long candle

Chapter 202 Face Wall

Hearing Liang Qian's scream, I turned around and ran into the room without hesitation.

But when I was halfway, I heard the chirping around me.

I hit a thrill because the sound was too familiar, that is, the sound that Andrea and I heard when we were surrounded by unknown creatures on the coast before.

This sound is like a human footstep, but it is much smaller than the sound of footsteps, just like the sound of a Japanese woman walking quickly.

At that time, we guessed that it was Hainu's footsteps, but after I saw the physical objects of Hainu, I found that they had nothing to do with these footsteps. Because the sea girl's legs are very thin and her tail is relatively developed.

This is a degradation caused by years of living in the ocean, that is to say, they are more suitable for swimming. Even if they can move on land, they can only crawl.

Now there is the same concentration of fog around me that day, and I can't see anything clearly.

The light of the flashlight passed through the fog and shone on only a vast expanse of white.

I held my breath and listened carefully to the sounds around me, as if they were spinning around me.

Now I know that things are not good. They are a precursor to launch an attack.

I shuddered when I remembered the bodies of the maroons that had been torn by them before. At the same time, he was more worried about Liang Qian.

I know that if the flashlight is used now, if the other party's eyesight is relatively developed, it will quickly lock my position.

But I don't want to turn off the flashlight, because even if I die, I have to see clearly and don't die inexplicable.

The chirp around me was getting closer and closer, and I felt that the fog was stirred by something, and there were wavy cyclones everywhere.

Looking around warily, I still decided to move forward.

But when I first raised my foot, I saw a black shadow lying near the ground not far in front of me, as if it were moving.

So I frowned, turned the spotlight of the flashlight to the farthest, and saw what it was, and the cold sweat immediately flowed down.

Because it is a pale face, but it is more than five or six times larger than an ordinary face. The face is very round, and the eyes and mouth are a line, which seems to be sleeping.

Although it didn't move, when I saw this face, I felt so cautious that I didn't dare to step over for a moment.

But just as I hesitated, something more strange happened.

I saw the pale big face, like cell division, and an identical face slowly appeared.

Looking at such a strange scene, I couldn't help taking a step back.

But I didn't expect it to be far away, because a smaller face appeared above the face that appeared in the back.

Then, such a face appeared one after another next to the bottom face, the same expression, the same strange and inexplicable.

Gradually, as my flashlight moved, I found that there was a wall made of a face in front of me!

Is this the real body of the huge shadow? This is incredible...

I feel that my legs are starting to weaken.

Just when I was extremely scared and almost collapsed, a very dramatic scene happened.

Because of the one at the top of these faces, it fell from the top with a grunt.

Then, I saw eight feet around my face, dancing constantly.

I immediately realized that these are very big crabs!

These crabs, like the crabs that Nobita caught in the house before, have dark red barbed back armor, slender legs, a pile of huge pliers full of barbs, and a mouth as hard as a steel gate.

As a biologist, I can't call the name of this crab.

However, judging from the ugly face-like patterns on their stomachs, they should have a certain relationship with family crabs.

But from the beginning, it looks like a deep-sea crab unique to Japan. It is possible that this crab is a hybrid of these two species.

The timid crab, who usually hides when he sees people, is now crawling with its teeth and claws, stepping on the back of one by one, rushing upstairs like crazy.

I really haven't seen this scene, and I really didn't react for a while.

What attracts these crabs to climb up? At that time, I was thinking about such a problem.

But I soon knew the answer.

Because when those huge crabs found my existence, a small part of them thought that I would crawl over, and the pliers bit in the air and made a threatening sound.

So I understood that these crabs are not interested in anything upstairs, but simply aggressive behavior.

Crab crawls very fast, but it still makes me laugh.

I felt a little helpless when I thought that I was scared by these crabs twice.

Soon, when I was smiling bitterly, a crab had climbed to my feet.

It opened its huge pliers, aimed it at my ankle and clamped it.

Seeing the wrench-sized pliers, I know it's not good to get on, and it's hard for crabs to let go once they get something.

So I didn't dare to neglect it at all. I took a step back and kicked it away.

But behind it, more crabs crawled towards me.

Seeing the number of these crabs, my scalp was a little numb. As I stepped back, I kicked them away.

At this time, Liang Qian shouted for help on the second floor.

I know that her situation must be much worse than me, because her body is already weak, and she has to take care of Longjia, so she definitely can't cope with it.

Even if she can light the incense burner she carries with her, she may not be able to completely resist such a large number of crabs.

Thinking of this, I know that I have to go upstairs now, otherwise Liang Qian may not last long.

The more anxious I was, the more confused I became. I thought about the weakness of crabs, but my head was blank.

In the sea, there are many natural enemies of crabs, such as octopus and squid. Their sharp teeth can easily pierce the forehead of crabs.

However, when they went ashore, the crabs almost really walked sideways. Except for large cats and eagles, nothing else could hurt them.

When I was at a loss, I suddenly remembered what happened when I was a child.

At that time, we went to fish for crabs. We threw things such as chicken intestines into the water and put a thread on it. When the crabs were caught, we lifted them up.

This shows that crabs generally like fishy things.

So I no longer hesitated, scratched my finger with the silverfish I carried with me, and then wiped the blood on the handkerchief and threw it out of the door.