long candle

Chapter 186 Inside the Temple

I lit the lighter and lit the lead.

The sound sounded, but I didn't expect this thing to be lit.

I was surprised and ran back unexpectedly, but after a few steps, the sound disappeared.

I thought the bomb was going to explode, so I quickly hid behind a pillar and held my head.

But after waiting for a long time, I still didn't hear the sound of the explosion.

I walked out from behind the pillar and came to the door to see that the lead burned to a centimeter away from the explosive bag.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh, with a helpless face.

I thought that if I ordered it again, I would be blown up before I ran away, but it would be a pity if I gave up like this.

After thinking about it, I still decided to fight.

So I shivered and lit the lighter and approached the lead again.

When the flame just touched the lead, I remembered it again.

I hurriedly flew, and only heard a faint bang in my ear, and a black smoke rose to the sky.

Rolling around on the ground, I stood up awkwardly.

The bomb had exploded, and his eyes were full of black smoke and gravel.

When the smoke dissipated, I came over to have a look, and then I was speechless.

It may be the cause of the dampness of the explosives. The bombs have turned into *. In addition to smoking the whole door black, it only blew up a small hole as big as a fist.

I sighed, took a flashlight and took a picture of the door. I found that although the hole was relatively small, fortunately, the door was not thick, and this time the door was blown through.

I lay on the ground and peeped inside with the light of a flashlight. Although my posture was a little uncomfortable, I still saw some surprising information.

I saw several mud footprints on the ground full of returning to the city.

I don't know if the owner of your footprints has been here before. Maybe this is his old nest. Maybe Daxiong and others have been caught here by him.

Thinking of this, I was a little excited. I pulled out the silverfish dagger and cut it up along the small hole to see if I could cut more than ten centimeters thick of the stone door with a sharp silverfish.

The silverfish came into contact with the stone gate and made an unpleasant sound, but after all, the silverfish was a treasure knife in ancient times and slowly cut the stone.

I was overjoyed and increased my strength.

But at this time, I suddenly saw a foot swinging through a small hole on the ground. Obviously, there was something in the door that I didn't know what it was.

I saw that foot was a little similar to a human foot, but more dry and dark.

I listened to it and lay down very low again to see what it was.

But when I lay down, it never appeared again.

My forehead slowly broke out in a cold sweat, and there was speculation and anxiety in my heart.

Actually, I also know that I can completely ignore this door now and go around and continue to the top of the mountain.

But now that this has happened, I have no reason to give up halfway.

Although I have only one person now, Nobita is not around to protect me, it is useless to be afraid. If you want to know the truth, you can only take risks.

Thinking of this, I wiped the sweat on my head, and then the knife just now continued to cut the stone door.

Ten minutes later, I cut a square door hole about one meter high at the bottom of the giant stone door.

This has consumed almost all my strength, otherwise I will definitely cut the door bigger so that I can escape in time after encountering any danger.

I sat on the ground and rested for a while, observed the edge of the silverfish dagger, and found that there was no gap or roll. It seemed that this silverfish was really an indestructible weapon.

I pinned the silverfish to my waist, and I used a flashlight to illuminate the situation inside the door.

I saw several equally thick columns not far away, as well as some black shadows standing under them.

Most of the shapes of these shadows are square, which may be some cabinets or something.

Other than that, I didn't find anything strange, nothing moving or human-shaped.

I took a deep breath and got into the doorway.

As soon as I got in, a smell of dust came to my nose.

I sneezed and quickly got used to it. After all, the smell of this hall is much better than the caves I entered before, at least without the smell of corruption or blood.

I turn up the spotlight of the wolf-eye flashlight so that I can see a wider range.

First, I looked at the mud footprints on the ground and found that they had been dried, indicating that they were left a long time ago.

These footprints are spinning in place, drawing aimless arcs, and finally disappearing not far away.

I can't judge the reason for the disappearance of the footprints, because it may have been erased by the owner of the footprints, or the mud on the feet may have been wiped clean.

In short, the footprints suddenly disappeared, and it was not the first time I met them.

I looked at the direction in which the footprints disappeared and knew that I couldn't get more clues from here, so I set up the flashlight and continued to walk forward.

Soon, I came to the front of the first huge stone pillar.

This stone pillar is almost the same as the one outside, and the material and size are the same.

It is connected by large beams to support the whole stone temple.

And where the pillar is close to the ground, there is a wooden cabinet more than one person high.

I guess the material of the cabinet may be ebony, so it hasn't decayed after so many years.

The cabinet faces me from the side, that is, facing the avenue in the middle of the temple, so I judge that this cabinet is not only one, but also distributed on both sides of the Central Avenue.

When you get closer, it is true that there are two or three ebony bookshelves in the center of each of the temple pillars.

It's a little like a small library, but when I shined on the light of the bookshelf, I found that almost all the books were rotten, leaving only some black scum.

I was a little disappointed. I looked around with a flashlight and found that there were not many valuable things, so I raised my feet and continued to walk forward.

After walking dozens of meters along the main road surrounded by bookshelves, I saw a platform more than half a person high blocking my way not far ahead.

I was curious and strode over to that platform.

With the light of the flashlight, I saw something diagonally inserted on the stone platform.

And the side of the stone platform is also carved with many character patterns, which seems to depict an ancient story.

I stepped forward and was shocked by the content of the story.