long candle

Chapter 317 somersault cloud

"Come on, you can also try to spit one." At this time, Wukong said to me.

I was stunned for a moment and said, "How can I vomit?"

Without waiting for my answer, Nobita came up and said, "I also want to learn!" I want to learn too! This is so awesome. After learning this trick, I went to the nightclub. As soon as I performed casually, countless girls came up. Did you spit out a pattern of heart pounding!"

I pushed him away and said, "Look at your promising ability. You're either farting or picking up your sister. Can you do something to contribute to society?"

"Come on, I don't have such a high awareness. I don't believe you don't have any selfishness." Nobita pouted and said.

"Oi, alle, stop arguing, you can't save the master." Wukong was so angry that he scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Save Master..." A series of question marks appeared on my head at the same time as Daxiong and I.

Wukong covered his mouth and felt that he had said something wrong. Then his eyes turned around, smiled and said, "Nothing, I didn't say anything."

When a monkey lies, he always has such an expression.

In fact, it is not difficult to know the truth. I think we must have entered a chapter in Journey to the West. Tang Monk should have been captured by a monster, and this monster is quite tricky. Wukong wants us to be his helper.

No wonder monkeys want to act with us. It seems that we still have a certain use value.

Seeing our suspicious eyes, Wukong said, "Okay, okay, don't think about it anymore. Do you still want to learn? Do you want to pick up girls?"

I smiled and said, "We will definitely help you with the Great Sage's help. Tell me, how to learn this smoke ring."

Wukong stagnated for a moment. After a while, he said, "It's very simple. Just be careful."

"With your heart?" I asked.

"Yes, close your eyes, experience it with your heart, think about the shape you want to spit out, and naturally spit it out." Wukong said.

Listen to what he said, I took a deep breath of smoke and began to experiment.

Close your eyes, think that you are going to spit out a plane, and then exhale slowly.

What I didn't expect was that as soon as the smoke came out of my mouth, I heard Daxiong shout, "Yes, yes!"

I opened my eyes and saw that the fog I spit out had formed a bow.

However, when he shouted like this, the spit out later did not take shape.

Seeing that Nobita interrupted me, Wukong immediately got angry and took out a golden staff to hit Daxiong.

Is it a joke to hit the golden staff that weighs tens of thousands of pounds?

So Nobita was so scared that he was chased around by Wukong.

Looking at them, I said to myself that I could finally practice with my heart.

So I closed my eyes, adjusted my breathing evenly, and began to spit out smoke seriously.

In a short time, I can spit out a vague boat shape.

I was proud when I suddenly heard Wukong and Nobita suddenly shouting over there.

I turned my head and saw a woman dancing in Nobita's mouth, and the woman was not dressed yet.

Nobita and Wukong were stunned when they saw this illusory woman.

Then Wukong roared like thunder: "Dumb! Unexpectedly, I used my magic to do these crooked evil ways. Look at my grandson except you today.

Nobita coughed violently and began to run again.

I was speechless for a while. I looked at Nie Chuan, who also had a wry smile next to me, and shook my head.

Then I began to practice again, this time trying to condense water vapor into a somersault cloud.

As Wukong chased Daxiong five or six times, I have condensed a somersault cloud about the size of a pillow in my hand.

In fact, this is very simple. There is no need to use the Sunday in the body at all. As long as you control it with your mind, you can complete it quickly.

Wukong accidentally saw it and turned his head and said to me, "That's good, but the speed is still too slow. Keep refueling. When it condenses into a wheel as big as a wheel, I will teach you how to use it."

I nodded and continued to practice.

And Wukong raised his stick again to chase Daxiong.

Later, the two really fought. Nobita used the fire attribute in his body to create a flame to attack Wukong.

And Wukong opened his mouth and spit out a ball of water balloon to disperse the fire.

I think the proportion of Wukong's use of spells will not hurt Daxiong, so I probably know what's going on.

Wukong wants to take this opportunity to exercise Nobita, and I secretly laugh at this.

As time went by, I kept practicing, while Nie Chuan had been meditating beside me.

It didn't take long for the somersault cloud in my hand to form a larger than the wheel and can float not far in front of me.

At this time, Wukong stopped attacking Nobita again and said to me with a little breath, "Okay, it's almost done. It seems that we can go down from this waterfall."

After saying that, he blew a breath on the somersault cloud in my hand, and the cloud slowly floated towards him.

He controlled the somersault cloud slowly drifting to the edge of the cliff until it left the ground and hung in the air outside the cliff.

