long candle

Chapter 213 Current

I know that this stone hand will not grow out of the rattan for no reason.

This can't be the hand of a stone statue.

Because the statue cannot be moved, and the owner of this hand can move.

After thinking about it, there are only two possibilities. One is that someone moves the stone statue and accidentally exposes his hand, and the other is that the stone becomes a fine.

When I thought of stone becoming an essence, I poohed to myself, because only an unreliable person like Daxiong would have such a strange idea.

Thinking of Nobita's last tragedy, I couldn't help sighing.

In other words, the first possibility is the greatest.

Obviously, Long Jia also thought so and gave me a wink, which meant to go up and see if there was anything moving the stone statue.

I nodded, comforted the manic Sivi, and prepared to lead it to Tengluo to have a look.

However, at this time, Sivey had no intention of moving forward and still lay there, with a whining warning sound.

Seeing that I was going forward, Sivi jumped up, bit my trouser leg with his mouth, and pulled me back.

I frowned and didn't know what Sivey was afraid of.

But at this time, Long Jia screamed, "Look! That's manual!"

I hurriedly looked at that hand and saw the big black hand reflecting the light of the stone, and my fingers actually moved.

Its fingers are as flexible as human hands.

I saw several of its fingers move, as if they were moving their fingers.

Finally, its four fingers were bent, and only its index finger was raised, which turned out to be a guiding posture.

But it doesn't refer to the road, but me.

I'm a little puzzled. Why did this guy point to me? What is it?

While puzzled, I also have a strange feeling that there seems to be some strange meaning here.

At this time, I suddenly felt that my scalp was a little itchy, and I thought that some bug fell from the roof and fell into my hair.

So I lowered my head and scratched my hair with my hand, but I didn't find anything abnormal.

At this time, Longjia next to me looked at me with frightened eyes, and I also looked at her.

I immediately found that her hair looked a little abnormal, just like me.

Several of her shoulder-length hair stood up.

I was wondering what was going on. The hair on Longjia's head became more and more vertical, and she stood up like noodles one by one.

Seeing her looking at me in horror, I also touched the hair on my head and found that because my hair was short, almost all of them had stood up. No wonder I felt that my hair was itchy before.

Next, I found that it was not just as simple as my hair standing up, but the skin on the back of my hand began to slowly emit white smoke, and a tingling came from **'s arm.

I am more experienced than Long Jia for scientific knowledge and hurriedly shouted: "Water! Water your body quickly!"

While shouting, I took out the kettle I carried with me from my backpack and poured it down from my head.

A cold feeling made my whole body tremble.

After doing this, I saw that Xiwei next to me also had hair standing up and smoke on his body, so he hurriedly poured the rest of the water on it.

Longjia opposite also poured all the kettles she brought on herself as I said.

Long Jia's long chestnut hair was wet with water and all stuck to her face. She usually pays great attention to wearing it, and the teacher has a cold expression, but now she looks a little funny.

I smiled and was ready to walk over to comfort her.

However, as soon as I took three steps, Longjia stretched out a hand, made a stop gesture, and said nervously, "Don't come here, stop, stop quickly."

I looked at her inexplicably and asked, "What's wrong?"

Long Jia pointed to the ground in the middle of us and said, "See?"

At first, I didn't notice anything on the ground, but after Long Jia's guidance, I took a cold breath and my back was cold.

Because I saw a blue line on the ground, like a small tree, and then stretched up all the way to the top of the golden hall six or seven meters above our heads.

This blue line is shining and unstable, like a water snake or an enchanting woman, twisting her waist and swaying from time to time.

I recognize that the blue line is not something else, but an electric current!

In fact, a weak current can also form a type of lines. For example, anyone who has played with the electronic lighter in the lighter knows that if you press the button on the lighter, it will spewing out a visible current.

This kind of electric current can't kill people at all, and will only make people's skin feel short-lived.

The current in front of us is not much thicker than the current ejected by the lighter. I should not have had to worry about it.

But to my surprise, this small current is more than one, but sparsely distributed dozens of strands around us, and some even scratched against my skin.

What's more frightening is that these tiny currents are constantly combining, swallowing each other and slowly getting thicker.

And every time an electric current is swallowed, a new current will be generated.

Just when Longjia spoke to me, and in the minute I observed the current, those small currents were at least three times thicker.

I know that no matter which current I am hit by, it is no longer very uncomfortable. If I continue to stay here, I will be scorched by this current sooner or later.

So I can't take care of so much. I have to pull thousands of Longjia to escape.

But as soon as I moved, Long Jia screamed: "Don't worry about me! Don't come here, go quickly."

I don't know what she meant, but after a little observation, I found that Long Jia's whole body was trembling slightly, and there was fine white smoke.

Looking at the ground again, I found that I had just asked Longjia to pour water on my body.

The person dripped on the ground along her body and formed a pool of water around her. The water spread along the ground and became larger and larger, intersected with many electric currents.

These electric currents are transmitted to Longjia's body through water, making her now suffering from the burning of several electric currents.

Although there is also a pool of water under my feet, I am wearing light hiking shoes that are insulated from the power supply, and I still step on the board given by Zhuo Ya. Longjia thought it was troublesome and took off the board for a long time.

Looking at the pool of water spreading and expanding, and attracting more and more currents, I can't wait to slap myself in the face and say that I just said something cleverly poured water on myself. Why didn't I run away immediately?

Although water can deal with static electricity, I didn't expect that there was such a powerful electric field here. Isn't it harmful to others?

Seeing that Longjia was shaking more and more, I swallowed my saliva and said, "Don't worry, sister, I'll come to save you now. As long as I remove you from that pool, I can carry you out."

Long Jia didn't say anything, and the smoke all over her body became bigger and bigger. She bit her lower lip tightly, which looked very painful.