long candle

Chapter 328 The Way

As soon as the boy heard this, he shook his head like a rattle and said, "No, no, Master knows that I will lead you the way and must kill me."

Nobita pinched his finger, made a click sound, and said, "Oh? Since you don't follow us, don't blame us for being rude. Just now, you insulted my master and breaking your hand is a good deal to you. Say, which hand and which foot to choose.

Although the boy is not young, his heart is similar to that of a child. Hearing Daxiong's words, he was about to cry. He waved his hand and said, "Your excelldon't! Although I can't take you there, I can show you a shortcut. You don't have to climb the tower layer by layer. There are many demons and immortals in the tower that you can't deal with.

I frowned, thought for two seconds, and said, "Then tell me!"

The boy wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, pointed to the tower that fell to the ground in the distance, and said, "That pagoda is a very important pass. I can give it to you first and tell you how to use it. With it, you will naturally find the hidden route in the ghost building."

I looked at the pagoda that fell on the ground in the distance and said, "Well, before we tell us how to use it, what are the fairy monsters locked in this ghost building?"

The boy hesitated for a moment and seemed to be considering whether to say it or not, but under our vicious eyes, he quickly said, "These are all the wastes of the magic researched by Master, but some of them have very strong mana and cannot be destroyed, so Master locked them all here."

"God-making?" The three of us asked at the same time.

The boy nodded and said proudly, "That's an anti-sky spell invented by my master. Master can create any monster that people can imagine. As long as you use the meat of the earth vein dragon ginseng and special witch charms, even the Jade Emperor can make it.

The three of us looked at each other. Obviously, what we guessed before and what Wukong said were very accurate. Sure enough, there was such a thing as making demons.

It's just that I haven't heard that there are still failures in making demons.

"Then what is your master's purpose of making monsters?" I continued to ask.

The boy thought for a moment and said, "I don't know much about this. Maybe it's just for fun?"

Nie Chuan sneered at this time and said, "Is it fun? I don't think it's for fun to build a place similar to hell, with all kinds of torture tools and performance. This must want his divine power to create a rule ruled by him, right?

The boy shook his head and said, "If you don't know Master, don't talk nonsense. My master is a very lazy person. He usually doesn't want to do anything but practice. He won't want to rule the world. This hellish place was not created by him. On the contrary, this hell existed before we came here. And there used to be a group of strange people living here, with high magic power. The master was originally not to violate the river with their wells, but later they heard that the master had created the magic. They took the initiative to come to cooperate with the master and created a series of ghosts and judges according to myths and legends. After making these, the master has never intervened in the hell, and it is left to the group of weirdos to deal with.

The boy paused and said, "Once, about 300 years ago, another wave of strange people came here with a disk-like magic weapon and quarreled with the strange people who used to live here. Later, they fought, and then these two groups disappeared, and hell was barren. It's useless."

The person on the disk? A set of pictures flashed in my mind and thought of Atlantis.

So I asked, "Are those strange faces particularly long and wearing black robes?"

The boy shook his head and said, "I'm late. I don't know. These are what the brothers said. You'd better ask the master what they look like."

Seeing the boy's explanation of the situation, we have solved a big mystery in our hearts.

We also asked what should be asked. We still need to find the wind fairy to know the answer, so I said to the boy, "Get out of here after saying how to use the pagoda."

The boy pointed to the pagoda and said in embarrassment, "I have to hold it in my hand to teach you."

Daxiong was angry, grabbed the boy's collar and said, "What if you accept us with that tower?" Don't cheat me, SUPER Xiong."

The boy frowned and said, "Well, can you take it to me?" I have to spell it up close.

Nobita looked at me, then I looked at the boy again, and then nodded and said, "Bred it here."

Nobita walked over, carefully picked up the pagoda and said, "It's so cold!"

After a few steps, he said, "It's so light!"

Walking quickly to us, Nobita took the pagoda far away from his body, like holding a bomb that would explode at any time.

Standing three or four meters away from the boy, Nobita stopped and said angrily, "Is this distance okay?"

The boy didn't say anything, but read a word to the pagoda.

