long candle

Chapter 307 Sea of Gas

Actually, I don't quite understand many of the terms in this book, so I read all the contents before, but I only learned to meditates.

I think that maybe after meditation, I can understand more things, and I can understand the following pictures and texts. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to turn over the book again during this period.

Now calm down and take out the book. Sure enough, the diagram and meditation of the Dantian part are connected, that is to say, I have now practiced the second level of this kung fu.

I think the ancient text above seems to say that if there is extra thoughts in the body, they will swim all over the veins of the body, which is called Zhou Tian.

In the operation of the week, the mind will absorb the mind from the outside world through capillaries. From then on, it will become more and more powerful, and finally deposit in Dantian to form a sea of gas.

When the user needs to mobilize the energy in the sea of gas and then run the Zhoutian in reverse, he can obtain a continuous flow of power.

Seeing this, I touched my stomach and said, "The sea of Qi should be here, but how does it work this Sunday?"

In order to see the rules of Sunday, I tried to condense a layer of mind on my arm.

In fact, the thoughts generated in my body should come from the sea of gas and run in the opposite direction for a week to achieve release, so I should have used Sunday long ago.

But maybe running Sunday in the opposite direction is everyone's talent, as if you were born to eat, but not necessarily cook.

It doesn't seem so easy to start the weekly absorption program.

I tried to recover the thoughts condensed in my hands, but it was very difficult. Those thoughts could penetrate into the body from the pores as I wanted, but they would not flow along the pulse.

I tried several times, but I didn't succeed.

Recalling the feeling of the reflux of mind power caused by energy overflow just now, I found that maybe it is not by external force, which is a natural physiological reaction.

With a long deep breath, I closed my eyes and felt the subtle feelings all over my body.

At this time, I found that in addition to my nose and mouth breathing, the pores all over my body were also closed, as if I were breathing.

This is a wonderful feeling that can only be felt when you enter meditation.

At this time, I stimulated my mind to form a type of fog, and the pores were like a long breath.

In this way, as long as you inhale, you can take back your mind.

Thinking of this, I dispersed all the fog on my hand and turned into small fog particles around me.

Sure enough, these particles were quickly sucked into the pores and then flowed and ran in my blood.

In addition to the mind force fog I created, there are also some wild mind forces distributed around. With the operation of the body every day, these wild particles are also driven by inhaling into the body.

I hardly need to control those mind particles. They automatically converge into a torrent, and then it is like a bottle of sand stirred in water, and eventually it will automatically settle into the sea of gas.

When there are more and more thoughts deposited in the sea of Qi, I feel that my body is stronger and stronger than before.

I think there should be an idea in my body, which may come from absorbing the body of the huge spider essence. This idea is very huge, but now I can only mobilize part of it. After each mobilization, I will rest for a period of time before I can reuse it.

Each consumed thought will gradually return to a fixed value because of my rest and meditation, but it will never increase.

It's like a stream of meat that hasn't been thawed. Through training, I can unfreeze more, but I can only eat so much at a time.

However, now the thought I inhaled through Sunday floats on the surface of frozen meat, and I can mobilize them all.

However, once it is used and cannot be regenerated, I need to meditrate again on Sunday to collect it.

At the same time, I feel that this new foreign mind can accelerate the thawing speed of meat.

With a little excitement, I began to be familiar with using the breathing of pores to increase the energy in my body.

I was like a thirsty little monster, absorbing a lot of energy in the surrounding air, and soon felt a slight tingling in my stomach.

I knew that it might be a feeling that the reserves of mind reached its peak, so I hurriedly stopped Sunday.

Taking a deep breath, I stood up from the ground, and then used this more flexible mind to condense into a thought in my hand at a very fast speed.

At this time, I looked down and saw that this thought was actually fiery red.

It seems that there is still a big difference between the external mind and my own mind in terms of color.

I will call this power of mind the power of nature for the time being.

Soon, I found that this new mind is much better controlled than the mind generated by myself, and the layer condensed in my hand is very stable.

