long candle

Chapter 191 Inference

This shows that the * footprints we thought before were probably left by me, because I and * wear the same style of shoes, and the size is similar.

More importantly, I also appeared directly under the statue, which is the key to the inexplicable shoe prints.

But if I say so, I have been walking along the traces I left.

This is a contradiction, because I don't remember coming here before, so it's impossible to leave any footprints here.

But if I hadn't left footprints, I wouldn't have happened so many things with the footprints.

That is to say, I arrived at the island first and then created footprints.

There are two hypotheses. The first is that I have been to the island, but I forgot, and now I may be dreaming and recalling my previous experience, but this dream is a little too real and organized.

The second hypothesis is that I accidentally fell into a time loop.

The so-called time cycle is a kind of space-time disorder. Einstein once said that there are still many parallel spaces in the world we live in.

That is to say, multiple worlds overlap, but due to the different order of time and space, each world has its own rules and laws, so things that follow this law can only live in one of the worlds.

To be more specific, even in the position where I stand now, there are other spaces overlapping here.

In this space now, I stand here alone, and in another space that overlaps this position, it may be a pit where someone is going to the toilet.

This sounds a little strange and even difficult to understand, but generally speaking, whether it is a person, a tree, a house, a dog or a car, it seems to be substantial, but everything in the world is just a collection of energy.

To put it bluntly, all cells and solutions in human body can be converted into energy. The same is true of trees, cars and dogs.

It's just that the energy that can form a fixed form is relatively stable and will not suddenly disintegrate.

In this way, it makes for energy and energy to coexist in the same place and are invisible to each other.

However, parallel worlds are not invisible to each other. Einstein's theory can infer that the passage between parallel worlds may appear anywhere and can be opened as long as certain conditions are met.

This is what ordinary people call time travel. Time travel is not a fantasy. It can be truly realized, but the current technology has not yet achieved such an effect.

I remember that when I was a child, I saw a short story in the physics textbook that a coin that had not been issued in the United States was found in the crack of the stone of the Egyptian pyramid thousands of years ago.

According to the authority of the textbook, I do not doubt the authenticity of this matter.

But how did this unreleased * get into the stone crevice of the pyramid? This answer seems mysterious and absurd, but here I have an explanation.

One day in the future, an American accidentally fell into the sewer with a *.

However, a space channel just appeared in the sewer, transmitting coins to a parallel world that overlapped our space but at different times, that is, Egypt thousands of years ago.

This coin was not stuffed in by the ancient Egyptians, but the place where it appeared. It happened to be in the crack of the stone. Maybe there was a mouse and a cockroach transmitted, but they were not so lucky.

First of all, they will be squeezed into flat meat cakes by the narrow space between the stones, and then after thousands of years, they will rot into something worse than sand.

The above is crossing in the ordinary sense, but the time cycle is more complicated than crossing.

Time cycle refers to the emergence of two stable space channels in two different spaces, and time will continue to cycle along the two channels.

According to my current situation, I will be sent to the past by the channel, and then leave some traces.

Later, I will find these traces and do the same thing. After that, I will go back to the past and then cycle like this.

Some people may say that this is very cool, especially in the cycle of the happiest experience, and you can always be happy.

But what I want to say is that if such a thing really happens to me, it will be the greatest misfortune in my life, because although time has regressed, the passage of energy will continue in every space.

That is to say, I will still grow old and die, but I can only toss around in the same few things in my life.

The most terrible thing is that I will not die. Even if I commit suicide, I will travel back and do it again.

will be old, but not dead. I can't imagine what I will become in the end.

In fact, many scientists have analyzed the causes of space channels, among which magnetic field anomalies are the most common.

The magnetic field is a very mysterious thing. Magnetism can not only generate electricity and provide people with energy to survive, but also record sounds and pictures, and even lead to the variation of climate and organisms on earth.

For example, the king city of Durban, where I am now, has so many fantasies because of the abnormal magnetic field. I have to say that this is a miracle.

However, it is precisely because of the abnormal magnetic field that the possibility of space channels on this island is indeed much greater than elsewhere.

I suspect that this group of Yaku people who lived in the Kingdom of Durban thousands of years ago, that is, my ancestors, have been able to make full use of magnetic field anomalies and space channels.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain the lack of time that occurred before.

Thinking of this, a chill rose all over my body.

In ordinary ancient tombs or miracles, there are some poison arrows, falling traps and other mechanisms. Although some are also very deadly, at least they are some dangers that we can understand.

However, I really dare not think about what kind of danger such a civilization that can use the magnetic field and space lurks in their ruins.

For example, now, I have been confused.

This big string of fragmentary information flashed through my mind almost within a few minutes.

My expression is also uncertain.

So at this time, several people around me looked at me with a strange look. Liang Qian also shook my hand and asked, "Xiaochuan, what's wrong?"

After listening to her, I suddenly woke up, reluctantly smiled and said, "Oh, nothing... Let's go."