long candle

Chapter 242 Snake

I don't know why, when I saw this thing, I didn't remember to be afraid at all. Instead, I looked for something and wanted to wake it up.

I regret that I didn't pick up a stone when I came up, and now I don't even have anything to lose.

Touching the pocket, I found that there was also a cigarette butt left by Boss Wu.

So I took the cigarette butt as a stone and threw it at the curled figure.

I didn't expect that this throw was very accurate and just fell on the head of the humanoid thing.

I was ready to see this thing look up at me angrily, but the result was different from what I expected. It just curled up motionless and was completely dead.

I don't know if the strength of the cigarette butt is too small, or the thing insists on pretending to be dead. In short, there is no movement.

After thinking about it, I knocked on my head.

I said to myself that since I separated from Boss Wu, no one had talked to me, so I forgot that I could still speak.

Since I can't wake you up, can I wake you up?

I must think about it, so I shouted at the Dan stove: "Hey! What are you? Is it still alive?"

My voice is very low, and it seems a little hoarse because I haven't spoken for a long time.

In addition, the empty echo of my voice in the Dan furnace seemed particularly horrible and shocked me.

But this sound can scare me, but I can't scare the thing inside. It still curls up motionless.

I'm a little annoyed and said that I know you can move and pretend. Even if you are a zongzi, I will have to fight with you today.

So I shouted at the things in the Dan furnace, "If you don't move, I will jump down!"

Of course, the result is that the thing still doesn't move and doesn't take my words seriously at all.

I shrugged my shoulders helplessly and said that even if it was the Longtan Tiger Cave below, I would go and see it. If I give up the opportunity to investigate again, I would be a fool.

So I grabbed the edge of the opening of the Dan furnace with my hand and put down my lower body first.

Then as soon as I let go, my whole person fell down.

After all, the interior of the whole Dan furnace is also four or five meters deep. I thought that jumping down would make a loud sound.

But what I didn't expect was that my feet fell into a layer of soft mud as soon as they landed.

Obviously, the Dan furnace has been here for so many years, and with the humid climate, the drugs in the Dan furnace have turned into mud.

My hands and buttocks were covered with mud, and my feet were deeply trapped in, and a unique smell of mud choked my nose.

But I didn't care about nausea at this time. I hurriedly lit the lighter with my dirty hands to see what the humanoid thing opposite was.

As soon as I looked at the light, I was so scared that I almost jumped out of the stove.

Because I saw a pair of huge blood-red eyes that occupied almost half of my face were staring at me.

I can't think of anything with such big eyes except ghosts.

But when I looked at it, I felt much more at ease.

Because the eyes of this thing are actually not big, but because there is a string of radial words written around the eyes, so the eyes are particularly large.

This human-shaped thing, with his hands on his knees, curled up there, his head on his knees, looking ahead.

His lower body, like me, is almost stuck in the mud and seems to be integrated with the whole Dan furnace.

Obviously, it can't move, otherwise it will leave traces on the mud.

Besides this humanoid thing, looking at its skin and the facial features on its face, I can see that this is not a human body or the body of any animal.

Because the skin of this thing looks dark and blue, and there is a layer of shallow moss on it. In such a humid environment, there is no sign of corruption, but it is extremely hard, like a stone.

And on this stone-like body, various words and patterns are also painted with dark red paint, as if they represent a certain meaning.

This thing looks half smaller than normal people, and these patterns remind me of the humanoid stone figment used for sacrifice.

It is a device used by ancient primitive tribes to replace the sacrifice of living people, which is very mysterious.

I once saw in a chronicle note that in ancient times, exquisite wizards could make stone figs talk and walk, almost like real people.

I have never believed what is said in this kind of wild history, and the stone fig terracotta-like thing in front of me is indeed very rigid, and there is no sign of being able to speak and walk.

I think its facial features are painted with paint. Although it is weird, it does not make people afraid.

I know in my heart that in fact, in addition to the explanation of stone figs, there is actually another explanation.

This explanation is even more weird, and if it is that kind of thing, it is still dangerous for me.

That's this stone-like thing, which is actually a humanoid coffin.

The so-called human-shaped coffin is made of the coffin like a human and can tightly wrap the dead inside.

This kind of coffin has also been found in Chinese archaeology before, but most of them are made of wood, and only a few are made of metal or other materials.

It also includes gold and jade clothes made of gold and jade, which may be the most distinct kind of humanoid coffin.

It is said that the body in the golden jade coat will not only not rot, but also retain the luster of the skin. Unfortunately, I have never seen it with my own eyes.

If the thing in front of me is also a humanoid coffin, can it also ensure that the dumplings inside will not decay? And what is the function of these patterns painted outside the coffin?

I couldn't know the answer, so I struggled to move the lower body in the mud and slowly approached this stone-like thing.

When I came to it, I saw the facial features painted with paint, and I still felt a strangeness.

But I finally stretched out my hand and touched the face of this thing.

Its face is cold and hard, and it is no different from a stone.

I looked carefully along his temples and found that there was no place to sew the coffin on its side.

This ruled out my idea of a humanoid coffin. It seems that this thing is just a stone figment for sacrifice.

I took a closer look at all the witch texts on its body and found that these words were basically made of arcs, which were a little similar to the patterns on the stove. They should be the kind of witch women's texts that Long Jia told me before.

I can't understand these words, so I can only remember the general outline in my mind.

After doing this, I seemed to be a little free.

Because I can't smash this stone figuri now. Let's see if it's a stone inside. I can only believe that this is just a simple stone figri.

Looking at the strange stone figurine in front of me again, I really can't stand the smell of the mud here. I'm ready to climb out and continue to investigate other things.

But at this time, I suddenly felt that I was stuck on one leg in the mud, and something suddenly scratched over.

This scared me so much that I almost jumped up, because the slippery feeling was a bit like a snake.

It's not a joke to be bitten by a snake in the mud.

It's another matter whether it will be, but if you see blood, open an opening, and then get these dirty mud, the wound will soon be infected and get tetanus.

So I hurriedly took a few steps to the side and came to the inner wall of the bronze furnace.

At this time, when I saw the stone figment from afar, I felt something was wrong.

After thinking about it carefully, I remembered a key question.

That is, when I looked at it, I clearly saw a sudden stick next to this humanoid thing.

And now, the stick is gone. I haven't seen anything like a stick after coming down for so long.

It seems that it is not a stick at all, but a snake!

Now that the snake has penetrated into the mud, it is a potential threat to me.

So I turned around and wanted to climb up first.

But when I touched the inner wall of the bronze stove, my heart was cold again.

Because I didn't think about whether to go up or not when I came down, but now I find that the inner wall of the bronze stove is slippery and bent inward. With manpower, I can't climb up at all!