long candle

Chapter 338 Mia

However, the corpse seemed to be more powerful than me. When I slowly rubbed back, it pulled me forward again.

My heart was half cold. When I didn't know what to do, fortunately, Nie Chuan ran up, raised my arm and dragged me back.

The strength of the two finally defeated the body with only half a face and flesh.

The two of us pulled the body out of the pile.

When he came out of the corpse pile, we obviously heard something creaking and breaking.

At the same time, the toothy body also stopped in an instant.

Nie Chuan and I sat on the ground and rested for a long time before we recovered.

At this time, Nie Chuan asked me very irritablely, "What nerves did you just have? You went there without knowing the truth clearly. Do you know how dangerous it is?"

I looked at him indifferently and didn't say anything.

When Nie Chuan saw me like this, his face became a little angry.

I know he is very upset now and wants to solve the things here as soon as possible and then go out.

But his attitude has never been so bad. Something must have happened.

If I change my usual, I will definitely care about him and ask him what happened, but now, I'm really in a bad mood.

Because of the long-faced thing just now, it really left a deep shadow on me and almost couldn't cheer me up.

Now I'm thinking: If everything I just saw is true, how did I die and how was I made into an experiment by a long-faced person after death? Will I suddenly die like the others in that greenhouse, and then the world will turn dark?

Why don't I even know I'm dead? Do I still have a chance to come back to life? What is the purpose of the long-faced people keeping our thoughts in the world?

Countless worries, fears and questions swirling in my mind, almost making my whole brain explode.

At this time, Nianchuan took a deep breath of the stinky air, as if he forcibly suppressed his anger, and said to me, "The body seemed to be connected by something just now. It lost its signs of life after we tore it off. Do you want to check it now?"

I still just glanced at him and didn't say anything.

In the fire, I saw my reflection in his eyes.

My cheeks are thin and my eyes are deep. The place that should have been white is now covered with red blood, which is extremely terrible.

I was shocked by my appearance, but I didn't say anything in the end.

Squatted aside, grabbed his hair hard, massaged his temples, and calmed himself down.

Then I said to Nie Chuan in a hoarse voice, "Look..."

Nie Chuan looked at me deeply, and even moved his lips with some fear. Finally, he asked me, "Are you all right, *..."

I still didn't say anything, just rubbing my chicken coop-like hair.

After a while, Nie Chuan said to me, "There is a tube here, which enters the body from the tail vertebrae and seems to penetrate the whole spine. Do you want to have a look?"

I slowed down for three seconds before I slowed down.

When he came over, Nie Chuan was carrying the rotten skin behind the body with the saber in his hand.

He cut the black skin little by little, and I saw that the tube coming in from the tail vertebrae was about as thick as his little finger.

After entering the human body, it plunges into the spinal cord.

Normally, we can't see the inside of a normal person's spine clearly, but the body has been rotten for a long time, and there are many gaps in the spine, so we can see that the tube has been passing through the spine and extending into the brain.

When I saw this tube, I suddenly remembered the tube that was inserted into our body from the back of my neck in the fantasy. Suddenly, I felt an inexplicable nausea and began to vomit.

When Nie Chuan saw me like this, he was fine, but now he also vomited.

The thinness of us means that we must have not eaten for a long time in the hallucination, and we don't know what we have lived on for so long.

So we vomited a few times and didn't spit out anything, but our nose and tears surged up together, making us feel uncomfortable.

After vomiting for a while, I said to Nie Chuan, "No, I can't stand it anymore. Let's go out. I don't want to investigate anything. I just want to go back and have a good sleep now."

Nie Chuan grabbed me at this time and said, "No... It's not easy to get some eyebrows. How can you walk away like this... This tube must not grow from the corpse, nor does it look like a parasite. It should be the tentacles of some kind of creature living in the corpse."

I vomited a few times and said, "No matter what kind of creature it is, let's get out of here!" I don't want to stay for a moment."

After saying that, I walked in the direction of stumble, and my attitude was very decisive.

