long candle

Chapter 267 Mysterious

Following the magnet all the way through the tombstone, the terrain becomes steeper and steeper.

In front of me is a slope of about 45 degrees up, which will be more steep.

It is very laborious for people to crawl on steep slopes, but the magnet will not. It just glide freely.

At first, I was studying why this magnet moved by itself. At first, I thought there was a strong magnetic field pulling it around.

But in that case, the closer the magnet is to the huge magnetic field, the faster it will move. Now this does not happen. The magnet seems to be just moving at a uniform speed, at least I can't see the change in speed in my eyes, so I have another guess.

I don't know if you have played it. Put a piece of * on the table, and then use a magnet under the desktop to guide * to move the game.

When we were young, we called this magic and used it to deceive little girls when we had nothing to do.

The current situation may be similar to this magic.

That is to say, outside the copper skin under my feet, there may be a magnet, pulling the magnet on the ground forward.

I think the copper skin of the 20th floor of the altar city here should still be quite thick, otherwise it will not be built so high.

So the magnet that can pull the magnet from the outside must not be small.

Either the magnet outside is very large, or the magnetism is very strong.

Looking at the magnets under my feet, almost all of them are walking in a straight line. I thought that the magnets outside may be controlled by others, and may be just some kind of fixed movement mechanism.

Now I follow this magnet, and I may just fall into a meaningless magnetic field of a wireless loop.

Thinking of this, I'm a little disappointed, but it must be just a guess. I still have to wait a little further to determine whether this is the case.

However, not long after moving forward, I found that the result seemed to be a little different from what I had guessed.

Because I passed through those tombstones, a door hole on the ground appeared in front of me.

The doorway is about three meters wide and five meters high, and the black hole is emitting white fog.

The magnet under my feet is straight towards the door hole.

Following the magnet to not far in front of the doorway, I looked down and found that there was a passable slope below, but there was no light.

So I hesitated for a moment and considered whether to go down or not.

If the law enforcer mentioned by the little brother is in this doorway, am I not looking for my own death?

But I can't think about it. The magnet has slipped down the slope in the doorway.

I hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted my teeth and followed.

The space in the doorway is really dark and quiet, only the sound made when the magnet slides. Fortunately, I have been carrying a flashlight with me, and I can keep following the magnet without getting lost.

This space has no decoration, neither lamps nor beams, and the walls are also made of clean bronze, which looks ordinary.

But the fog that has been lingering in this space has always made me care.

I thought that the outer wall of this altar city would not be too thick, and even if there was such a space in the mezzanine, it would not be too vast.

Sure enough, after not long after I walked, a right-angle turn suddenly appeared in front of me, and there was a faint light at the corner.

"Is it possible..." I was happy, because I found that the light in front of me was probably the sunshine outside the altar city.

The magnet turned a corner faster than me and entered the tunnel with light.

I looked at the time on my mobile phone. It was around noon, and I was more sure that it was the idea of sunshine.

Then, I accelerated my pace and ran over.

When I turned the corner, my eyes suddenly lit up. I really saw the exit not far away from the passage. The sunlight outside sprinkled in from the exit. Today is a sunny day.

However, I also found that the wind was very strong in this channel, blowing the inner walls of the channel on both sides.

I thought about it and guessed that it must be because we are now at an altitude of more than 100 meters, so there must be such a strong wind.

I raised my foot and wanted to see the scenery outside at the exit. Suddenly, almost in an instant, a tall dark shadow suddenly appeared at the exit.

It was clearly the shadow of a person, and he stood straight there as if he had fallen from the sky.

Because I was in the backlight, I could only see the silhouette of this person. He stood motionless facing me.

At this time, the magnet in front of him also stopped at his feet.

At this time, the man was stunned, bent down to pick up the magnet, put it in his hand to look at it, and then looked at me again.

I still can't see the appearance of this person, but he should have manipulated the strange stone outside the altar city before, so he should have brought me here, so I think it is necessary to talk to this mysterious man.

The mysterious man still stared at me. When I walked closer and closer to him and was about to see his appearance, suddenly he turned around and walked out of the passage.

I was stunned and didn't know what he meant, but soon I remembered that the Atlanteans also led me the way when I was in the ruins of Durban.

I think the meaning of this mysterious man should also let me keep up.

I hesitated for a moment and finally decided to keep up with it.

After the man walked out of the exit, he immediately turned right and disappeared at the door.

At this time, the sunlight is particularly dazzling when it loses its cover.

This may also be the reason why I stayed in a dark place for a long time, right?

I cover the strong sunlight with my hands, and the long-lost warmth and fresh air still make me feel very comfortable.

I took a deep breath of fresh air and took the first step out.

It's just this kick, which almost scared me out of breath.

Because when I settled down, I found that there was only a copper plate about half a meter wide outside the exit.

And outside the half-meter-wide board, it is an abyss that can't be seen to the end.

That is to say, if I accidentally stepped over just now, I would fall from this abyss.

Seeing that I almost lost my foot, the tall man standing next to me suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed my collar to prevent me from falling.

After I was pulled back by him, I stood against the wall by the door with lingering heart.

The tall man was very silent, just looking at me silently.

When I recovered, I looked at this person's face with curiosity.

But when I saw his company, I was a little disappointed.

Because I can only see that he is about 1 meter 49 meters, wearing a black cloth robe and gray hair, but wearing a very ordinary white mask, I can't see what he looks like.

Seeing his eyes looking at me through the hole of the mask, I stretched out my hand and said, "Thank you for pulling me."

The mysterious man didn't say anything and handed over the magnet in his hand.

I took the magnet in his hand and didn't know what he meant.

And the mysterious man didn't seem to want to tell me, but followed the narrow copper skin by the door and began to walk along the outer wall of Tancheng.

I hurriedly followed and walked while observing the appearance of Tancheng.

At this time, I found that the overall shape of the altar city was a ball star. No wonder, the more I walked, the steeper the slope would be.

It seems that the shape of the space surrounded by a mesh wall at the bottom of this altar city is similar.

In this way, isn't the whole 20 altar cities connected in the same shape as sugar-coated haws?

Thinking of this, I can't help but find it a little funny, because it's a miracle here, which designs the miracle like sugar-coated haws. What do you think?

Thinking about it, I looked up to see if the altar city above was round.

What I didn't expect was that when I looked up, the imaginary tower above my head did not exist at all, and there was nothing above my head.

Is it that the little brother cheated us? In fact, there is only one floor in this altar city?

Thinking that I looked down along the outside of the copper skin again, I was shocked again, because there was nothing under us!

That is to say, I'm actually on a metal sphere floating in the air!

But when I thought about it carefully, I felt that it was impossible, because when we climbed up, there was obviously a passage, and there was no reason to disappear after passing by.

I thought that there must be something wrong with my observation angle, so I want to look at it from another angle.