long candle

Chapter 195 Long Jia

Then the woman in black took a small porcelain bottle and carefully climbed up the ladder.

Climbing to the top of the ladder, she held a porcelain bottle in one hand and dipped her index finger in the bottle with the other hand, and drew it on the slate with Nobita's blood.

We saw her draw more than a dozen patterns, but dipped some of Nobita's blood, nodded on her forehead, closed her eyes, and said something in her mouth.

After reading a few words that we didn't understand, she suddenly opened her eyes, held the stone slab above her head with one hand, and gently pushed it up.

With only a click, the stone slab was easily pushed up by one of her weak women.

We were all extremely surprised and looked at the woman in black with constering faces.

But soon, our eyes could not be fixed on her, because the white light fell from the entrance she opened.

It's strange. I don't remember that there was an electric light on it before. I said to myself.

"Let's go and have a look..." The woman in black waved to us.

I can see that although she didn't look well after answering the answer of "Guiyuan", the witchcraft words left by the ancient immortals still made her unable to suppress her curiosity. She wanted to peep at the secrets more than any of us.

We followed the women in black to climb the ladder one by one, and Nobita was the last one.

Because of his heavy weight, when he was afraid of the ladder, we heard the squeaking sound of the metal ladder and almost broke.

Nobita also pinched a handful of sweat, stopped every step, and then shook on the ladder for a long time.

In fact, this ladder is only five or six meters high from the ground from top to bottom. With Nobita's skills, it will not fall even if it falls.

However, if the ladder is broken, we will lose the only way to climb the cave.

When Nobita slowly climbed up, all of us breathed a sigh of relief.

I patted the dirt and dust on my body, and I began to look around.

It is still a metal fence that stops us, and there are such fences around us, forming a cell.

There is nothing in the cell where we are located, only some black marks left after the decay of wood.

The top is a different kind of white stone that is completely different from the black stone we saw before. It is a stone, but it is actually a mixture of stone and plaster.

This material similar to nougat is a typical material of ancient Western architecture.

After so many years, this kind of thing should fall off as soon as you touch it, but it is still strong.

The spider weaves a spider web with several layers thick in the corner of the house, like a huge rag hanging there.

I saw a crab leg on the spider web, which shows how powerful the spider is.

In a word, everything in front of us is dilapidated and vicissitudes, and even the railing of the cage is bent.

We walked to the metal fence near the passage and found that the door was locked.

In fact, it's not locked, but the door doesn't rust. It can't be opened at all.

Nobita shook the cage pole with its thick and short palm, but he didn't expect it to be quite strong.

So he stretched out his hands, stopped us, and said, "Get out of the way, it's a matter of a foot."

I knew that kicking the door was Nobita's unique trick. I had seen it several times, so I pushed back five or six steps and hid far away.

Nobita also took two steps back, and then sprinted and kicked up.

But he seemed to forget that this was not a door, but a cage, so his right foot stuck in between the two railings.

The door was kicked open by him, but he also fell out.

We all laughed in our eyes.

Only the woman in black did not smile, but looked at me and Liang Qian with strange eyes.

I know that she is nervous to death, and she is the kind of person who doesn't smile.

It must be very strange to see that we can still laugh in this desperate situation at this moment.

So I restrained for a moment, sighed and said, "This beautiful woman in black, when you come to such a place, you will still die. It's useless to be nervous. Relax a little."

Liang Qian also answered, "Yes, it's been so long, and we still don't even know your name."

Hearing what we said, the woman in black softened her face and said in her relatively authentic Chinese: "My name is Lia, and my Chinese name is Longjia."

"Your surname is Long? Isn't that the same surname as the aunt in the Condor Heroes? No wonder I always feel that you came from the ancient tomb school. Nobita took a lot of effort to pull out his foot and walked towards us while talking and laughing.

Longjia doesn't seem to like Daxiong very much, which is similar to when he was later in Durban Village. I don't know if he doesn't like fat people or talkative people.

When Daxiong came over carelessly, Longjia ignored him and looked at Liang Qian in a blink of an eye.

Maybe the gap between the two girls will be smaller, right?

Liang Qian smiled awkwardly. In order to ease the atmosphere, she changed the topic and said, "Why do you have two names? And I heard from Boss Wu that you are not from Siberia. How can you have a Chinese name?"

Long Jia was still expressionless and said lightly, "I have not only Chinese names, but also French names, Italian names and so on, because I can speak 32 languages and have been to more than 80 countries. I like to give myself a name in every country."

Hearing her say this, I was speechless and said to myself that we Yaaku people really have a very high language talent.

Liang Qian also smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, I looked at your appearance and thought you had Chinese blood."

Long Jia nodded and said, "Yes, I forgot to tell you that my grandmother is from China."

Liang Qian nodded, hooked Long Jia's thin shoulder with her hand, and said, "Then we are half a fellow villager. Let's make friends in the future."

Long Jia did not agree or refuse, but silently let Liang Qian put her arms on her shoulder.

I shrugged my shoulders and began to admire Liang Qian's communication skills.

Nobita made a joke and shouted, "Okay, now that the door is open, let's move forward quickly."

After saying that, he went out alone, and we also went out with him.

We passed through the passage with some broken tables and animal trainers and quickly arrived near the square of the Colosseum.

Far away, I saw a dazzling white light shining in the square in front of me, and a light ball seemed to float in the thin fog.

This is what we didn't expect...