long candle

Chapter 296 Historical Truth

And I really can't figure out what the judge in front of me asked.

So after he asked me, I was immediately dumbfounded and stunned for a long time. I didn't know how to answer.

At this time, the grumpy judge patted the awakening wood again, and his voice became louder and said, "Huhuhuhu?"

In fact, these ghosts and the clothes worn by the judge are quite different from those in Chinese ancient costume dramas. They are all Japanese costumes, so most of what they say may also be in Japanese, so I don't know how to answer.

Seeing that I still didn't say anything, the judge waved his hand and asked several ghosts to come up.

I saw that they were going to hit me with the killing stick, and I was furred at once. I stood up and said to those ghosts, "Stop!"

The ghost really listened to me and listened to it.

I cleared my throat and scolded the judge, "Can you speak more clearly?" If you want to try the prisoner, you can't do it!"

The judge looked so rude and looked angry. He slapped the table and wanted to stand up from the chair.

At this time, there were a few chirping sounds at its feet, and a group of mice ran out strangely.

I looked down and saw that the meat on its legs had been gnawed out by the mouse, revealing a dark bone.

The judge's foot was nibbled like this. He must not be able to stand up. He struggled several times, but still sat down softly.

Although he couldn't stand up, he obviously refused to let me go. With a wave of his hand, the ghosts continued to come to me with their sticks held high.

The ghost walking in the front is about to hit me with a stick. I said to myself that you rotten dead ghosts, where to put your face?

So I got furious, raised my hand and grabbed the stick in the ghost's hand and pulled it hard.

The stick fell off the ghost's hand, and at the same time, it was also staggered by me and fell towards me.

How can I make it throw rotten meat on me? So he raised the stick and hit it aside.

I didn't expect me to work too hard. As soon as it fell to the ground, its head rolled out like a ball.

After the head fell from the neck, the weak thoughts in the ghost's body disappeared in an instant.

"Did I kill someone? No, did you kill a ghost?" I was a little panicked.

At this time, I was not allowed to think too much about it, and I saw more than a dozen other ghosts rushing up.

If you don't do anything, today I will make a scene in hell like Sun Dasheng in those years.

I threw the stick over the ghosts that rushed up one by one with the killing stick. I threw the stick and rushed to the judge.

Those big ghosts outside the court didn't react much when they saw me fooling around, looking at me like dull wooden people.

The group of monkeys were scared and screamed by me, fled around, and roared at me threateningly from time to time.

I've already pissed off. I said that as long as any monkey rushes up, I will strip its hair first.

Thinking about this, I have rushed to the judge.

I said loudly, "I know you are acting. I wanted to cooperate with you. Now that you have gone to hell, you should be tried. Who knows that you want to fuck me, mother, don't blame me for being rude."

I grabbed the pale judge, lifted him up from his seat, threw it on the ground, and then grabbed the life and death book on the table and saw that there was nothing written on it.

So I'm more sure that this guy was messing with me just now.

As soon as I thought of this, I was angry. I said to myself that you guys are not like monsters, ghosts are not like ghosts. Obviously, your strength is so weak, and you have to pretend to be a ghost in this place, which must have harmed a lot of people.

Thinking of this, I tore up the life and death book and kicked over the court.

Several fat mice took the meat on the judge's leg and creaked out from below.

At this time, I saw a string of rusty bronze keys falling to the ground.

The style of the key is very old, which should be very old, a bit like the key of the prison played in the TV series.

Is this the key to the hell prison?

After thinking about it, I looked around and found that behind the judge's chair, there was a flashing wooden door on the left and right, which was dark and seemed to be a little fire.

I know that this is mostly the underpass leading to prison.

Looking at the ghosts and the death and injuries of the judge, the bull's head and horse who caught me were motionless, so he picked up the key and walked into the underpass.

There are bright blue lamps on the wall of this underground passage. It is said that this lamp is made of oil from deep-sea mackerel and can burn for hundreds of years.

However, the brightness of this lamp oil is really low, which is not much different from the dark one.

Looking at these damp green bricks and potholed steps, I know that the age here must be very old.

