long candle

Chapter 271 Hungry Soul

"All three of you have delicious reading... Let me try it... I'm so hungry..."

The woman's mouth did not open from beginning to end, but her voice clearly reached our minds.

Obviously, when she said this, it means that she is not an ordinary spider, and she has known the existence of the three of us for a long time.

In this way, we don't need to install it anymore, and we all jumped up from the ground.

The instinct of survival makes us move so fast that we can't even think of it.

The three of us almost flew forward together and slid down from both sides of the big spider.

The woman's head twisted strangely and looked at us with resentful eyes.

The speed of the big spider was not as bulky as expected, but jumped up and turned around in the air. Then eight feet moved back and forth together and quickly caught up.

Although the big spider is fast, we have taxied some distance and have come to the position of the hole.

Seeing the big spider approaching us quickly, I took a flashlight on the cave below and found that the crisscrossed spider silk was still there, so I hurriedly shouted, "Jump!"

Both of them immediately met and were ready to fall.

At this time, Nobita was very conscious and jumped down first, because he knew that if the spider silk could not bear his last jump down.

Nobita shouted and fell down like a bowling ball.

For good, a few tough spider silks stopped him not far below.

However, Nobita still broke these spider silks and fell down before hanging.

When we saw that he was fine, we jumped down together.

The spider silks that collapsed by Nobita obviously caused a lot of trouble to our fall.

We were not slowed down at the first time, so we had greater inertia when we fell, so that when we fell next to Nobita, we broke all the spider silk around us.

In this way, the three of us fell down again until seven or eight spider silks broke.

We were wrapped like zongzi by spider silk all the way, coupled with complicated steering and rolling, so that we were dizzy, nauseous and vomiting, which was much more exciting than the amusement park bungee jumping.

After a while, I wasted a lot of strength, cleaned up the spider silk wrapped around my body, and went to help Daxiong and Nie Chuan get out of trouble.

The three of us finally finished dealing with these spider silks, and a huge shadow on it has quickly fallen on us.

The huge spider stuck to the wall with the spider silk behind its buttocks and fell down directly like us, but its posture was much more elegant.

"Children, come to me, you can't run away."

The hoarse sound is like the radio wave interference. As the spider approaches, it rings from our minds.

"What should I do now? The spider silk below is much thinner than before, and we can't jump anymore. Nie Chuan said to me nervously at this time.

I also frowned deeply and couldn't think of any way for a moment.

Just as I hesitated, the huge spider had quickly fallen on the wall next to them, then turned its back to us and raised its tail.

I knew that this was the standard action when it sprayed spider silk, so I pressed their heads down.

Sure enough, when the three of us were short, a ball of spider silk flew over our heads and hit the wall of the hole on the other side, forming a spider silk ball the size of a yurt.

I know that if I was hit by this thing just now, it will soon become the cocoon outside the bronze gate.

"Find out! Otherwise, you will die." Nobita pulled my sleeve and said anxiously.

When he spoke, the big spider had adjusted its shape, faced us head-on, raised two huge poisonous teeth, and flew over.

I saw the poisonous teeth shining in the chest of Nie Chuan and me, and my heart sank.

However, at this time, there was a flash of fire behind us, and a burning flame rose.

The spider fell into the air and suddenly forced itself to stop. Its eight feet bounced on several cross-frame spider silk and bounced back to the wall.

At this time, Nie Chuan and I looked back and saw that Daxiong held a lighter in his hand and actually touched the spider silk like a yurt.

Firelight and smoke were filled with not spacious vertical holes.

"You idiots, ignited wisdom here and killed yourselves!"

The sound of the giant spider is full of anger, but I also heard its fear of flames.

However, at this time, I had no time to think so much about it, because after the yurt burned, there was a crackling sound, throwing countless Mars into the air, and then fell on the spider silk below. In an instant, the vertical hole below us also turned into a sea of fire.

Before I thought about it, suddenly a few spider silks under my feet were also loose, and suddenly we fell down.

It turned out that the spider silk under our feet was also lit by the flames.

There was the sound of wind coming from when I fell. I turned my head behind with difficulty and found that we were falling into a sea of fire.

We still have time to say anything. We have been ignited by some flying burning spider silk.

However, the wind was strong when it fell, so the flames were quickly blown out.

I know that although we will not be burned to death, we will definitely fall to death in this way.

The other two people thought the same as me, with a frightened face, and the expression on their faces was no different from that of the dead under the light of fire.

Just when the three people fell into despair at the same time, I suddenly seemed to think of something and had an idea in my heart.

The idea is: Chongji, if you can come to save us, I will help you pull out the sword.

As soon as this idea flashed through my head, I heard a buzzing behind my back, and countless beetles hit us against the flames.

The speed of our fall suddenly dropped, as if it had fallen on a soft mattress.

But this feeling was only at the beginning, and soon our eyes were covered by the sun-covered insects.

I only heard the buzzing sound in my ears, and I didn't want to slap the bugs that tried to get into my ears and nostrils, but closed my eyes.

All this happened so fast that almost two seconds later, I felt something cold on my back. I reached out and touched it, and it was actually the ground.

I jumped up from the ground and found that it was dark around me, and only insects were buzzing around.

At this time, I heard Nobita's voice: "Damn it, I don't seem to be dead."

I was about to talk to him when three rotating beams lit up in the sky. I knew it was our flashlight, so I took a step forward and firmly caught two of them.

And the other one was also steadily caught by a big fat hand.

We got the flashlight, took pictures of each other, and found that all three of us were safe and sound.

The bugs that had been hovering around us soon disappeared, and only a pool of green water on the ground were formed by insects crushed to death by us.

"Zongji...where is Zongji?" I knew that she must have saved us, so I shined everywhere with a flashlight.

I was very surprised that this strange monster really saved us.

I think we should repay her whether she is a monster or not.

"The story of the farmer and the wolf... I'm also afraid of who saved whom and who will avenge..."

At this time, the voice of a quiet woman sounded in my mind.

"Zongji! Where are you?" Hearing this sound, I suddenly called out.

However, this time, Chongji's voice completely disappeared, and there was only a dead silence around.

"Those bugs just now..." At this time, Nie Chuan came to talk to him.

I nodded to him and said, "Yes, she saved us."

At this time, Daxiong and Nie Chuan looked at me, with some indescribable brilliance in their eyes.

"Strange, in broad daylight, why is it still so dark here? Is it the wrong time for my mobile phone? After a while, Nobita shouted.

I also looked at my mobile phone, and now it is indeed two o'clock in the afternoon.

I don't know what happened, suddenly there was a sound of fire above my head.

Then, a huge fireball fell from the sky.

We were directly under the fireball and hurriedly fled to both sides.