long candle

Chapter 263 Begging

Follow the spider silk to climb up, and the speed will naturally not be as fast as the hooded guy.

Soon, we disappeared from the hooded brother.

Fortunately, although this extremely deep tunnel is very strange, it is not dangerous.

The only thing that is more entangled is that those spider webs are sometimes gone, and sometimes the cobwebs are so dense that they are difficult to pass through, and some are intelligently cut off with sabres, and sometimes there are no cobwebs for a long distance. We can only use the original method to move forward with magnets.

As I crawled, I remembered a question, so I asked Nobita, "At the entrance just now, you seemed to be desperate to climb up. What's going on?"

As soon as Nobita heard it, he seemed to recall something, and his face turned white and said, "bugs, there are many bugs."

I looked at Nie Chuan and asked, "Bumbug?"

Nie Chuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes, the number of insects is beyond imagination, moving like a mountain, and Daxiong and I were almost swallowed up by the insects."

As I climbed up, I continued to ask, "What kind of bug is it?" Is it the ghost of Chongji?

Nie Chuan shook his head and said, "I don't know. Anyway, the worm poured in from the cracks in the mesh wall like a tide, rising like a tide. If we hadn't run fast, we would have died."

I frowned slightly and looked at the tunnel under my feet. No insects followed.

Thinking about why those bugs dare not enter the bronze door, they saw something like black fog not far away, and then there was a buzzing whisper.

"Damn it! Bugs, those bugs rushed in. Hurry up and climb up. Nobita shouted.

Seeing the black fog rising at a very fast speed, we all sweated coldly and climbed up quickly with our hands and feet.

However, no matter how fast we are, there can't be bugs flying fast.

It didn't take long for us to be so tired that we couldn't even lift our hands, and our whole body was wet with sweat.

At this time, the population has risen five or six meters under our feet.

We couldn't crawl any more. We all looked at the black bugs the size of nail caps under our feet and kept rising.

Several fast-climbing bugs have climbed along the wall to our heels.

"This...what the fuck is this bug? Will it eat people?" Nobita trampled a bug that climbed to his feet and gasped and asked me.

At this time, Nie Chuan replied, "This... seems to be a kind of beetle, which belongs to beetles. They generally feed on the juice of plants and have a strong ability to survive."

When Daxiong heard this, his face looked better and said, "It turns out that he is a vegetarian, so I will be relieved."

"Don't worry?" I said in a cold sweat, "When all these bugs climb up and bury you in it, even if I don't bite you, your nose will be full of mouth, and you will see if you die."

I guess what I said was too graphic. As soon as they heard it, they climbed up desperately for a while.

Then all three of us were too tired to speak.

But strangely, those bugs seem to have slowed down since they approached us.

Most of the insects that were flying in the air crawled on the wall and walked up.

But even so, our scalp is still numb.

Daxiong found a few explain spider silks to lie down and gasp for a long time before saying, "Really... really... crawl... can't crawl. If you want to eat me, just... come on!"

Nie Chuan and I have almost reached the limit. The sound of gasping is like a broken bellows, and our hands and legs are unconscious.

Seeing that he could not escape the pursuit of insects, Nie Chuan looked at me and asked, "Is there any...fire?"

I knew what he wanted to do, so he shook his head and said, "Grip...point the bugs, and then they...they will fly around, and then...we also have to be burned...burned to death."

Nie Chuan's helpless face shrugged his shoulders and simply closed his eyes.

I saw his expression when he became a martyr, so I looked up to see if the magical brother would come to save us.

But when the insects still climbed up my trousers, I didn't see the shadow of the little brother.

So I also learned from Nie Chuan and closed my eyes.

But not long after I closed my eyes, I felt that there seemed to be a cool breeze blowing in front of me, and then a cold hand gently put on my face.

I was shocked and hurriedly opened my eyes to see that a beautiful face was staring at me silently. Her eyes were full of gentleness and a little pity.

At that moment, I almost thought it was Liang Qian, and I was stunned.

However, when I took a closer look at her beautiful * covered with colorful hair and the village demon knife inserted in her chest, I instantly realized that this is Chongji.

Zong Ji actually stuck to a piece of ground supported by insects and looked at me with some pleading and pitiful eyes.

I was blank for a moment and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Zongji couldn't speak, but was moved. She pointed to the knife in her chest and looked at me again with pleading eyes.

To be honest, I can't stand women like this. Although I know this is not a woman, just a big bug, that look still makes me hesitate.

After thinking about it, I said to the insect girl in front of me, "Have you heard the story of the farmer and the wolf?"

Zongji can understand people's words. Although I speak Chinese, she still understands it and shakes her head, as if she hadn't heard it.

I don't know why I want to tell a story to a big bug now.

But when the words came to my mouth, I continued to say, "Once upon a time, there was a farmer who saw a young wolf about to freeze to death on the road in the cold winter. The kind farmer showed mercy and took the young wolf home to raise it. The wolf gradually grew up under the care of the farmer, but on a dark and windy night, the wolf was beastly and bit the farmer's whole family to death.

Listening to my short story, Chongji was silent.

She kept looking into my eyes, and her eyes were full of sincerity.

But since I saw her real body, I have never been moved.

Zongji's last eyes became disappointed and sad, sighed faintly, and gradually moved away from me.

Then I watched her body gradually submerged by the swarm and eventually disappeared.

Actually, when she looked at me, I was really a little shaken, because there was no deception in my eyes looking at her.

But in the end, she chose to give up, which made me a little sorry.

The insect girl disappeared, but my eyes suddenly turned dark.

I was shocked and thought I was blind.

But as soon as I touched my eyes, I found that my eyes were closed.

Is it just an illusion just now?

I hurriedly opened my eyes and saw that the swarm did not retreat, and lingered less than three meters under our feet, as if waiting for something.

I saw that Daxiong and Nie Chuan still closed their eyes tightly, as if they didn't hear what I had just said, so I patted them and said, "It's okay!"

Daxiong and Nie Chuan opened their eyes a little incredibly. The first glance was to see if there were any bugs on Zhou's body.

When I saw the insects wandering not far below us, they all looked puzzled.

Looking at the disappeared bug girl in the swarm, I sighed and said, "Let's go. The target of these bugs should not be us. Let's get out of here quickly."

Bothe two nodded and then began to climb up slowly.

When we gradually moved away from the insects, we stopped to rest.

At this time, Nie Chuan finally couldn't help asking, "What's going on with these bugs? Are they afraid of one of us, so they stopped at their feet?"

I glanced at Nie Chuan and hesitated for a moment, but I still didn't tell him what happened just now, because I didn't know whether it was an illusion or true.

hesitated for a moment, and I replied, "Maybe."

In fact, Nie Chuan also guessed that I didn't know the answer, so he didn't say anything.

On the contrary, Daxiong took a flashlight to shine on the space above and said, "It's strange. We didn't see such a tall building extending to the sky when we were outside. Now we have climbed a long distance, at least from the first floor to the 20th floor. Why haven't we reached the top yet? In the end of this building How tall is it?