long candle

Chapter 259 Asking for a Knife

Nie Chuan didn't say anything. The two followed Daxiong a little more closely so that he wouldn't suddenly go crazy later.

As he walked, he looked at the knife in his hand, as if he was studying something.

We didn't ask much and followed him along the path.

When we walked to a fork in the path, Nobita stopped and said something to the knife.

I saw him nagging and thought he was really going crazy, so I hurried to ask him what was going on.

Nobita looked at me very indifferently and said, "Go this way."

I was stunned for a moment and said that I was just about to ask them to discuss which way to take, but Daxiong told me first. How did he know that he was going this way?

Nobita seemed to see my question and said, "The knife told me."

Nie Chuan and I looked at each other again and felt more and more puzzled.

So Nie Chuan asked Daxiong again, "How do you know what we are looking for?"

Nobita said proudly, "I told it."

I hurriedly said, "How did you know that the knife would take us where we were going instead of trying to kill us?"

Nobita smiled and said, " psycho, do you really think the knife can speak? It's so funny. Just now, I just thought it was more reasonable to go this way, because the other road winding in the direction we came from is definitely wrong.

I was speechless for a while, but I didn't expect to be fooled by Nobita again. But if the knife can't speak, what happened to summon Nobita before? And why does Nobita keep reciting words?

Seeing that my face was not good and knowing that I couldn't get any benefits, Daxiong looked at the sun in the sky and said, "Hurry up, don't rub it."

It was much darker in the mountain than outside. As we continued along the path, the sun quickly fell behind the mountain in the distance, and the light suddenly began to darken.

Nie Chuan took out a water bag and took a sip of water and said, "I don't know how Xie Yuting and others are doing. It seems impossible to complete the task before dark."

I took out my mobile phone and looked at the time above. It was 4:30 p.m., and then saw that the undelivered call was empty, and said, "It's not like the deep mountains and old forests in China. The signal is full. If they finish what they are doing, they will definitely call us."

Nie Chuan also looked at his phone and said, "I'm afraid that if you want to go to the ground again later, there will definitely be no signal under the ground."

I frowned and asked, "What do you say?" Can you also talk to the knife, which tells you that the herbs are under the ground?

Nie Chuan waved his hand and said, "Don't joke. How can it be? I just don't look like this plant growing on the ground. Although it also blooms, the leaves are half dead. Only lack of sunlight can cause this pathology. Even if it is not under the ground, it must be very cloudy."

I looked at the picture in his hand and suddenly found an unexpected discovery.

I pointed to the ground where the half-withered grass grew and said, you see, the bottom is not soil, but an oval thing, but it is only half drawn, but I infer that the grass may not grow on the ground, it may be on stone or wood.

"You mean this is a parasitic flower?" Nie Chuan asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes, so we can't just look for the ground when we get to the place. Maybe it grows on another tree, or a place like a stone beach by the river."

When I said this, Nie Chuan pointed to the front and said, "If you want to find a tree, it's better to find more. You see, there are weeds here, and there is only a forest in front of you."

I nodded and said, "I think it's there. You see, the surroundings look special. I don't think the herbs will be in these weeds."

I wanted to hear Nobita's opinion, but I didn't expect him to say anything and just walked straight there.

We don't have much to say, so we all stepped up and rushed there.

When looking from a distance, several trees in that place looked very small, but when we came to this place along the seven-turned path, we found that the trees here were very large, and it was not a few trees, but a relatively sparse forest.

Most of the trees here are still dominated by mulberry trees. This kind of tree is very common in Japan, so some people in Japan are called Fuso.

In addition to bringing raw materials to the silk industry, mulberry trees are also a traditional Chinese medicine. Mulberry leaves can remove fire and detoxify, and it is very good to drink in summer.

When we came to the first huge mulberry tree five or six meters high, the sky was only a little white.

Although the three of us are side by side, we can't see each other's faces clearly.

At this time, fireflies were flying in the mulberry garden, and a group of large fireflies slowly flew between the mulberry trees and weeds. Although it was desolate, it was also beautiful.

In addition to the beautiful creatures such as fireflies, there are all kinds of annoying mosquitoes at night.

There was a buzzing sound next to my ears. Looking up, a group of mosquitoes about the size of flies were hovering over our heads.

Although I have two layers of skin, after long observation, I found that this layer of skin will convey all the normal feelings to me, so I am still bitten by mosquitoes.

We walked forward while slapping the mosquitoes overhead with our hands.

At this time, Nobita pointed to a wooden card surrounded by weeds in front of him and said, "Look, what is written on it?"

I approached and removed the weeds, and found that the handwriting on the sign had long been washed away by the rain, and I could only vaguely see a grass head.

It's just this cursive, which exposes the identity of the medicine garden here.

When I strode into the weeds, I found that most of the herbs growing on the ground were herbs, but due to the lack of management for a long time, many weeds grew in the medicinal materials.

But even so, I quickly found gentian, aloe vera, ginseng and other herbs.

The luckiest thing for me is that I found a wild**.

This wild ** branch is slender and the leaves are fat, emitting a refreshing fragrance.

I immediately picked a few wild** leaves, then found some dead grass from the ground, put the leaves in the dead grass, and then tied the grass into a grass handle.

Nie Chuan knew what I was going to do, so he hurriedly took out the lighter and lit the straw.

The weed I pulled has not completely withered, only the leaves are more flammable, so the grass quickly extinguished after it was lit, and there was thick smoke.

In these thick smoke, because wild ** leaves are added, there are bursts of strange fragrance.

And this fragrance is the most feared taste of all kinds of mosquitoes and pests.

So as the thick smoke spread in his hand, the mosquitoes around them were forced back one after another.

Without the interference of mosquitoes, we relaxed a lot and raised our feet to walk deeper into the medicine garden.

Then, we found that the area of this medicinal garden is really not small. There are no less than 100 kinds of herbs competing to grow in it.

As a botanist, I haven't seen many herbs.

Although the number of herbs surprises us, it also brings us a lot of trouble.

Because of such complex species, it is undoubtedly more difficult for us to find.

For good, we found that this plant may be a parasitic plant, so we focus on trees most of the time.

However, I soon found that there are almost all mulberry trees here, and mulberry trees rarely have parasitic plants.

So we searched for a long time with a flashlight, but still got nothing.

The three of us have their own division of labor. I am responsible for looking for trees, Daxiong is responsible for finding caves on the ground, and Nie Chuan is responsible for distinguishing whether there are semi-dead grass in various herbs.

After such a step-by-step investigation, we have found nothing, but the sky is getting darker and darker. Soon the last white light on the sky disappeared, and the moon and stars rose.

We were tired of looking for it, so we sat down and rested on a big stone in the center of the medicine garden.

The three took out their water bags and drank them, and then took out some compressed biscuits to eat.

Then, I clicked another straw made of wild **, and everyone began to discuss countermeasures.

Nie Chuan said, "It's not a way for us to find it like this. We have to think of a better way."

I nodded and said, "But what else can I do?"

After saying this, we both looked at Nobita.

Nobita looked at us with a puzzled face and said, "What are you doing? Do I have gold on my face?

Nie Chuan smiled and said, "Quickly, ask your knife."