However, this is still very different from the hell depicted in the book, where evil spirits are imprisoned. No matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary dungeon.

After walking down for five or six minutes, I saw some simple pictures on the stone wall.

It is reasonable that there should be no pictures in the prison, but the situation here looks a little abnormal.

I'm very curious about what kind of pictures will be on the wall of the prison tunnel.

But when I really saw it, I added a lot of doubts to myself.

Specifically, this mural seems to tell me a story.

At the beginning, it was a picture of a group of people shaking dice around a table. It seemed that a group of people were gambling in the casino.

These people are full of faces, and the thin middle-aged man in the center of the picture has a mole on his face, which is easy to remember.

The second picture shows the thin man with a mole on his face standing at the door of the casino with a depressed face. Obviously, this is to say that the thin man has lost all his money, so he is very depressed.

The third painting is a picture of a cringy old woman selling oranges on the street carrying a burden, and the thin man who had just lost all his money stopped the old woman's way and stretched out his hand as if she was looking for money.

I think this old woman should be the mother of this middle-aged and thin man, because her eyes are helpless and desperate.

The fourth picture shows that the thin man came to the casino again, but was stopped by a tall young man in official uniform. Looking at the young man, it seems to be persuading the thin man not to go to the casino.

Strangely, the picture shows this upright-looking official with a fierce-looking kid lying on his shoulder.

The thin man seemed to be very afraid of this thin man and promised not to go to the casino again.

The fifth picture is that the thin man finally couldn't stand **. After the moon rose, he quietly got up and went to the casino.

The sixth picture shows the old woman hanging herself on the beam of her house, and the thin man kneels on the ground and crying.

Seeing this, I already know what this story is going to convey.

However, the seventh painting still surprised me, because the picture shows that the official with the kid brought a group of officers and soldiers, together with the bull's head and horse face, came to the thin man's house and took him away.

In this picture, people and demons seem to be very harmonious. I even saw some ghosts still wearing human official clothes.

What does this mean? Is it possible that people and the ghosts of hell work together to maintain justice and morality in the world?

Looking at the eighth picture, I saw that the thin man was caught in hell, but there were not only judges, but also human officials who interrogated him.

The man was sentenced to death in the oil pan and was tortured to death.

After reading the whole story, I fell into deep thinking and tried to understand the meaning of the picture.

I think that there are also some officials in Chinese history who can communicate with the spiritual world, such as Bao Qingtian interrogating people during the day and ghosts at night. There are also stories of the dragon king who angrily killed the heavenly throne in Wei Zheng's dream.

These stories also seem to be expressing a righteous act that transcends two generations of people and ghosts, and also a compliment to clean officials.

However, since it is a compliment, it means that it is just a kind of exaggerated imagination and cannot be true.

However, the murals here are a little different now, because ordinary people know that hell does not exist, and now, this is the so-called hell, and the hell scene depicted in the picture is the same as here.

So everything recorded in this picture should be true.

Although the deeds in the picture are true, this is not a real hell. Although those judges and ghosts do not know whether they are ghosts or not, they are too weak to uphold justice compared with the legendary hell.

And those fake stones, as well as various props that appear during acting, all show that this seems to be a special arrangement.

This arrangement seems to tell the world that there is really a hell in the world, and if there are really unfilial children like the murals, they will definitely be punished.

I think the person who can come up with this setting must be the king at that time.

The king used some method to imitate the legend to create a hell, and then use it to deter those who have no law and morality, in order to maintain social order and also a way to consolidate the regime.

In the final analysis, the place where I am now is just an agency of the government.

No matter whether there is hell in the world or not, people who have come here must believe it.

What I have to do now is to determine my thoughts and see how those weak ghosts and judges are made.

Continuing to move forward, I suddenly thought of a question.

The word "manufacturing..." just flashed through my mind, but now that I think about it, these two words seem to be the key to the problem.

If the government at that time really had the ability to create judges and ghosts, would the monsters we met before also be created?

But what is the purpose of making them?

The more I think about it, the more excited I feel, because I seem to be approaching a huge historical truth. Maybe the development of the world is a little different from what I thought.