long candle

Chapter 204 Hades the True God

It's the old woman who opened the shop I met at the crossroads before I crossed over.

At that time, I thought she was just an illusion, but later I found that her eyes would move with me, so it was a little creepy.

But when I went to her store later, the old woman disappeared. I didn't expect her to suddenly appear here now.

"Who are you?" I asked almost without thinking.

The old woman gave me a white look and said in a shrill voice, "You don't need to know who I am. You just need to follow me."

I was a little confused when I heard her repeatedly say that she would go with her. Where is this old woman going to take me?

Although I was puzzled, I still felt the firmness and strong sense of trust when this old woman held my hand.

So I couldn't help following the old woman.

But after a few steps, I turned around and said, "My friend is still on it. I can't just ignore her. Even if it's a body, I have to look at it to feel at ease."

The old woman didn't look back, just pulled my arm forward, and then snapped her finger at the big white dog.

The big white dog arched Long Jia with his long mouth, let her lie on his back, and then followed Long Jia.

We walked dozens of meters further. We turned around an alley, and the old woman stopped and said to me, "Don't think those are just a group of crabs. Look over there and there."

The old woman pointed to several directions in the sky with her dry fingers and let me see.

So I saw that in the place she pointed to, although there were layers of fog, I could still see a faint white light floating in the sky.

I suddenly felt confused and thought that there were so many oval luminous bodies before?

"See, right? These are part of the spirit of that guy. If we stay in that place just now, something more terrible will happen soon.

I wanted to ask what the guy she said was, but when I thought of Liang Qian's death, I couldn't lift my energy. I just looked silently at the attic in the fog in the distance.

In fact, I should have been more sad than now. The death of Daxiong and Liang Qian could completely hit me insane.

But I know clearly in my heart that although they died, I met them again when I was in Lop Nur. Even in Chukochidban village not long ago, I got along with them for a long time.

I don't know if it is an illusion caused by space-time chaos, or whether Daxiong and Liang Qian were resurrected in some way after they died, but I know that they are likely not to disappear into my life like this.

Thinking about it, when I saw the scene in front of me, I felt that everything was so real.

In the end, it is difficult to determine whether I am afraid of reality or falsehood.

I followed the old woman silently and walked through a few alleys. I don't know how many turns I had turned, and I saw the intersection when I first saw the old woman before.

I followed her to the store, but when I got to the door, I suddenly remembered something and said to the old woman, "No, I can't go with you, because I'm going back now. I'm going to the temple of Poseidon to find the passage to normal time."

"The Temple of Poseidon?" The old woman looked at me with doubt.

I nodded and said, "Yes."

She frowned and said, "Although I don't know what you mean by time travel, you'd better not go there. This island is where the ancestors of the Yayaku people once lived. They were once prosperous. At that time, there were four leaders of the Kingdom of Durban. All four had immortal bodies, known as true gods, and they had supernatural powers. The light balls we just saw are one of the true gods who can control fog and death. And the temple of Poseidon you mentioned lives with another guy who can manipulate all the marine life. Those grimace crabs just now are his messengers. He has killed your friends. Are you still going to die?

I frowned slightly and thought about the four gods in Greek mythology, among which I have seen the mummified corpse similar to Poseidon. Is this guy who controls fog and death the other god Hades? No wonder Longjia's witch language answer is hell. Hades is indeed the god of death in Greek mythology.

Thinking of this, I said to the old woman, "So, the other two so-called true gods, one should be Zeus who controls thunder and lightning, and the other is Athena, the goddess of dawn?"

The old woman was a little surprised and said slowly, "Yes, how do you know so clearly?"

I smiled awkwardly and felt a little helpless, because I didn't expect that the ancestors of the Kingdom of Durban would plagiarize Greek mythology.

But when I saw the strangeness of Hades, I wondered if Greek mythology was true?

After sorting out the messy thoughts, I found another question, so I asked the old woman, "You said that these four true gods are immortal, but why did the Durban Kingdom have such a strong leader, but finally destroyed the country?"

The old woman looked at me, hammered her waist, walked into the shop, sat down behind the counter, and said, "This is very simple, because the true gods are immortal, but the subjects are flesh and blood. When the disaster comes, these gods can only protect themselves, or the existence of these gods It is a disaster in itself. When all the subjects are dead and there are only rulers left, then the country can no longer exist. Only these ghost-like rulers are still wandering here.

What she said is not profound, but I didn't understand it.

But the old woman was silent and didn't intend to explain anything to me. She just said lazily, "If you still wander around the street at night, you will definitely die like your friend. You'd better stay here for one night. It's not that I want to save you. I'm just for the sake of this girl. Anyway, I She still has a relationship."

The female doll she refers to is Longjia.

"Come on, it's getting foggy outside. If you don't leave, those crabs should follow here soon." With that, the old woman moved a mechanism under the counter, and then the whole house trembled and slowly fell down.

I held the wall in panic and watched the ground rise slowly, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

It turns out that this whole store is a huge elevator!