Then he pointed to me and said, "You can go up."

I looked at the location of the somersault cloud, hesitated for a moment and said, "But if this cloud can't catch me, then I will fall to death."

Wukong scratched his cheek and said, "Go up! Go up!"

I knew that it was unwilling to explain more to me, so I nodded and walked slowly towards the somersault cloud.

"Don't be afraid. This is a somersault cloud created by your own mind. If you can't trust it, it can't carry you to fly." Wukong finally said.

I nodded and slowly walked to the edge of the cliff.

The somersault cloud stopped two meters away from the cliff, and it was not difficult for me to jump over.

So I swallowed my saliva and didn't care so much. I gritted my teeth and jumped towards the somersault cloud.

I almost closed my eyes in the air, thinking that even if I fell into the water, I would not die, so I didn't think so much.

However, what was exciting was that when I fell into the somersault cloud, it caught me firmly.

I just jumped into my sofa.

It didn't take much time to stabilize my body, and I was excited.

But Wukong said, "Don't be too happy too early. Try to move the somersault cloud. I'll count three times and remove the control of this troublemaker."

I heard the three words of troublemaker in his mouth, and my heart was half cold.

Before I could react, the somersault cloud actually carried me and flew out with a bang.

It feels like the power generated when the top sports car is started, and I don't know how to sit in the car, but stand on the roof!

I was so scared that I hurriedly squatted down and grabbed a cloud with my hand.

Although the cloud was soft, it was also caught by me, so that it would not fall from above.

But the cloud seemed to feel pain, as if I grabbed its hair and began to swing left and right to struggle.

This made me a little unrestable. I hurriedly grabbed it tighter and almost lay on the somersault cloud.

The somersault cloud repeatedly turned sharply, and from time to time turned over, which made me dizzy.

Looking at the height of hundreds of meters under my feet, the mountains in the distance kept rotating in front of me. I soon felt a burst of nausea, and the vomit floated out with the wind.

The somersault cloud didn't care about this at all and began to rise higher, and I felt that the ground was getting farther and farther away from me.

I felt that the air was getting thinner and thinner, and I seemed to see Wukong chasing me anxiously.

And at this time, my hand was weak, and I cursed with vomit in my mouth, "You made it. If you don't stop, be careful that I will disperse you!"

The somersault cloud seemed to feel my threat and began to shake more desperately to vent it.

I really have no choice, but I'm still thinking of a way.

Then I said to it, "I'm making a pink somersault cloud for you. Stop it!"

The somersault cloud seemed to understand my words, and then it stabilized and hovered in the air.

I still couldn't help spitting a few times, and all of them floated down from the sky.

It took a while to get better. At this time, Wukong also caught up with Nobita and stopped by my side.

"*, are you all right?" Nobita couldn't help asking when he saw my pale face.

I wiped the corners of my mouth and saw two Daxiong in front of me, so I giggled and asked, "Daxiong, did the Great Sage teach you how to split?"

Nobita said anxiously to Wukong, "It's over, I'm completely stupid. What should I do?"

Wukong slapped his hand in front of his nose and said, "It's not so easy to be stupid. He will be fine. The somersault cloud has been tamed. Let's go and let him fly back by himself."

When I saw them leave, my heart was cold again.

I sat on the somersault cloud for ten minutes before I gradually recovered.

After tidying up my clothes, I said to the somersault cloud, "Don't be naughty anymore. What I promised you will definitely be done, but now I don't have enough power to make two somersault clouds, so you send me back first..."

Before I finished my words, I felt that my feet were empty, and the somersault cloud actually dispersed by itself.

I said to myself that this guy's personality is too fierce, so who dares to summon you out in the future?

After falling for a while, I looked down and was about to fall on the cliff and fall into a meat pie.

Wukong looked at me on the cliff and didn't mean to save me at all.

I was desperate, but at this time, I suddenly felt that my buttocks were soft, and the somersault cloud appeared again.

Gone slowly put me on the ground, and the somersault cloud floated aside by itself.

As soon as I landed, I finally felt at ease. Looking at the somersault cloud, it actually melted into water droplets little by little and soon disappeared.

Wukong looked at my womp and danced on the ground with a smile.

And Nobita said, "Look, the water droplets formed by the somersault cloud seem to be a line of words."

I looked down and saw a line of words on the ground: "I want the ** cloud made by Daxiong..."

This line made me speechless for a while.

This somersault cloud is really the best. It seems that it's better to provoke him less in the future. I can't help smiling bitterly thinking about it secretly.