long candle

Chapter 300 Shock

Is it really hard to escape death today? After a burst of despair in my heart, an endless fighting spirit of trapped beasts surged up.

gritting my teeth, I put a bow and arrow on the string, and then shot at the flying black air.

I only heard the arrow pierce through the air and rushed to the black gas like a falcon.

But the black gas did not move at all and rushed to the arrow.

Soon, the arrow penetrated through the black gas, but it was like passing through a group of mosquitoes without any results.

I had already guessed that it would be such a result, and I was not surprised, which made me want the arrow to turn back.

But obviously, I'm still too naive, and my ability hasn't achieved that effect.

The arrow only turned slightly during the rapid flight and then shot at the ground.

I sighed in my heart, but it took me a year to manipulate the arrow through the head of a huge mouse.

The mouse screamed and was immediately killed on the spot.

I kept pulling out an arrow again in my hand, and no longer aimed at the black gas, but at a giant mouse running in the front.

When the arrow was out of hand, I manipulated its direction with consciousness. The arrow fell rapidly like an eagle. When it was about to approach the ground, it suddenly flew parallel to the ground.

The arrow, with strong wind, penetrated through the head of a giant mouse, penetrated the whole body, and then shot into the second one behind.

The arrow penetrated from the second right chest, then pierced out of the left hip, and then inserted into the third eye socket before stopping.

I shot three giant rats directly with this arrow, even I didn't expect it myself.

Looking at the increasingly heavy green fog on my arms, I know that it must be my stronger fighting spirit and strong desire to survive, making my thoughts stronger and stronger.

Sadly, those mice did not seem to be intimidated by my strong momentum, and more mice rushed up one after another.

I couldn't stop shooting three arrows and killing ten of them. When I was sweating profusely, the black gas had rushed to me.

Seeing that it was coming fiercely, I hurriedly put down the bow and arrow in my hand and reached out to block it.

The black target is obviously me, and he doesn't turn around and invade me.

Just as it was about to touch my face, I suddenly felt that my skin was alive and squirmed, and then a white thing like a tongue came out of my mouth.

I know that it is not the tongue, but the Atlantean attached to me. Now it looks round, which means that I have changed back to Nie Chuan.

The Atlantis man wrapped around my neck, like a snake, hissing warning to the black fog in the air.

The black gas seemed to be thoughtful and retreated with a shout.

At this time, I felt my face wriggling again, and the Atlanteans returned to my body.

After the Atlantean returned to my body, the black gas still refused to dissipate, but just circled around me.

I don't dare to approach it, and I can't destroy it. I feel powerless.

looked down and saw that many of the mice had been on the wall, so they no longer care about the black gas, continued to bend bows and arrows, and began to shoot the mice.

My shooting did not effectively kill the number of mice, but the mice that rolled down, together with the bottom, were smashed back to the ground together. In the case of going back and forth, the mice on the four walls could not climb up immediately.

But I kept taking arrows from behind and shooting. When I finally touched my back, there was only one arrow left.

I took out the arrow and pinched it in my hand. I wiped the sweat on my head and looked down and saw that the mice had piled up into a small mountain bag.

And the remaining mice, because of this mountain bag as a stepping stone, are easier to climb up and soon organized an offensive.

Seeing the skilled wall climbing skills of those mice, I looked around and found that there were no more low-end weapons, so I could only pull out the big knife on my back and prepare for the final hand-to-hand combat.

With the knife in my hand, I have gasped like a broken wind box. The hand that pulled the bow and shot the arrow was almost unconscious and kept twitching.

I haven't had this feeling of physical overdraft for a long time, and I actually feel more refreshed.

I no longer looked at the mice that were climbing up. I sat on the ground so that I could rest for a few seconds before the war and said, "Come on, damn beast, come up and kill one."

I closed my eyes and waited for the final battle to come. Suddenly, I thought of a way out of trouble that had just flashed from my mind.

I picked up the last arrow left in my hand and said happily, "For good that I didn't throw you away!"

With a smile, I took out a rope from my backpack as quickly as possible.