After less than two seconds, I saw the roar of the pagoda, and a purple flame ignited outside, which was more than two meters high.

I was shocked and hurriedly took out the dagger given by the little brother, pointed it at the boy's neck, and said, "What's going on! Don't play tricks!"

The boy seemed to be very afraid of the knife in my hand and said nervously, "Take it away!" I'm just casting a spell, and I won't hurt that fat man!"

I looked up and saw that Nobita, who was holding the pagoda, was just stunned and was not burned by the sudden flames.

At this time, I remembered that only I could see the specific image of the burst of mind, and they couldn't see it.

I only heard Nobita say, "*Don't be excited. It will be miserable if the children let the pagoda explode later. Now I just feel that the pagoda is a little cold."

I looked back at the boy and saw that his eyes were a little guilty. I guessed that he might have really wanted to be bad for Daxiong just now, but I was scared back before it took effect.

But now, I have seen the incomparable fear in the boy's eyes, which shows that he should not have the courage to lie to me anymore.

So I slowly removed the knife from his neck. He seemed to be relieved and continued to recite the spell.

At this time, the purple flame slowly returned to the pagoda, and the whole tower slowly floated with white light.

The boy's expression looked a little fleshy. His face cramped and said, "Well, now you follow the pagoda. It will show you the way, so I'll go first. But before you reach the top floor, I will come to take the pagoda back, otherwise I can't pay for my master.

After saying that, the boy stood up and bowed to one of us, as if he was afraid that we would regret not let him go, and ran into the darkness.

Daxiong had a big hand and wanted to stop the boy, but I caught him.

I said to Daxiong, "Being is a virtue of the Chinese nation. Although the boy is not simple, since we have promised him, we should let him go."

As soon as I finished speaking, a boy's voice came from the darkness not far away: "This time it's a bargain for you. If your demon wind hadn't blown away my mind, you wouldn't have defeated me at all. Wait, even if you knew the shortcut, I wouldn't have made you feel good!"

When Nobita heard this, he was so angry that he ran up in three steps and two steps. As a result, there was no one else?

At this time, I saw that the pagoda turned into the size of a palm and had been floating above my head. It seemed that I was regarded as the object of help.

So I chased Nobita and walked over.

At the end of the house, it is the stairs leading to another floor.

When I came to the front of the stairs and saw Nobita cursing at the top of the stairs, I said to him, "If you can't catch up, don't chase me. When we come up, don't walk alone."

Daxiong looked back at us and said, "It's not that we can't catch up. If it hadn't been for this situation, I would have caught him long ago. Come and have come and have a look."

Hearing what he said, the two of us went up the stairs with doubt.

We came to the top of the stairs and looked into the door. We were all stunned.

Because there is no complete floor on this floor at all, but there are large and small holes on the floor, which are more than ten meters wide and bottomless.

In front of us, there is an irregular pit about 12 meters wide and 10 meters long. We looked down. Obviously, it was not the floor we just came to, but countless black fog floating in the deep pit, and we didn't know where it led to.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Nie Chuan touched his chin and said, "I think it may be the wind fairy's mind is chaotic, so this floor is also messy. After all, this illusory building was formed by his thought."

I nodded and said, "It's possible, but it may also be a deliberately designed trap."

Nie Chuan said, "No, no one usually comes here at all. He doesn't need to make this trap."

Nobita interrupted, "It doesn't matter what it is. The key is that we have to find a way to get there now. I still want to catch the boy back and beat him!"

I knew what Nobita said was reasonable, so I looked at the pagoda floating overhead.

The pagoda seemed to hear my voice and slowly moved forward to the sky of the deep pit.

At this time, the purple-red light in its body lit up again and became more and more prosperous.

This time, even Nobita saw this light and couldn't help covering their eyes with their hands.

When the strong light completely dissipates, we see that above the deep pit, there are connections with probably arm thickness.

The connection belt looks like it was formed by ice, and you can't see it clearly if you don't look carefully.

If ordinary people see these channels, they will definitely have a headache, but now we are no longer ordinary people.