very good in those years, so it seems particularly deserted.

I took a look at the old lady, and the direction she looked in was also the direction I was standing in.

This gives me the illusion that she is looking at me.

Seeing that her eyes were a little strange, I felt a little uncomfortable, so I continued to walk forward.

But at this time, I seemed to see that the old lady's eyes seemed to follow my movement.

I was so surprised that I hurriedly stopped and looked at the store.

At this time, the old lady seemed to deliberately avoid my eyes and looked aside.

I feel a little scared, and my heart says that this phantom can really see me? That's really strange!

I breathed my breath in place. When I was sure that the old lady stopped looking at me, I stepped forward again.

But this time I noticed that when I first started to leave, the old lady looked over again.

I was in a hurry and hurriedly looked at the flashlight and took a picture of the old lady.

The light of the flashlight directly penetrated her body. Obviously, this is just a phantom.

I felt a little relieved and thought about it carefully. Maybe it was because there was a person on the street who walked the same as me at that time, which caused such an illusion.

So I took pictures around and really found that there was a dark shadow standing next to me, almost side by side.

He also stopped motionless on the street and looked sideways at the grandmother in the store.