long candle

Chapter 257 Weird Room

Because the college entrance examination would take a few days at that time, and the invigilator would not come to inspect once for a long time, so the success rate was very high.

Since the ancients can do it, let alone the Atlanteans who had a high degree of civilization early.

Magnifying glass is a necessary tool for the elderly, especially for families with a large collection of books.

After turning over the drawer, we soon found a magnifying glass made of sheep bones.

Regardless of the cold air at night, we lit candles and began to observe.

However, it is obvious that the hidden secret above will not be so obvious. After looking for a long time, we have not gained anything.

At this time, Nie Chuan put down the transparent beads and said strangely, "It is reasonable that the people of Atlantis will not be so careless that we can't find the hidden secrets on it."

I nodded and said, "Yes, they are so secretive that they must be afraid that the beads will fall into the hands of the enemy."

Nie Chuan added: "Since they want to tell you the above content, they will definitely tell you how to take out the secret. If they don't tell you, unless..."

"Unless what?" I asked in a hurry.

"Unless there is a situation where the beads are easy to find the secrets in our hands, and in the hands of the enemy, they can't be found even if they die." Nie Chuan said.

I feel that what he said is reasonable, but it is a little inexplicable, because if you want to do this, unless you know us very well.

For example, I know that I don't like bathing, and only when I'm soaked in sweat can I reveal secrets.

But how do Atlantis know that I don't like to take a shower?

At this time, it suddenly occurred to me that this* attached to me must know how to unlock the secrets on the glass beads.

But at this time, I couldn't call it out in front of Nie Chuan, so I said, "I think you'd better go to bed early. Although I've had a good rest, it's only two or three o'clock in the middle of the night. Are you sure you don't sleep for a while?"

Nie Chuan yawned and said, "Well, I have spiritual research when I wake up, and I'm not in a hurry now."

After saying that, Nie Chuan returned to ** and fell asleep.

When I saw him sleeping, I took a breath, silently put on my clothes and walked to the toilet.

Actually, I don't want to go to the toilet, I just want to take down the guy attached to me.

I pulled my face and beard in the toilet until my face got a fever and pain, but it still didn't fall off me.

I was a little helpless and said to myself, "Are you asleep?"

It's not right to think about it, because even if I fall asleep, I can't help to toss around like this.

Later, I talked to the thing in the toilet like a psycho and called it out, but it was unproductive.

After tossing around for half an hour, I was discouraged. I wondered if what had happened before was an illusion, or was I dreaming?

He walked out of the toilet dejectedly and walked to the room, feeling as if he had been fooled.

Walking forward with heavy thoughts, I suddenly noticed that there seemed to be footsteps in the abandoned room I had peeked at before.

I thought I heard it wrong. Maybe it was the footsteps from another room.

But when I put my ear on the door and listened carefully, I found that there were really footsteps.

This footstep is not a person, it seems to be two or more people.

They walk lightly, but very rhythmically. They almost stop after walking a few steps, as if they were cleaning up the house or exercising back and forth.

After listening for a while, I put my eyes close to the crack of the door, but I couldn't see anything.

"Strange..." I said to myself.

Because, the room is not large, and it is very dark inside, but if someone walks back and forth at a distance of five or six steps, I will definitely see some people.

And the light is not on in the room. Who will keep walking around inside?


I shook my head because all the previous speculations about ghosts were proved impossible by me one by one.

Even if I have seen the legendary aliens now, I still don't believe that there are any ghosts in the world.

After thinking about it, I ran back to my room.

At this time, Nie Chuan was already asleep and snored loudly.

I touched him, found the flashlight he was carrying, and then came to the door of the room.

I looked at the flashlight, shone the light through the crack in the door, and then my eyes came close to another crack.

But at this time, I have noticed that the footsteps in the door are gone.

Looking in with the light of the flashlight, I found that as I had seen before, the furniture in the room was neatly arranged, but they were all covered with a gray cloth, and the cloth was covered with dust.

I paid attention to the thick dust on the ground and found that there were no footprints left when someone passed by.

Now I'm even more strange. Is it a hallucination just now?

Just as I was about to go back to sleep, I noticed the photo hanging on the wall, and the black decorative fabric hanging on it was fluttering in the wind.

However, the photo is still covered with a layer of gray, and you can't see what the person above looks like.

Who opened the window?

I know that this room has a window like mine.

However, this room is strictly controlled by the Rabilovic couple to prevent strangers from approaching, so there must be no such a low-level mistake as the window is open.

Unless someone opened the window from the outside and entered the house just now.

I just thought of this, and suddenly I saw a hand quickly reaching out and wiping it on the photo to wipe off the dust on it.

I didn't have time to see where the hand came from, because I suddenly saw the person in the photo and was so scared that I couldn't even speak.

Because it was a photo of the village head and Mrs. Rabilovic, they smiled very sweetly and leaned together, and there was a blonde Russian young man standing among them.

The appearance of this young man reminds me of the photo in the dilapidated cabin on the second basement floor of Durban Island.

One of the two young men in the photo can only see half of his face.

At that time, I couldn't remember who this half of the face was. Now, it is clearly in front of me.

This person is the son of the Rabilovic couple, the undercover police officer BEY.

Why did BEY's photos appear in the broken cabin in the ruins? And as a pilot.

I'm puzzled, and I can't think of it.

In almost three seconds, I thought about so many things, and then I began to pay attention to the previous hand.

I wanted to break in, but such a big noise in the evening will definitely attract everyone's attention.

Since this guy is likely to have turned in through the window, I can catch him as long as I go around to the window behind the house.

In fact, I know it's a little naive to think so, because he must have seen my flashlight. When I rushed over, this person must have escaped.

Sure enough, when I turned out of the window of my room, I saw that the window of that room was still open.

I took a photo with a flashlight and found that it was empty. Looking into the wilderness, I didn't find anyone.

I scolded damn it and was a little discouraged.

But at this moment, I still have a strong interest in that photo, so I turned in through the window without paying attention.

After entering the room, I found that there were actually footprints on the ground, but these footprints were circled by the window, aiming for a large wardrobe and a dressing cabinet by the window.

Because I saw that the black cloth on the two furniture had been uncovered.

Looking closer, the things in the two cabinets have been turned into a mess.

However, this person is obviously not a thief, because he saw a string of pearl necklaces in the cabinet and an old-fashioned gold watch that had not been taken away. Both of them are very valuable.

This person must have come looking for something, but what is he looking for?

I continued to look through the drawer and suddenly found a notebook with a very old cowhide cover.

Actually, I don't have the habit of peeking at other people's privacy, but the notebook was opened by the person just now, and the paper exposed between them said, "Machusha, Chakov, true love lasts forever."

When I saw these two names at first, I still couldn't react.

But then, a row of cold sweat came out on my forehead.

Because these two names are the names of two dead people we met in the elevator when we were underground in Lop Nur.

The couple engraved their names on the silver ring, which we have seen!