long candle

Chapter 253 Strange Bamboo Forest

It's our specialty to tell cold jokes to lower yourself.

We talked and laughed all the way, and the scenery was good, so we felt much more relaxed.

However, * said that happy times always pass very fast.

As we crossed the depths of the shrine along the Central Axis Avenue, suddenly a green bamboo forest like a corridor blocked our way.

In fact, this is not unlucky. The most important thing is that before we entered the bamboo forest, we saw the bones in the bamboo forest, most of which were animal bones, which were simply spread on the ground.

Some of those bones and flesh have rotten and yellowed, and some have rotten skin and flesh, emitting a stench.

There is no conspiracy, no conspiracy, and this bamboo forest clearly tells us that there is danger.

Nobita looked at the layer of bones spread on the ground and scolded, "Damn it, do you use corpses to raise bamboo here? No wonder these bamboos are so lush."

I looked up and saw that as he said, the bamboo here grew thicker and taller. Because no one had pruned for a long time, the leaves on each bamboo piled up like a hill.

Although I don't know what kind of bamboo will absorb the nutrients of the dead body, the soil here is obviously moistened by long-term bones and looks very fertile.

"Do you think it's a mass grave or a monster's nest here?" Nie Chuan asked me.

I shook my head and said, "I don't know. Go in and have a look and you will know."

"Go in? What if there is a ghost? Nobita took a step back and looked solemn.

I smiled and said to him, "Ghosts don't eat people, and the soul has no entity. Where can I put the meat I eat?" So the story of ghost cannibalism is a lie to you.

Hearing this, Nobita thought hard and said, "Well, as long as there are no ghosts, I'm not afraid of anything."

I nodded to Nie Chuan and signaled to go in when I was ready.

Nobita didn't know where to find a golden charm and hung it around his neck to ward off evil spirits.

I know it's fake, but I didn't say anything.

Nie Chuan took out a black donkey hoof, which reminded me of some familiar pictures in the past.

Next is me, I didn't take anything, just brainless drilling in.

In the past, when I appeared as Nie Chuan, I always walked at the end, but now I am *. As the most experienced and capable person in the team, I must go ahead.

In fact, it feels good to go ahead, because the taste of protecting others is always good.

I was gestured back proudly to let them follow closely, but Nobita shouted and looked at the top of my head, so scared that he almost fell to the ground.

I was so excited that I hurriedly looked back and saw a white thing rushing towards me.

I didn't expect it to come so quickly that it suddenly became difficult as soon as it entered the forest.

In the past, I must have sat down in horror, but now I am *, so I forced myself to calm down, rolled on the ground and dodged.

That thing directly ignored me and rushed to Nobita from my head. Its posture turned out to be floating, and my scalp was numb.

Nobita was so scared that he stood still and dared not move. I shouted to be careful in the back, but it was too late.

But when the thing was about to meet Nobita, it suddenly stopped again.

I looked strangely, but I didn't react yet. It seemed to hit me with its back.

I didn't roll this time. I said that you looked down on people so much that you dared to come over with your back.

So I pulled out my saber from my waist and stabbed it into its vest.

I said in my heart that no matter whether you are a ghost or something, I will be stabbed first.

However, when my knife firmly stabbed into the vest of that thing, there was neither the imagined scream nor the sense of nothingness pierced into the air, but a kind of softness and powerlessness.

I was surprised. When I pulled out the knife, I saw small dark particles flowing out of the stabbed mouth.

I took a step back and thought it was some kind of bug, but when I took a closer look, it turned out to be moldy millet.

And Nie Chuan next to him wiped the cold sweat on his head and smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's a dummy."

Hearing what he said, I felt a little at ease. Looking up, as expected, this hairy dummy made of white cloth was hung on bamboo with a rope.

But this thing is not light in weight. In the absence of strong wind, it should not hang there. Why did it swing just now?

I looked around with doubt and found that there was no one in sight.

Then I went around to the front of the dummy and saw that it was a very deformed dummy. The belly is very big, stuffed with grain inside. The head is relatively small and has no legs. I don't know what animal's hair is made of hair on the head, and the eyes are two small wooden buttons.

And the most conspicuous one is the position of the dummy's navel. Someone drew a fork symbol with red paint, and I don't know what it represents.

"Look over there, there seems to be a lot more." At this time, Nobita slowed down and pointed to the distance.

At a glance, as expected, there are many such white dummy hanging on the surrounding bamboos, but the others are very small, a little like wind chimes, hanging all over the forest, swaying gently.

When I saw these things, I remembered a cartoon called Yixiu Brother that I saw when I was a child, and there seemed to be such a dummy in it.

But I still haven't figured out what this dummy is used for.

All I know is that in areas around Southeast Asia, there is a kind of evil art that curses others with villains.

In a word, when you see these things here, you don't have the lovely feeling in Yixiu, but more weird.

I was looking at it, and Nie Chuan said, "Look here, what is this?"

I hurriedly turned my head to look and saw that the place Nie Chuan pointed to was the big dummy's chest, and there seemed to be a black fingerprint in that place.

Looking carefully, I was sure that this was the conjecture of fingerprints, and we also saw other fingerprints in other places.

These fingerprints are not big. I compared them with my own hands and found that they are much smaller than me, which may be left by children.

But how can there be children in such a strange bamboo forest?

"Sure enough, there is still a ghost." Nobita's black face turned white again and said, "Didn't we see that no one pushed this dummy just now, but it automatically swayed? I think it was pushed by the kid. Look, the fingerprints are still on it.

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly there was a thud in the bamboo forest in front of us on the left.

This sound is very light and urgent. It should be the sound of stepping on the bones and dead leaves on the ground when people are running.

"There are...someone, no, there are ghosts..." Nobita looked over there and took a step back in fear.

I took a look at Nie Chuan, and his eyes were the same as mine, which meant to catch up with him.

So we left the crying and howling Nobita and chased him over there.

When Daxiong saw us leaving, he stopped shouting and hurriedly followed us.

After all, staying alone is more terrible than seeing a ghost.

It is said that people are afraid of ghosts, but ghosts are also afraid of people. As long as people dare to look directly at these things, they will actually hide.

So when the three of us hurriedly caught up, we didn't see anything, and the thing had run away.

"I said, two masters, let's stop chasing. What can we do if we catch up? You'd better hurry through this forest and get to business quickly. Nobita said to us.

We know that Nobita is right. Although this thing may have played a trick on us, we'd better not ask for trouble.

Thinking of this, we stopped chasing, but recognized the direction and continued to go north.

The strange thing is that the bones of those animals seem to be only on the periphery of the bamboo forest. The deeper you go to the bamboo forest, the more you can see too many bones.

However, because the bamboo is old, many of them have withered. The yellow leaves on the ground are spread layer after layer, stepping on the softly sunken calf, and it is very difficult to walk.

As we walked, the bamboo in front of us became thinner and thinner. I was secretly happy and guessed that it must be through the bamboo forest.

But at this time, we saw that there was only an open space in front of us.