long candle

Chapter 243 Giant

Seeing that I looked a little panicked, the short fat man asked tentatively, "What's wrong, boss?"

After listening to him, I came to my senses and said, "It's okay, but there are still important questions to ask them."

The short fat man seemed to want to earn performance and said, "Is that so? Then I'll tell the laboratory first and don't do it."

After saying that, he took out the walkie-talkie and said a few words of Japanese to it.

There is also a chatty Japanese from the walkie-talkie, and I don't understand it at all.

Fortun, the short fat man immediately translated it to me. He said, "Fortunatoly, they are thawing brain toxins and haven't been injected yet. Boss, please."

When I heard him say that, I breathed a long breath in my heart.

I wanted to reach out and pat the short fat man on the shoulder. After thinking about it, I still felt something wrong and withdrew my hand back.

I think if I don't want to show my flaws, it's better to do less and talk less.

While telling himself to be cold, he walked across the board to the opposite boat.

At this time, two people in white dome hats and black uniform came to me and saluted a military salute.

This military ceremony is a little similar to that of China, but they point their middle fingertips near the temple, not near the eyebrow bone.

This military ceremony, coupled with the faces of Asians, and the black uniform that is very surprised by the Chinese navy, I dare to conclude that this must be a soldier of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces!

However, these soldiers have taken off their epaulettes and hat badges, and their age should be veterans.

After the two came to salute me, they didn't say anything and walked behind me.

I know that these two people must follow me, which is a unique honor guard for high-ranking officers.

Is it possible that this white-haired old man is still a former officer of the Japanese Self-Defense Force?

I didn't ask much, just buried myself in moving forward.

The cabin in front of me is different from our cruise ship. First of all, other people's walls are made of steel. Secondly, there is the military emblem of the Japanese Navy on it. Obviously, this is a regular warship.

Unlike warships and cruise ships, there is only one main entrance to the interior, so there is only a round door in front of me.

I was worried about Liang Qian's safety, so I didn't stop and walked in with my feet.

After entering the cabin, the two soldiers who followed closed the hatch.

Listening to the steel door slammed to death, my heart suddenly sank.

Because I know that if it is exposed now, I will have no way out.

I swallowed my saliva silently and continued to move forward.

Unlike our passenger ships, the lights in Japanese warships are very bright.

It was also a straight forward corridor full of high-watt incandescent lamps. Some people in military uniforms and white coats walked back and forth. When they saw my salute, they nodded and let me pass.

I try not to look left and right, but every time I pass an open door, I still look sideways.

Then I saw that these rooms had dormitories, but more laboratories.

There are various operating instruments in the laboratory, and almost all human organs are placed in the specimen bottles.

I said in my heart, "It seems that little Japan has not given up his old job and is still doing these human experiments."

But when I saw several Europeans in white coats coming over, I felt that it was not so simple. This may be a laboratory of international cooperation. I really don't know what these people are doing.

At the end of the corridor, there was an elevator entrance. Obviously, people here received a signal from the short fat man, and someone had pressed the elevator for me.

A Japanese woman in a white coat stood at the entrance of the elevator and looked at me with a smile.

I see that she is still in her thirties. Even if she wears a white coat, she can still see her plump and hot figure, coupled with a pair of big talking eyes and big red lips, she has a kind of charm unique to mature women.

When the two soldiers behind me saw this woman, they saluted each other and said in Japanese, "Dr. Meichuan."

Although I don't understand Japanese, after all, I have seen a lot of animation, and I can still understand a few surnames, so I understand this sentence.

This Dr. Meichuan seems to have a relatively high status and may be the person in charge of this laboratory.

She met me when she saw me, took my arm naturally, and then kissed me on the face.

Suddenly, such an intimate action made me a little overwhelmed.

When I was kissed by her, I actually felt fluttering.

Dr. Meichuan saw that my eyes were a little dull and asked in English, "What's wrong with you? Lord Sasuke."

When I heard the name Sasuke, I almost laughed and said to myself if the old white cat was Naruto who had seen too much and actually called it.

But I still looked serious and said in a low voice, "It's okay. Now take me to see the man and woman. Let's talk about other things later."

Dr. Meichuan was obviously a little surprised by my indifferent attitude. He let go of my arm, bent down and bowed and said, "Hi."

I said to myself that Japanese women are like this. As long as men become serious, they can only obey respectfully.

Dr. Meichuan led me into the elevator, then helped me press the B2 floor, and stood next to me and kept silent.

I was not in the mood to say more to her. I touched the face she had just kissed and wiped off the lipstick.

The elevator quickly came to Building B2, and then there was a very short passage in front of it, with a round door at the end.

I have to say that this round metal door is very futuristic, because it is the kind of door made of countless triangular steel sheets that can only be seen in the movie, which looks very strong.

It's good to have Dr. Meichuan. I don't have to worry about it. She pressed her finger on the machine next to the door.

The fingerprint-recognizing door made a dripping sound, and the steel sheets opened one after another, revealing the inside.

The door was only half opened, and I saw people walking around, most of whom were scientific researchers in white coats.

The hall is very bright and generally distributed in a circular manner. There are many large instruments neatly around, which are the kind of cabinet experimental instruments that can push people away.

In the middle of the hall, there is a large specimen jar with a diameter of more than five meters, which is more than five meters high and connects from the ground to the ceiling.

In this specimen bottle, it was filled with transparent ** and soaked in **, which made me stunned for three seconds.

Because it is a very vague human figure, with a body curled up in a bottle.

In fact, this is not shocking enough. What is shocking is that the person in this bottle also has white hair and beard, which is very similar to this white-haired old man.

The bottle containing the large white-haired old man is connected to countless transparent plastic pipes, and each jar is connected to a large instrument next to it.

I knew that I couldn't be too surprised, but I just went on for a while.

Dr. Meichuan took me all the way inside to a place behind the bottle.

There are two steel-frame beds in that place, ** tying two people with a belt with a wide palm.

The two men and a woman both have bruises on their faces and look very embarrassed.

I can see that these two people are Xie Yuting and Liang Qian. They are tied to death, and I don't know whether they are dead or alive.

Two people in white with needles stood by the bed and retreated aside when they saw me coming.

I was a little anxious and hurriedly walked up two steps to see the situation of the two people.

Then I breathed my breath, because their eyes were still turning, but their expressions were very desperate and almost ashes.

Seeing me coming, Liang Qian glanced at me, and her mouth sealed with tape moved, as if she was scolding me.

I saw pain, hatred and helplessness in her eyes.

I know that Liang Qian and He Yuting are very good at skills. I guess the reason why they were arrested is the hands of this white-haired old man, Sasuke. Otherwise, even if they use guns, three or five electric corpses are not their opponents.

As soon as I saw Liang Qian like this, I felt a little distressed and took a deep breath so that I wouldn't be too excited. Then I said to the people next to me, "Let go of them first. I have something to ask them."

At this time, Dr. Meichuan interrupted and said, "Lord Sasuke, you don't need to loosen your question. These two guys are quite good at fighting. Let go for fear of mistakes. Just tear off the tape on your mouth."