long candle

Chapter 235 The Egenious Organ

Sure enough, after a round of shooting, the sniper fire on several ships around it hardly returned, and it seemed that they were killed at the same time.

I couldn't help but marvel at the shooting skills of Yuting's group. Although it was unexpected and at such a close distance, it was not something ordinary people could do to kill the sniper on the opposite side at the same time.

After the sniper was killed, the pirates on the ship around him were obviously in a mess, shooting at us randomly. For a moment, bullets flew randomly, hit the deck, and hit the three-story cabin behind us, and the glass shattered endlessly.

I understand that if Xie Yuting hadn't asked us to lie down just now, we would have been shot dead.

At this time, the water mist flying in the nearby pool had gradually dissipated. Xie Yuting was the first to get up from the ground and rushed to the panicked tall man in front of him in a very skilled posture.

However, at the same time, several men's men also aimed their guns at Yuting at the same time.

Originally, I didn't want to care about Yuting's life or death, but at this time, I took out my gun.

The gun was wrapped in oil paper, and I hurriedly took a lot of effort to remove the oil paper.

Fortunately, the opposite side was also caught off guard, or afraid of shooting the tall man randomly, so he never shot.

I took a look at the opportunity and pulled the trigger at the front pirate.

I only heard a sound, and the bullet came out of the chamber, which just hit the man's eyebrows.

It may have hit his bulletproof helmet. A spark came out of the man's eyebrows, and then he tilted his neck and slowly fell down.

Just as I knocked down the other party, the pirates around him seemed to have finally found their targets, pointing their guns at me.

In fact, due to the spotlights on the opposite ship, I have been unable to see each other's appearance clearly, but at this time, I clearly see that these people's movements are a little strange.

First of all, their reaction seems to be slower than ordinary people, and when they turn the muzzle around, their movements are very stiff.

At that second, an idea flashed in my mind that the opposite side might be 70 or 80-year-olds.

This strange idea flashed by, and I immediately found that if I don't take measures now, I will really be beaten into a leaky spoon.

But there is no place to hide at this moment. I can only fight to the death, so I pulled the trigger and hit another person in the neck.

The strange thing is that although it hit the neck, there was still a spark splashing.

But there is no time to think about this. I think this should be my last shot, and then I will be hit into a leak.

Unexpectedly, Nobita also reacted super fast at this time and threw the umbrella in his hand like a javelin.

The chest of one of the people in the tip of the umbrella actually bounced up, and then swept several people next to them and staddled them.

Taking this opportunity, we all rushed up and prepared to subdue them all.

But at this time, an electric light suddenly burst out somewhere in front of me, and then a figure flew back like an off-lined kite.

Fortunately, the figure just hit Nobita, and the two rolled to the ground.

I looked down and saw that it was Xie Yuting.

Recalling that just now, he skillfully grabbed the other party's neck. In this way, the other party could not have a chance to fight back, but now he has been beaten back.

And what happened to the electric light just now?

I began to have an ominous feeling.

Xie Yuting and Daxiong rolled on the ground a few times, which may be related to the meat cushion. Xie Yuting did not seem to be seriously injured, but the clothes on his chest were black and still smoking.

He slowly got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said, "Withdraw! Take it to the cabin first. There is something wrong with the other party.

Xie Yuting was so good that he inexplicably suffered a big loss. Of course, we didn't dare to fight hard, so we helped him walk to the first floor of the cabin.

When I entered the door, I asked them to go first and broke with a gun.

At this time, I saw that the guys who were knocked down by me and Nobita slowly stood up again, including two people who were hit by me in the eyebrows and neck.

I was surprised. Suddenly, a fire tongue shot from the top of the boat opposite me and hit the wall next to me. For a moment, the sand and stones flew away, causing a deep hole the size of a fist.

I shrank my neck and was so scared that I almost flashed my waist. I said to myself that the sniper opposite was not dead!

As I retreated and left the shooting range of the sniper, I recalled that the people opposite had behaved very strangely since they got on the boat.

First of all, their walking movements. According to reason, even if they surround us and have confidence to eat us, it is impossible for Zhou Runfa, the god of gambling, to swagger so much.

After all, no one will be so bold when we don't know whether we are armed or not.

Our boat is only five or six meters away from their boat, and these people have walked for more than a minute, which is a little too slow.

The second more noteworthy point is that these people have not spoken from beginning to end.

Pirates are not coast guards. Even after strict training, they can't change the unique laxity of bad people. Generally, there are more cases of crooking. It is normal to shout to us first with loudspeakers or something. But these people maintained a high degree of discipline after uploading and did not hear anyone speak.

Their boat is also like a ghost ship, and there is no noise except for the sound of the motor.

To sum up, I suspect that these so-called pirates are not human beings, at least not normal people.

I thought so, and as I retreated, I found that the shadows outside the door were not in a hurry at this time. Seeing us running, I just slowly got up from the ground and slowly followed.

I put a few shots outside the door and asked Xie Yuting, "Is there an isolation hatch? Close the door, otherwise there is no way to hide inside."

Xie Yuting was supported by Daxiong, and the two looked very harmonious at this moment.

He raised his head. Although the injury was not serious, his whole body seemed to have been electrocuted, and there were still waves of **.

"Where you stand, step back two grids and step on the floor tiles..." The muscles on Xie Yuting's cheek twitched twice and said with some difficulty.

I knew that there must be some mechanism here, so I did what he said.

Stepping on that organ, I found the subtlety of this organ, because in the corridor we stand on, the ground is covered with black and white tiles. Last time I watched a foreign program, which said that no matter how old people are, they also have a childlike innocence. When they encounter black and white floor tiles, people usually choose to walk on the black grid and avoid the white grid, and then imagine that they walk through the river and step on the black part is the stones in the river.

In fact, this theory can also make sense from the perspective of psychological implications. White represents nothingness, black represents down-to-earth, and black is more conspicuous, so people will hint that they are walking on the black grid.

Caught this mentality, the ship arranged all the organs on the white grid, and if it was not strong, the engine could not be turned off.

So the possibility of ordinary people touching the mechanism is avoided, while people who secretly control the engine can turn off without everyone's awareness.

In this way, there will be a kind of "I just walked over and nothing happened, and there was a ghost as soon as you came over."

Using people's understanding of natural things, the ghosts that appear in this way are accidental, which will be more real and make people feel fearful.

While sighing the ingenuity of the mechanism, I shouted hard and stepped down the white floor tile.

At this time, I only heard a click, and the organ was activated.

I saw a hole in the ceiling, and then a hanging ghost with his tongue out fell from the ceiling, hanging in front of us, and rolling his eyes.

We were stunned when we saw this scene. After a while, Nobita scolded, "Damn! Xie Yuting, you fooled us again!"