long candle

Chapter 194 witchcraft

I feel strange, because dogs usually bark when they see strangers, and the dog in front of me seems to be a little too deep.

But it is this deepness that makes me feel that this dog is psychic. It looks at us and seems to want to express what it means.

I was stunned for a moment, and I suddenly remembered that I had seen this kind of look before. Under the statue in the dead end, the animal trapped in the hole was exactly the same as this big white dog!

Liang Qian is a very caring girl. When I was shocked, she shook the flashlight in her hand and called, "Puppy, why are you here?"

The big white dog's eyes changed slightly under the shaking of the flashlight. It made a hoarse "Wow" sound that only a dog was old enough to lose its teeth, looked at Liang Qian, and then plunged into the water again.

We all have an inexplicable expression and don't know what this big white dog wants to do.

But only a minute later, we all understood, because a series of huge bubbles appeared on the water, and then a whirlpool formed.

The water in the tunnel is constantly involved in the bottom of the tunnel with the whirlpool, and the water slowly falls down as we can see.

So we all understood that the big white dog just now helped us open the ancient drainage system of Durban City and drain all the water.

A diving dog can also dredge pipes. I can't believe it. I really don't know if this is a dog or something else.

In a word, after half an hour, there is no longer a shadow of water in the underground tunnel. Only the vines hanging at the top of the tunnel occasionally drop a drop or two of water.

Anyway, this is undoubtedly good news for us, at least we don't have to bother to find the way.

We are all desperate people, and I heard that this tunnel is safer, so after a lot of calculation, we got in one by one.

The mud washed down from the top of the mountain has created a pool of mud. When we walk in the tunnel and occasionally step on this mud, we will leave a series of footprints.

Looking at these footprints, I was a little numb and didn't think about anything more.

After entering the tunnel, we never saw the shadow of the big white dog again, but occasionally saw some of its claw marks.

Except for the occasional drops of water dripping from the top of the tunnel that occasionally fell into my collar, which made me chill, nothing worth mentioning happened in the passage.

Soon, we came to the intersection where I found the stairs before.

As I expected, although the metal ladder is still there, the door at the top of the tunnel is closed.

Because the ladder was so rotten that I could barely bear my weight, I volunteered to climb up.

Holding a rusty ladder in my hand and climbing to the top of the ladder tremblingly, I freed a hand and touched the door at the top of the tunnel.

Liang Qian and the others flashed around me and looked up one after another.

With the light of their flashlight, I saw a square slab on the top of my head. The surface was polished very smooth, and the material was also the kind of black unknown stone, which was cold.

I pushed up, and the slate did not move at all, but the ladder under my feet made a creaky sound that was about to collapse.

I stabilized my body for fear that I would suddenly fall down.

When the people below saw me like this, they also stretched out their hands and prepared to catch me.

I wiped the cold sweat on my head and said, "It's okay, okay."

Nobita has been walking back and forth anxiously below. At this time, he seized the opportunity and asked me, "What's the matter?Can't you open it?"

I nodded and said, "It's a little heavy."

Nobita clenched his fist and said, "Otherwise, I'll do it?"

"No, if you go up, this rotten iron ladder will definitely collapse. Try to push it aside." Liang Qian was also very anxious.

I shook my head and said, "I've tried it, I've tried it, and I can't open it."

The woman in black was also a little annoyed and asked, "How did you go up before?"

I was a little surprised and said to myself, how did this woman know that I would have been here before?

After being stunned for a while, I replied, "The last time I came here, it was not closed."

The woman in black looked up, then borrowed a flashlight from Liang Qian, shone on the dark door, and then asked me, "Let's see if there are any patterns on it."

Hearing her say this, I took a closer look at the cold light of the flashlight while groping with my fingers to see if there were any patterns.

Not to mention, I immediately found some patterns from the cold skateboard, which were very complicated.

So I said to the woman in black, "It's patterned and complicated. Why don't you come up and have a look?"

The woman in black shook her head and said, "Tell me first, are those patterns made of curves or straight lines?"

I touched it and said, "Most of them are straight lines."

The woman in black nodded again and said, "That's right. It's useless for me to go up. This is a male text of witchcraft, which can only be seen by men."

What kind of witchcraft male literature, I'm a little confused.

At this time, the woman in black looked a little excited and said, "It seems that we have come to the right place. There are Wuwen in this place. What I'm looking for should be here."

Before I could speak, the woman in black pulled off the black veil, revealing her soft face and said to me, "Come on, tell me how these lines are distributed."

I was speechless, because judging from the touch of my hand, these lines are extremely complex and complex patterns composed of no more than 100 lines.

So I said with some embarrassment, "This pattern is a little complicated, and it may be a little troublesome to describe it all."

The woman in black may be too excited. She smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Let me teach you. You first put your hand on the outermost circle of the line, then touch it clockwise along the line, count how many corners there are, how many vertical lines are crossed, and then touch it in turn to report all the values. Just come."

Seeing that she was so enthusiastic, everyone felt strange, and I couldn't refuse her, so I began to count according to her method: "clockwise twelve o'clock, right angle, clockwise nine o'clock, cross..."

Ten minutes later, I told her all the information, and she also drew it on the ground one by one with a short stick.

Finally, everyone looked at the pattern on the ground and was a little surprised, because it was a complex hexagonal linked pattern, which looks a bit like the catalytic array in Western alchemy.