Then I stood up and looked at the distance between myself and the opposite watchtower.

In fact, it's not that I haven't considered the idea of climbing with a rope before, but my rope is only ten meters long, and the tower opposite is at least 30 meters away from me, so I gave up this idea.

And even if the rope is long enough, if I climb halfway and the mouse comes up and bites the rope, I will definitely die.

And now, after a few seconds of rest, I finally thought of a way to reach the 30-meter accident place with a ten-meter-long rope in an instant.

This method is actually very simple, but generally in such a critical situation, many people can't think of it.

Thinking, I hurriedly tied one end of the rope to the tail of the arrow.

After making sure that the tie was strong enough, I tied the other end of the rope to my waist.

Then I pulled my bow and aimed the arrow at the top of the hole.

After calculating the distance, I shot the arrow out.

With a sound of the arrow, it was nailed into the wall of the cave above his head.

At this time, countless mice poured into the observation deck. They had red eyes and rushed to me like wolves who had been hungry for a long time.

I knew that I could no longer hesitate at this moment, so I ran in two steps and rushed out.

Running for two steps, a mouse bit at me with its big mouth open.

I hurriedly pulled out the long knife, cut its head in half from the middle, then stepped on its body, jumped up and jumped out of the watchtower.

The wind sounded in my ear, and my body waved a big arc in the air and came to the top of the opposite watchtower.

At the highest point, I cut off the rope with the long knife in my hand and let myself fall firmly on the watchtower.

After landing, I rolled on the ground to cushion my body's momentum when it fell.

Then I hurriedly looked back and saw that the watchtower opposite had been occupied by rats.

Several mice tried to jump, but they all fell from mid-air and died on the spot.

And more mice squeaked at my side, and then climbed down from the watchtower to get on my side.

I know that it is not a way to go on like this. Even if I shift my position, I still can't escape death.

So I hurriedly searched around to see if there was any fire oil or something that could resist it for a while.

As a result, I didn't find fire oil, but two buckets of arrows from the ghost.

However, there is something more useful than fire oil on this watchtower, the launch hook spear!

This hook spear is set up on the stairs like a cannon. Inside is a spear with a four-edging front with a thin arm. Each front has a barbed hook, and the most important thing is a rope behind the spear, which can drag back what is hooked back.

This kind of hook spear is generally common on fishing boats and is generally used to catch large fish, such as whales.

But on land, it's the first time I've seen it. Is it used to capture those large ghosts?

I can't think too much at this moment, because the mice surrounded my watchtower again.

I wiped the surface of the cannon-like hook spear and found that it was well preserved. Looking at the launcher behind it, it could also be used.

So I was overjoyed and struggled to point the muzzle at the mouse crawling this way.

Because they are all running from one tower to another, they can't form a siege like just now. They can only form a huge team to climb over.

So I had no worries and directly pointed the gunpoint at the central position of the team.

After aiming, I immediately pulled hard and heard a bang. The spear flew out with a spiral cyclone.

The weight of this thing is very heavy, and it is very difficult to control it with thought, so I can only turn it in advance.

Kung fu pays off. Under the condition that I tried my best to manipulate, the spear drew a beautiful arc and shot into the mouse group against the ground.

I only heard the sound of brushing, and then there was flesh and blood flying all over the sky. Some of those mice had become pieces of meat without even screaming.

This arrow penetrated the whole mouse team without hindrance and shot a bloody road from the center of the mouse army.

This earth-shaking power obviously shocked these big mice. This time, they all stopped and howled.

The mouse is timid, but now it only relies on the large number, so it dares to attack me so openly.

And now, seeing my companions paying a heavy price, these mice obviously did not expect that I was alone with such a strong strength.

I felt a sense of fear spreading in the mouse group, and soon the team began to loosen.

The mouse divided into several strands and fled to the depths of darkness.

The remaining mice also hesitated for a moment, squeaked and gave up their encirclement of me, and began to evacuate one after another.

Seeing this situation, I was finally relieved and collapsed to the ground.

However, at this time, I saw that the black gas slowly floated towards me.