long candle

Chapter 274 Color of reading

"It turned out to be a UFO, and the bronze door can lead to the interior of the UFO, which..." Nie Chuan said to himself incredulously.

But in my heart, I said to myself, "It seems that what Grandpa said in my dream is true. If we haven't come down yet, we must have been taken to an unknown place."

While thanking Grandpa, I thought of what Grandpa said at the end. He said that that's all he could do for me. He had tried his best.

What happened to Grandpa?

Thinking of this, I panicked and said to Nie Chuan, "Xiaochuan, after returning to China this time, can I go home with you and ask about your grandfather's package?"

Nie Chuan was stunned for a moment and said, "What did you think of?"

I shook my head, thought for a moment, and said, "No, I just... want to participate in the investigation."

Nie Chuan did not hesitate and nodded and said, "Of course. I'm worried that I don't have a helper."

At this time, Daxiong said, "Instead of studying what to do back, it's better to think about how we can find Xie Yuting and others."

At this time, Nie Chuan said, "Isn't it easy to find them? I just thought that since the river in the Yaoyuan is a man-made ornamental river, it is bound to pass through other places of the shrine. Even if it does not pass through, it should lead to the outside. As long as we can go out, we can go around the main gate and do it again.

Speaking of which, our purpose is still to avoid the bamboo forest. Although it is a little too cautious to do so, no one is willing to take this risk for the sake of safety.

The idea proposed by Nie Chuan was recognized by the three people. Although the coldness of the river made us shiver when we thought of it, there was only one way.

After deciding to do this, the three of us went straight to the river.

We did a warm-up exercise by the river for a while, and we threw ourselves into the river one by one.

It was night when we fell into the river before, but now in broad daylight, we have observed it from side to side.

As a result, no wall or anything was found on either side, but there was a big bend in the river on the right, like turning to the center of the shrine.

So Nie Chuan and I decided to swim in the direction of the turn.

But after making a decision, I went to Nobita and found that he was missing.

I was surprised at first, but when I thought about it, I immediately understood where this guy had gone.

When he climbed the net wall before, Nobita threw away all his belongings in order to reduce his weight. Now he must go to replenish the goods.

After waiting for a while, Daxiong really floated from the water with a few strings of gold necklaces.

We were speechless for a while, and it was hard to say anything.

Then we swam along the river to the corner.

The scenery on the river bank is not always as beautiful as gravel beaches. The more you get to the front, the more weeds on the river bank, which looks a little messy.

Soon, we swam close to the almost 90-degree bend, and at this time, the river began to become rapid.

In fact, it was normal for the river to be turbulous at the corner, but I suddenly began to become nervous, as if a huge stone was pressed on my chest, and I was a little breathless.

Soon, I found out what made me breathless.

Because in the sun, I actually saw a red creature about two meters wide and five or six meters long under the water was slightly emitting a cold blue light.

So I shouted, "Come on, be careful, there is a super big fish shining in the water!"

The river rumbled in our ears. Although I shouted loudly, the two people next to me didn't seem to hear clearly. They looked at me with doubt and asked me, "Ah? What are you talking about?

I saw that we were getting closer and closer to the big fish and were about to bump into it. At this time, the big fish also opened its mouth and wanted to swallow us.

So I didn't say much, pushed Daxiong and Nie Chuan away to both sides, and then plunged myself into the water.

I tried to dive as deeply as possible in the shortest time, and suddenly felt something hit my back in the chaos.

Fortunately, the thing was soft, and I was able to pass by it.

I dived more than 30 meters before I dared to float up.

When I came out of the water, I saw Nobita and Nie Chuan next to me.

"How did you see that big guy just now? Why didn't I see any big fish glowing? Nobita asked me in panic.

I looked at Nie Chuan, and he also shook his head and said he didn't see it.

At this time, I finally understood that only I could see it. Maybe it was because I absorbed so many thoughts left in the mouth of the giant spider that I could see it.

And the faint luminous substance should be the idea emitted from the organism.

But over the years, there seems to be a color difference. I don't know what the white one represents, and the big fish blue one represents.

I was thinking that there was a sudden surge behind us, and we saw a black dorsal fin coming out of the water, which was the size of a small fishing boat.

"There's no time to talk about it. That guy is catching up!" Nie Chuan shouted to us, and then swam out first.

We hurriedly followed and swam desperately.

But how can people swim over fish? Although we went down the stream and swam fast, the movement of the big fish soon caught up with us.

Daxiong was anxious and scolded, "Damn, I've been being chased for several days. I've killed my aunt and caught a bird. Come on, I'll fight with you!"

Although Nobita is brave, he is definitely not the opponent of such a big fish in the water, so of course we can't let him do it, so we didn't say much, but set him up on both sides and continued to downstream.

Nobita struggled and cursed, slowing down our speed, so the big fish quickly caught up with us.

I cried bitterly in my heart and saw that the sharp teeth of the big fish's mouth had been opened, which was a burst of despair.

But at this time, I suddenly saw a black irregular line blocking our way at the bottom of the water not far away.

This line is twisted like a big fish, but it is obvious that it is not a fish, because it has a kind of light that only chants.

The current we are in has a depression at the bottom of the river, which just forms a rising water flow, so if we are naturally washed over, it is impossible for us to touch the black line.

Even if it is a fish in the water, or floating objects such as water plants, most of them will not touch this line when they pass above this black line.

That is to say, this black line is in a very hidden position.

But now, there is a special situation in this hidden location, that is, a big black fish quickly dives down from us because of the three of us, and then meets the black line.

Because there is a very faint yellowness on the black fish, I can see it clearly. When it touches the black line, it suddenly disappears.

Looking at this situation, I moved, grabbed the collars of the two people, and took them to dive to the black line together.

They don't know what I'm going to do, but they still dive cooperatively.

But in this way, the big fish rushed behind our buttocks.

It opened its mouth wide and bit it down.

This attack has a thousand pounds of power, and the legs of the three of us are already in its mouth. As long as our teeth are closed, we will become half human.

But at this time, we suddenly felt black in front of us.

In less than a second, our eyes suddenly lit up again, and then we found that we were about five or six meters above the ground, and below us was a withered weed, and there were many fish and shrimp and crab corpses among the weeds, spreading a stink.

Before the three of us could think about where it was, they fell from the air and fell into the stinking corpses.

Before we got up, I felt a huge shadow suddenly appear behind me and hurriedly rolled aside.

The other two reacted very quickly, rolling quickly to one side and avoiding the huge black object.

Next, I only heard a thump, as if a thousand pounds of boulder fell to the ground, splashing a puddle of water.