long candle

Chapter 250 Stone

Since the last trap was less than 100 meters away from us, eight of us soon found the trap under a big tree.

When we slowly surrounded, we heard a strange sound from the pit.

Lao San motioned us not to get close, and then went to check it alone first.

We stood nervously behind him, all with a high degree of vigilance, as if something would suddenly pop out of the pit to hurt people.

Lao San carefully approached the trap, then lit a cold flame in his hand and threw it into the hole first.

When the enemy's vision was temporarily attracted by the light of the cold fireworks, he took out the folding shovel he carried casually and came up.

He took a look, then immediately withdrew his head, and then looked again, looking very cautious.

When he looked at it for the second time, his eyes were full of doubts, then turned his head, looked at us and said, "Come and have a look."

Nobita couldn't resist his curiosity. He answered, rushed over first, and then looked in.

But he took a look and was as full of doubts as Lao San, and his mouth said, "What?" A sound.

I was surprised and took a look.

Then he said a sentence with Nobita: "A big stone."

The trap dug by Lao San is narrow and wide, like a triangle, about five meters deep. Once a person falls in, no one can put a rope, because the well wall is inclined, and only bats can hang upside down on it.

We don't know how Lao San climbed up after digging this trap, but we all saw that it was very smart.

However, at the bottom of this smart trap, there is an oval pebble about the size of a human head lying there quietly.

"What was the thong that just came out? Is it this stone? Lao Si looked at Xie Yuting doubtfully and asked the questions we all wanted to ask.

However, before Xie Yuting could answer, there was a sudden sound around us.

"Be careful, there is something on the tree!" The boss Gu Tianle shouted, pressed me, and lay down.

And the others are the same, all of whom shrank, half squatting down and holding their heads with their hands.

At this time, a pebble about the size of the stone at the bottom of the cave flew over our heads with a whist.

The stone hit the ground with a big hole, and then rolled far away before falling into the moat in front of it.

My heart beat when I saw it, and my heart said that if someone was hit, my head must have exploded like watermelon.

At this time, the boss Gu Tianle showed no weakness and scolded his mother. He somehow conjured two flying knives and threw them at the tree.

Brushed twice, the flying knife penetrated the canopy and flew out of the tree, but the sharp wind brought by the flying knife cut off several thick resins and fell to the ground.

At this time, the sun shone through the cracks in the canopy, and we saw that there was nothing on the tree.

We all looked at each other and felt that this thing was running so fast.

At this time, there was a thong sound on a big tree next to it.

Boss Gu Tianle still wanted to throw darts, but was stopped by Xie Yuting.

Xie Yuting said, "Don't throw it away. The other party is mocking us. It's not easy to finish throwing the darts later."

"What should I do now? Let the other party mock?" Nobita's nose was crooked with anger by the stone just now.

Xie Yuting looked at the canopy over there and said, "Don't worry about it. If it dares to conflict head-on, we will destroy him. Lao San, cover the trap again and see how many tricks it can play.

Lao San nodded, picked up the branches and dead leaves next to him, and covered the trap again.

Next, we cleaned up and left the trap.

As he walked, Nobita asked, "Do you think it would be a monkey?" Looking at the forest so close, there must be a lot of monkey cubs.

"If it's a monkey, it's too smart. It not only follows us, but also destroys traps with stones. I don't think it's a monkey." Lao Si next to him answered.

"Yes, yesterday's trap was also reported to the police. Maybe this guy did it." Lao San said.

Xie Yuting frowned and said, "Don't guess. It's a monkey or anything else that can't delay our business."

When he said that, we didn't talk anymore.

We continued to look for the location of the gate along the moat, and Lao San's mobile phone rang several times. Obviously, the things on the tree kept destroying our traps.

Every time I think about my mobile phone, Xie Yuting's eyebrows will be locked, and all of us will be in a bad mood.

Fortunately, when Nobita was clamoring to go back to teach the monkeys in the tree for the third time, we found the location of the gate of the shrine.

The moat in this location looks much wider than other places, but there is a stone slab extending by the river. The rotten wood across the slab may have been used to offset the pressure when the gate was lowered.

Opposite the moat, there is an open step deep into the belly of the mountain.

At the bottom of the step, that is, by the river, there is a thick black board about seven or eight meters wide and 14 or five meters long, standing in the passageway, blocking the steps.

We see chains about the thickness of the baby's arm on both sides of the board that fix it to the mountain walls on both sides, and the chains are connected by two stirring axle wheels.

When the suspension bridge needs to be put down, two people operate the mechanism at the same time, release the chain, and the suspension bridge will be put down.

When defense is needed, the opposite is true.

In a word, if you want to put down the suspension bridge, you have to operate it unless two people are opposite at the same time.

After observing these, Xie Yuting patted the boss Gu Tianle on the shoulder and said, "That chain has been going on for hundreds of years. Even the fine steel is rotten. It's up to you."

The boss Gu Tianle nodded, and he didn't know when two black and shiny copper-handled flying knives appeared in his hand.

He almost didn't have to aim. With a force, he threw the flying knife out casually.

We saw two black lines breaking out of the air in the sun, hitting the opposite axle wheel mechanism, splashing out a series of sparks.

Next, the chain broke with a jingle.

Then the heavy wooden suspension bridge made a quacking and unpleasant sound and slowly pressed against us.

All of us took a step back, and then the suspension bridge made a loud noise, stirring up countless dust and falling not far ahead of us.

I was shocked by this loud noise and coughed hard by the dust. I regretted not hiding away.

I didn't expect others to do the same, fanning the dust in front of them with a wry smile.

When the dust in front of him was almost dispersed, Xie Yuting was the first to lift his foot on the suspension bridge.

He stood on the suspension bridge and stamped his feet and said to us, "It's quite strong. Come up and hurry up."

Although Xie Yuting said that the suspension bridge is strong, it has been hundreds of years, and we still seem very careful when walking on it.

And for the sake of safety, we decided not to let Nobita go with us, but wait for him to come up after we passed.

Nobita protested and dissatisfied with this, but still obeyed the requirements of the organization.

Crossing the suspension bridge is an upward step, with a mountain wall of about two meters high on both sides. Obviously, in order to make this road smooth, the workers spent a lot of money to chisel the mountain.

The step we took is about one kilometer, straight and there is no fork in the road.

When ancient enemies invade, such a design can shoot arrows and pour fire oil from the mountain walls on both sides, and the top can crush the enemy with falling stones, which is very conducive to defense.

At the top of the passage, there is an archway-style building, which usually appears in shrines, called "torii".

The color of the torii is generally bright red, and sometimes paper symbols are hung by the clergy to distinguish the boundary between the human world and the spiritual world. Of course, it also means to exorcise ghosts and evil spirits.

The torii on our heads has been mottled and faded, and it looks extremely desolate without any sense of sacredness.

Through the top torii, there is a large group of shrine buildings, forming a small village-sized temple-style building complex on the top platform.

Japanese buildings generally do not have basements, so shrines must have no underground buildings. As long as we can find what we want in those houses, we can complete the task.