In the past, I was the most adventurous. Even if I die, I have to find out, but this time, I have suffered too much psychological blow and I just want to escape from here quickly.

It's better to find a safe place to sleep after going out, and then find that everything that happened before is just a dream.

But things didn't seem to go as I wanted. When I just walked a few steps forward, I heard Nie Chuan shouting behind me: "*! Wait! That egg-like thing seems to be slowly rising!"

Hearing what he said, I couldn't help but be curious and looked back.

Then I said to myself, "My God, this is not an egg. Obviously, it is the pit that was originally concave, which is slowly bulging."

Seeing this situation, I knew that the situation was not good, so I shouted to Nie Chuan, "Don't look at it. The things below are coming out!"

Nie Chuan refused to leave, and turned back to me and said, "Is this right! We don't have to go to the bottom of the pit to know what the Dome is!"

I feel that I can't communicate with Nie Chuan anymore. He is simply a desperate person for the truth.

But when I wanted to go up and pull him, I suddenly stretched out a dry hand from the ground and grabbed my ankle.

The strength of that hand was so strong that my nails fell into my flesh.

I screamed in pain and hurriedly bent down and cut off the hand with a knife.

But at this time, I found that my hands were constantly stretched out from under the surface, forming a grass composed of human hands, but it was difficult for me to walk.

Nie Chuan's feet were also caught by his hands, but he seemed to be ignorant. He looked at the giant egg slowly rising from the pit with almost dementia and looked more and more excited.

At this time, I saw that the nasty corpses that had been flying around had dispersed one after another, and there was a creepy ghost crying sound in the air.

The cry was like thousands of ghosts crying together, which was deafening and challenging the bottom line of my nerves.

I was so terrcered that I didn't know what was going to happen, so I had to plug my ears with my hands first.

At this time, the black giant egg in the corpse has risen to a certain height, and I can see that this thing is not actually an egg.

In fact, the shape of this thing is a bit like two plates fastened together, which is flat, and the more it goes down, the bigger it gets.

We stand on its side and look like the shape of an egg.

As the thing got higher and higher, the pile of corpses gradually changed from the original depression to the bulge. The bodies on it, like when there was a mudslide, the falling rocks on the mountain rolled down from all directions.

However, halfway through, he was dragged by a tube growing from the inside, and then hung in the air, swinging around with his teeth and claws.

We are almost out of breath to see what happened.

It's so weird and shocking that we can only exclaim, and we can't say anything.

That thing has been growing so high and has been raised to a height of more than 20 meters.

At this time, we finally found that this thing is indeed not an egg.

is a shell with white stripes.

The mouth of the shell is opened downward, forming a mountain-like shape.

At the top of the mountain, there are 20 meters of human and animal corpses.

It looks like a shell spit out a dead mountain, which is particularly strange.

With the faint light of the flashlight, we can't see how the inside of the corpse pile is connected by those black pipes.

At this time, the shell's open mouth suddenly emitted a white light.

Then, the light is like a fork of a big tree, slowly outlining the image of the tubular objects distributed in the corpse pile.

At this time, I found that all the tubular objects extend from the mouth of the shell.

It was originally an extremely thick shellfish, which gradually separated many branches, and the end of each branch was connected to a corpse.

I think it is these tubular shellfish that grow into the brains of the corpses, give them immortal vitality, and let these corpses hunt all the lives around them to provide nutrition for each other, make themselves bigger and bigger, and finally form such a scale.

What a wonderful symbiotic relationship is this? It's a miracle of nature.

I was thinking about it, and at this time, a white breath suddenly spewed out from behind the buttocks of the shell.

The white gas was very light, slowly permeating the air, then faded, and finally disappeared.

At this time, Nie Chuan turned back and said to me, "I know what this is. In fact, we all know it, but no one has ever seen it. I didn't expect it to exist in this way. It's really wonderful! This is a big discovery in the biological world!"

Hearing what he said, I searched all the information about shellfish in my mind and soon knew what it was.

Nie Chuan and I said almost at the same time: "This is the legendary Mia! It is an ancient creature that can make people hallucinate.