Seeing such a stable thought, I am determined to condense the second layer of thought in my hand as quickly as possible.

In less than a second this time, the second layer of thoughts in my hand condensed successfully and was still very stable.

With a little excitement, I continued to superimpose the third layer on it.

When the third layer reached its peak, I finally felt some hard work.

I gave up the idea of superimposing the fourth layer and walked towards the stone where I made a hole.

This time, I hit the hole I hit, and then split the red mind in my hand.

The red mind is like a blockbuster, which instantly blows the boulder into a flying stone.

And I found that these stones are dragging a long flame tail like meteorites.

I looked at my hand and asked, "This...?"

Looking back at the burning sea of fire, I seemed to understand something.

It seems that there is fire in the air of this place, so there is fire in the mind that I absorb.

Obviously, the flame mind greatly strengthens the power of the move, which is a rare resource.

So I ran another Sunday and absorbed the flame mind to the limit.

While absorbing, I thought, can the four true gods control a natural element because they have practiced such a skill?

What was born in those four jars is not necessarily a monster. Maybe it's just a few ordinary people with strong talent like me.

While thinking nonsense, I stood up again. This time I want to try to superimpose the fourth layer of flame power in my hand.

Once failed, twice failed...

When I failed more than a hundred times, I finally succeeded in superimposing the fourth layer of mind.

This time, it quietly dispersed all four layers of mind power and reabsorbed it back into the body.

Because I know that even if I have practiced the fourth level of mind, I am not the opponent of the white-haired old man.

In fact, I still want to continue practicing, but I didn't expect that Daxiong and others had come out of the tent by this time.

I looked at my watch and unconsciously passed eight hours.

Nobita stretched out and looked at the boulder that was broken into pieces not far away and smoking, and said in a daze, "Damn it, *, you are too powerful, this..."

I smiled and didn't say anything.

Nobita sighed and said, "I dare not provoke you in the future."

Nie Chuan smiled and said, "When I woke up just now, I thought it was just a dream, because the plot was too strange. I didn't expect to wake up and find that you are still there. *. It's up to you to eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the future."

I smiled bitterly and said, "Don't laugh at me anymore. When I have time, I will teach you the method of practice. Although I can't see the words in the book, I can still copy a new one for you."

Nobita almost jumped up with joy and said, "Really? Master Xiong, I haven't read a good book in my life. Even if I work hard this time, I will think through this book.

I smiled and said, "What should we do now? Shall we continue to go deep and find the old man with white hair, or retreat?"

Nie Chuan said, "Liang's revenge can't be revenged, and Xie Yuting still doesn't know the whereabouts. I think he has to continue to go deeper, but this time try to avoid a head-on conflict. No matter how powerful it is, he is not the opponent of the people on the opposite side."

I nodded and said, "I also have this intention. Along the way, I found a lot of clues about monsters. I think monsters may not exist naturally, but created by some people based on myths and legends. This matter may be something that Xie Yuting wants to investigate."

Daxiong nodded and said, "Well, that's a deal, but we have to find food first, otherwise we can't even walk."

I had no choice but to take out the remaining cans and biscuits, and everyone was full.

After eating, I said, "This is the last dry food. If you want to eat good food, you have to take it from the little devil."

Daxiong listened to this and said, "Yes, take back everything they took away in the war."

After saying that, he walked forward carelessly, and Nie Chuan and I slowly followed behind.

Although the spirit is much better after the rest, the injury on Nie Chuan's leg has not improved, so our speed will be relatively slow.

But I'm not in a hurry, because everything we want to investigate is dead. As long as we get to the place, there will be results and we can't run away.

We didn't go far ahead, and we came to another layer of hell...

There are also white bones all over the ground, but we can't see any torture tools.

The strangest place is that in the middle of the ground, there is a gully about one meter deep, all of which are bones with teeth and claws.

"There is no fire oil in this ditch, and there are no poisonous snakes and beasts... What punishment..." I went back to ask the other two people.

However, they all waved their hands and said they didn't know.

There is no choice but to move on and go to the ditch to see what's going on.